Best evidence strongly suggests that many years ago the earth was struck by some natural disaster and has been dying ever since. This may have been a huge meteor striking the earth, a shift in the suns magnetic fields affecting the Earth, or many other theories could be correct. If all human life had disappeared at the time of the disaster, or never later appeared, did you know this would still be a dying planet? The world is dying even without us! As earth born people and a natural part the world, view ourselves as the only possible saviors and not the destroyers of our own planet.
The unchecked result of planetary evolution can now be seen by modern technology. Natural forces, if left alone, will lead the Earth into the same condition as our neighboring planets, dead and lifeless rocks. Only direct and intelligent action can reverse the direction.
Geology reveals a once tropical Earth with food and plants in abundance. Then something happened that changed the climate forever. Figuratively speaking, the Earth became a less complex living organism because a variety of species were lost. In other words, all life on Earth breaking down. Survival in this world became a struggle for both animals and plants. Adaptation to the new and scarce food environment became a never-ending search for provisions, weakening surviving species of the disaster even further. A sick and dying planet fails to provide a healthy diet. Starvation, disease and defects soon became common. Some of the survivors learned to accept the radically altered environment by becoming predators. Meat eaters became dominant in the alleged “food chain” of self-serving creatures. Weather patterns also became hostile. Periodic droughts followed by famine, then flooding washing away the topsoil, has further reduced most vegetation to coastal areas and floodwater regions. Geological evidence also reveals that harsh conditions led to extinctions with fewer and weaker species surviving. Because starving animals and humans have been forced to devour the remaining trees and shrubs and even each other, it can be said that all life on Earth is in danger of extinction as we eat our way to death. And with the carnage so vast after the natural disaster, seawaters quickly became salty. Dead animals and plants washed down by erosion turned fresh water seas into the saltwater oceans of today. Most of the earth is now, already, baron and desolated waste areas of ice, saltwater and sand. Nor has any new species ever been shown coming into existence since the disaster struck. Nor can any species evolve upwards under such difficult and hostile conditions because the greater complexity available before the disaster is necessary for developing the most complex life. Truly the Earth became a sick and dying world.
Thus fossil fuel burning is not causing the problem. Although some animal and human activities accelerate the dying process, it’s also true that life in general has been trapped by the disaster's price tag of survival of the fittest, the most vicious wins, and the predator-prey relationship existing in a brutal world. Mother Earth, what a Bitch
The unchecked result of planetary evolution can now be seen by modern technology. Natural forces, if left alone, will lead the Earth into the same condition as our neighboring planets, dead and lifeless rocks. Only direct and intelligent action can reverse the direction.
Geology reveals a once tropical Earth with food and plants in abundance. Then something happened that changed the climate forever. Figuratively speaking, the Earth became a less complex living organism because a variety of species were lost. In other words, all life on Earth breaking down. Survival in this world became a struggle for both animals and plants. Adaptation to the new and scarce food environment became a never-ending search for provisions, weakening surviving species of the disaster even further. A sick and dying planet fails to provide a healthy diet. Starvation, disease and defects soon became common. Some of the survivors learned to accept the radically altered environment by becoming predators. Meat eaters became dominant in the alleged “food chain” of self-serving creatures. Weather patterns also became hostile. Periodic droughts followed by famine, then flooding washing away the topsoil, has further reduced most vegetation to coastal areas and floodwater regions. Geological evidence also reveals that harsh conditions led to extinctions with fewer and weaker species surviving. Because starving animals and humans have been forced to devour the remaining trees and shrubs and even each other, it can be said that all life on Earth is in danger of extinction as we eat our way to death. And with the carnage so vast after the natural disaster, seawaters quickly became salty. Dead animals and plants washed down by erosion turned fresh water seas into the saltwater oceans of today. Most of the earth is now, already, baron and desolated waste areas of ice, saltwater and sand. Nor has any new species ever been shown coming into existence since the disaster struck. Nor can any species evolve upwards under such difficult and hostile conditions because the greater complexity available before the disaster is necessary for developing the most complex life. Truly the Earth became a sick and dying world.
Thus fossil fuel burning is not causing the problem. Although some animal and human activities accelerate the dying process, it’s also true that life in general has been trapped by the disaster's price tag of survival of the fittest, the most vicious wins, and the predator-prey relationship existing in a brutal world. Mother Earth, what a Bitch