Saudi Arabia Bans Dog Walking


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
I can't imagine ever living here. When the simplest things become sexualized, how....why....who wants to live like this? Do the Saudis even have a breaking point?

Saudi Arabia Bans Dog Walking in Capital

Saudi Religious Police Ban Dog Walking, Sales of Dogs and Cats, Fearing Men Use Them to Flirt

In their zeal to keep the sexes apart, the kingdom's religious police say they have begun enforcing a ban on the sale of cats and dogs as pets and walking them in public because men use the animals to hit on women.

Every single man knows: Walking a dog in the park is a sure babe magnet. Saudi Arabia's Islamic religious police, in their zeal to keep the sexes apart, want to make sure the technique doesn't catch on here.

The solution: Ban selling dogs and cats as pets, as well as walking them in public.

The prohibition went into effect Wednesday in the capital, Riyadh, and authorities in the city say they will strictly enforce it — unlike previous bans in the cities of Mecca and Jiddah, which have been ignored and failed to stop pet sales.

Violators found outside with their pets will have their beloved poodles and other furry companions confiscated by agents of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, the official name of the religious police, tasked with enforcing Saudi Arabia's strict Islamic code...
If I recall correctly, Mohamad was not a fan of dogs. He only supported the use of working dogs. Dogs are unclean animals and can interfer with prayers if they are between the individual offering a prayer and Mecca.

Dogs also stop angels. Mohamad was not a fan of cannines.
If I recall correctly, Mohamad was not a fan of dogs. He only supported the use of working dogs. Dogs are unclean animals and can interfer with prayers if they are between the individual offering a prayer and Mecca.

Dogs also stop angels. Mohamad was not a fan of cannines.

Actually, there is a hadith about a prostitute and a dog. Try to recall that one. :rolleyes:
How stupid.

Babies are probably more of a "babe magnet". What's going to be next? Men are going to be banned from walking in public with their small babies and children?:rolleyes:
What the religious police say is not necessarily law. As usual, when its about Muslims, you can pretty much get away with saying anything

The prohibition went into effect Wednesday in the capital, Riyadh, and authorities in the city say they will strictly enforce it — unlike previous bans in the cities of Mecca and Jiddah, which have been ignored and failed to stop pet sales.
What the religious police say is not necessarily law. As usual, when its about Muslims, you can pretty much get away with saying anything

I don't really think it matters much if it is religious or not religious. If the religious police say it is ilegal and you wind up in jail, I'd say you lost. And for all intent and purposes it is illegal by way of the religious police.
I don't really think it matters much if it is religious or not religious. If the religious police say it is ilegal and you wind up in jail, I'd say you lost. And for all intent and purposes it is illegal by way of the religious police.

No, not necessarily, they don't really have that much power in Mecca, forget about Riyadh.

How would they ever enforce it?

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Pretty extreme.

You've got to be kidding.

Norsefire, how is this different from your way of running society? What, so you just happen to like dogs or something? This is a perfect example of government oppression. Whether the policy manages to survive or not, it still illustrates the consequences of totalitarianism.
You've got to be kidding.

Norsefire, how is this different from your way of running society? What, so you just happen to like dogs or something? This is a perfect example of government oppression. Whether the policy manages to survive or not, it still illustrates the consequences of totalitarianism.

Hear! Hear!
No, not necessarily, they don't really have that much power in Mecca, forget about Riyadh.

How would they ever enforce it?

It's not the question about the difficulty in their enforcing it. The main issue is that it was brought in at all or even suggested it.

and authorities in the city say they will strictly enforce it — unlike previous bans in the cities of Mecca and Jiddah, which have been ignored and failed to stop pet sales.
While previous bans may have failed, why even have such a ban in the first place? I mean honestly, banning pets? And now, banning walking pooch in public just in case it attracts attention from the opposite sex?

It is ridiculous in the extreme.
It's not the question about the difficulty in their enforcing it. The main issue is that it was brought in at all or even suggested it.

While previous bans may have failed, why even have such a ban in the first place? I mean honestly, banning pets? And now, banning walking pooch in public just in case it attracts attention from the opposite sex?

It is ridiculous in the extreme.

Why? They are entitled to have laws they want. If the people of the place don't want the laws thats a different matter entirely, but its their society, not yours.

What is that a picture of?

Its the Kingdom Center, Riyadh. Its supposed to be an iconic representation of Saudi Arabia

Here is another view of it:

Why? They are entitled to have laws they want. If the people of the place don't want the laws thats a different matter entirely, but its their society, not yours.

So you don't think bans on buying pets or walking Rover out in public is ridiculous? Or were you saying "ridiculous" earlier on in the thread at the fact that it will probably make some blogs run hot?

Yes, I know it is their country, religion and laws and not mine. Does not mean that I am not entitled to an opinion on it. Still does not take away from the fact that it is insane to inflict such restrictions on the population.

Its the Kingdom Center, Riyadh. Its supposed to be an iconic representation of Saudi Arabia
It looks like a razor blade.:p
So you don't think bans on buying pets or walking Rover out in public is ridiculous? Or were you saying "ridiculous" earlier on in the thread at the fact that it will probably make some blogs run hot?

Yes, I know it is their country, religion and laws and not mine. Does not mean that I am not entitled to an opinion on it. Still does not take away from the fact that it is insane to inflict such restrictions on the population.

It looks like a razor blade.:p

I think they can have any laws they want in their own society. All this judgemental imposition by western society is what has caused the troubles in so many parts of the world today.