Satans little helpers


Valued Senior Member
I believe that the thoughts of atheists on this forum are not open to discussion, they are only here to attempt to discredit God and the people who believe in God. They are working for evil in their attempts to scoff at the world and it's beliefs, they are not interested in Muslims, Jews or Christians as people. Their only purpose is to try to squash out any beliefs a believer holds. They are not open to any conversation that confirms God. They laugh, they blaspheme, they argue, they try to kill hope and faith, they try to extinguish any flicker of belief a religious person may hold, who else but the Devil could work like this. Athiests are truly satans little helpers.

I have also noticed that these atheists are very knowledgeable in the Christian faith. Now why would someone go to the trouble of studying something so intensely just to discredit it? I think it is because they are ultimately anti-Christian, not just atheist. If I didn't believe in something, I wouldn't go to the trouble of learning everything about it just to try and discredit the idea, that would be a waste of effort unless there is a motive behind it., and that motive here is to do the work of the devil, and to do evil work with evil words.

I do not hate people like this, but I do pity them. It must be an empty shallow life living without God. Although an atheist wouldn't say so, of course he wouldn't, would he/she?
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Laughing? Indeed!

Death will tremble...

"For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command or faith a dictum. I am my own God. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us."

- Charles Bukowski

(emphasis added)


Maybe some of them know a lot about Christianity because they have been Christian.
Now why would someone go to the trouble of studying something so intensely just to discredit it?
They don't. They are genuinely looking for answers to the ultimate questions and a quest for truth.

Christianity fails to offer any truth.
It must be an empty shallow life living without God
Ahh so you have no idea what it is like to be an atheist. It sounded like you were speaking from ignorance, now we know for sure.

Life without God is a life free of guilt and free of the fear of an evil tyrannical creator who threatens people with eternal torture if they do not blindly and mindlessly obey his oppressive and totalitarian commands.

Life without God is the freedom to explore the myriad other possibilities that could explain the universe, as is normal for people who have opened their minds to any and all possibilities.

Life without God is the freedom to think for oneself rather than have to submit to the mind numbing indoctrination of fanatical religious zealotry and bigotry.

I could go on since the list is endless.
I believe that the thoughts of atheists on this forum are not open to discussion, they are only here to attempt to discredit God and the people who believe in God.
And you are here because……..

Judging by this thread you are here to discredit atheists who do not believe in God, and judging by your other posts where you use significant abuse you also appear not open to discussion.

You appear no better than the claims you are making for atheists?

And why are you here, you used to be a Christian, now your not. So unlike the others who have explained that they are here to find out about Christianity by questioning it, you are only here to discredit Christianity.

And why are you here, you used to be a Christian, now your not. So unlike the others who have explained that they are here to find out about Christianity by questioning it, you are only here to discredit Christianity.
No, I show no favoritism, I’ll attempt to discredit any irrational belief system that can cause harm to humanity and hence myself.

But really I am here as part of a minority to defend truth and freedom against the attacks by the ignorant, gullible, and superstitious religious majority. A potentially futile fight against overwhelming odds, I think that is a quote from the Last Star Fighter, of course he won in the end.

On the other hand I really want to promote Transhumanism but the concepts are still very new and it’s going to take a while before that philosophy spreads. In the meantime I may as well join in any spare debates going on.

On the other hand I just like debating and there is no fun unless one has an opposing view. The material is largely irrelevant.

On the other hand (4th hand I think) I enjoy learning from the more intelligent members here, such as Raithere, James, tiassa and especially Boris who unfortunately doesn’t post here anymore.

There comes a point when one has studied so much that a conclusion becomes clear, I believe it is called an epiphany. So at this point in my life I can see that all ideas concerning the supernatural are based entirely on human imagination. They are fantasies. That is the basis of every religion.

Many here are still learning and I also have learnt a lot from being here for the past 3 years. If I ever had any doubt about religions then that is now gone, religions contain no useful truths about ultimate questions.

So why am I here? To practice learning how to deal with religionists such as yourself, and religious institutions that threaten the survival of the human race. It is less about trying to convince you that you are wrong but more about understanding the threat that people like you pose. The greater your degree of sarcasm, ranting, and claims that atheists are evil the more foolish you look and the greater my conviction that you have no case. It has been said that more people become atheist after reading the bible than through any other cause. I can see how that could be true.

I have no real interest in learning more about religion, unless it helps, but only in learning how to fight against such parasitic institutions and help towards their destruction. The future of the human race lies through science and technology, as it has always done, and religions have always blocked such progress and must be prevented from doing so again.

I hope that helps.
I always liked that song, thanks stu.

*Xev hops away, singing "the Unholy drives on purity, on priests and virgins"*

It must be an empty shallow life living without God

You must be a bitter, sexually frustrated man to willingly be the slave of something that doesn't even exist.

