Saudi King to launch inter-faith meet

Yeah, but like mass murdering atheists, there is no guarantee that people's beliefs will be consistent with behaviour.
What does the Universal Church of Islam inviting the Universal Church of Scientology have to do with murdering atheists?
What does the Universal Church of Islam inviting the Universal Church of Scientology have to do with murdering atheists?

If I can answer on SAM's behalf, Islam executes apostates. It in their good book to do so
Yeah, but like mass murdering atheists, there is no guarantee that people's beliefs will be consistent with behaviour.

Why are you a scientist S.A.M?

iceaura said:
If you assign behaviors as racial characteristics, and edit your history carefully.

It's part of the contemporary world view to see blacks as completely innocent victims and whites as guilty of all the worlds problems. Arabs fall in between, depending upon who's agenda you follow.

The media has a terrifying amount of power to shape attitudes and history, and sometimes we refuse to admit that we are beholden to that power.
Why are you a scientist S.A.M?

It's part of the contemporary world view to see blacks as completely innocent victims and whites as guilty of all the worlds problems. Arabs fall in between, depending upon who's agenda you follow.

The media has a terrifying amount of power to shape attitudes and history, and sometimes we refuse to admit that we are beholden to that power.

There is a sense in which the Bible and the Koran are/ were media in that their message forms people's behaviour. What's new ?
I think this guy is alright. He is taking charge and pushing for change and that can only be a good thing.

Did you read this?

"restore respect for religious values."

That cannot possibly be a good thing. Religious "values" contradict each other, are cruel and immoral and have caused a lot of bloodshed throughout history.
Let's count the number of times faiths have met where no battle ensued.

... ?

Sure. Its a constant. All materialists are atheists. And they think its okay to kill one year olds. Look around, who is occupying other countries? Who is bombing civilians?
Sure. Its a constant. All materialists are atheists. And they think its okay to kill one year olds. Look around, who is occupying other countries? Who is bombing civilians?

She's lost it again. Spin round and round. :runaway: :crazy:
You're the one who thinks respecting people's beliefs is not required in civilised society. Thats the first step of genocide.

Shaking off an ideology that has placed mankind into slavery for centuries is the first step to killing everyone off? Spin round.

Yeah, lets try atheism, that has such a GREAT track record.

Well, using rationale and reason as opposed to blind faith might have better effects in trying to run the world.

No track record currently exists.
Yeah unlike those who had faith on the Marxist ideal of a perfect society. Based on science and equality, it seems, without the "delusions" of religion. Thanks, I'll keep mine. Why did you leave yours?
Yeah unlike those who had faith on the Marxist ideal of a perfect society.

Here we go again. Idiot.

You were placed here by the admins to fuck with everyone, weren't you? No one could possibly be so stupid.