SBC meets in NC; numbers of saved have dwindled.

When you get old, sex is just about irrelevant in a marriage.

Unless you're in a healthy marriage of course. Although you might not be aware of it, being intimate isn't about wiggling the little chap around for 3 seconds and then rolling over and going to sleep, but about a sensual bonding of two people deeply in love - and most certainly a lot of fun, whether you're actually married or not.

In healthy relationships, this will continue well into 'old age'.

Still, Snake the sex doctor, (you know why they call me Snake heh?), will help you out a little..

Take the old dear out for a nice romantic meal - buy her flowers, get those dudes with the violins to come play, order a $100 bottle of red, some oysters.. Take her home - run her a lavender and ylang ylang bath, give her a nice sensual back massage and then with all the grace and charisma you can muster, stick it to her.

Good luck.
Okay... on topic ...

A man was standing on the fence of a bridge, high above a river, ready to jump into sure death.
Another man came by, and said, "Don't jump! I am a Christian, I can help you!"
The man on the fence paused, and asked, "You are a Christian? I am a Christian too!"
Replied the other one, "What church are you? I am a Baptist."
Said the one on the fence, "A Baptist? So am I! Are you Southern or Northern Baptist?"
And the other one, "Southern. And you?"
"Me too! What a coincidence!" said the one on the fence.
Said the other, "Oh, how wonderful! But let me ask you this. Which Convention are you, the 1926 or the 1965?" [I apologize if I didn't get the numbers right, but they go in roundabout so]
Said the one on the fence, "I am of the 1965 convention. And you?"
"Oh, me too, me too! ... But which revision are you?" was worried the other one.
"I am of the third revision," said the one on the fence.
"Heretic!" yelled the other one, and pushed him over.