I pity you.
"they are only here to attempt to discredit God and the people who believe in God. "

Its excellent that you come here and immediately stereotype atheists on this site. Your a super guy:bugeye: !

"They are working for evil in their attempts to scoff at the world and it's beliefs"

If you would kindly think for a couple seconds about us writing exactly what you wrote except whenever you say religion, we say science (in effect writing the opposite side). Wouldn't you then say that we are being closed minded and ignorant of the other's beliefs?

Which makes more sense: that we are evil and are being controled by the devil OR that we legitamately have never "felt" god and see the bible as a book of psuedo-truths and myths?

"They are not open to any conversation that confirms God."

Well, why do you think so? Is it because you say we refute the existance of god? You refute the possibility that god DOES NOT exist! We need evidence; I don't know if you are one of those atheists that say there is evidence of god, but just because you give us what YOU think is evidence does in no way mean WE will consider it valid evidence.

Consider this: If I told you that there was a giant frog in the sky that creates a solar flare every time it croaked, would you believe me? What if I told you I felt the frog "talk" to me inside? Would you be "open to conversation" in that case?

"Devil could work like this. Athiests are truly satans little helpers."

Truly! I've never seen a more well proved or nicely supported statement. If you are not trying to prove this to us, then are you talking to yourself?

"I have also noticed that these atheists are very knowledgeable in the Christian faith."

You are the first theist I have seen to aknowlege this! Most just spill their guts about how atheists misunderstand and know nothing!

"Now why would someone go to the trouble of studying something so intensely just to discredit it?"

If I may offer an explanation. We are forced to. Most of us with internet connections live in the "western world". Our laws and lifestyles over here on the WessAIEE are based almost entirely on christian beliefs. Another thing is, over on the west side, we are forced to go to SCHOOL. In SCHOOL we get taught about things like different religions and verified history. We hardly ever have to pick up a bible. I know I never have! Yet biblical passages are all over the place. I had to do bible as literature in school, I suppose you can call that picking up a bible, but I remember zippo from it.

"If I didn't believe in something, I wouldn't go to the trouble of learning everything about it just to try and discredit the idea, that would be a waste of effort unless there is a motive behind it., "

Sure theres a motive. Right now you come on here and try to prove that us atheists are not only wrong but satanic! Now I'm not saying you took the trouble to LEARN scientific principles (in no way am I saying that), but you ARE "just" trying to "discredit the idea" of atheism!
The motive is that of truth. Not to be harsh or insulting, but many athiests consider religious people to be ignorant. Seriously. SO wouldn't you want to correct someones ignorance if you knew you were right? Lets say I thought that America was the only country in the world. Wouldn't it be fullfilling for you to purge me of my stupidity so that my single life could have more meaning and more of an open mind?

"and that motive here is to do the work of the devil, and to do evil work with evil words."

How do you view this? Would us atheists KNOW that we are satanic but let on that we are not? How is doing the work of the devil a motive? To do evil is a pretty retarded reason, if I do say so myself. In my experience, even people you would consider "evil" really want to do good! Very few people actually want to do evil. Hitler, for example, wanted to make a perfect race. I'm pretty sure you would consider that "evil", yet in his mind it was not the pain he caused others that was his motive, but his motive was that he would create a better world with better people in place of the old tarnished one.

"It must be an empty shallow life living without God."

How is it you determine this? So you need a god to be happy? I would consider that a bit pathetic. You need a master to kiss the feet of to be happy, yet I am my own master. Disbelief in god is a life of acceptance and open mindedness. When we die, our life ceases. We are no more. We can accept this, yet theists seem to hold onto this idea that they are immortal-- like god....

When we disregard god, we can see rational answers to questions that would otherwise be clouded in rhetoric. We can understand things better if we have no belifs. I myself disbelieve in certain principles of quantum theory, probably just because my mindset is already set in stone. Maybe if it were possible for me to disregard my current ideas on how things work, I would be able to accept a non-deterministic universe.

"Although an atheist wouldn't say so, of course he wouldn't, would he/she?"

You predicted right. What exactly do you mean by "shallow" anyway? Do you mean materialistic? Us atheists can come up with perfectly sound reasoning for the morals that religion just attributes to "god's will". If god wants it to happen, it will, we would need no justice system. I doubt god needs us to do anything specific; if god needed us to pray for him, he is quite the vain type...
I know I already responded but I just wanted to add that being called one of Satan's little helpers makes me feel... well...

Just Christmassy!


Happy Holidays!
well god has a plan for everyone right? And yet we have a choice? So its either that it gods plan that some people are athiests, that couldnt happen of course, but then the choice comes we can change our "plan" ? a paradox?

Mabye athiests are put on the earth to challange thiests and go to heaven for doing a good job of it lol just a thought....

I doubt you realize this but your few comments are the central issues of some major debates in this forum.

The best relevant comment I can make is thank God for atheists.
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