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okinrus: Because divorce isn't recognized by the catholic church, it can only have contextual meaning. True, if Michael divorced his wife, they'd still be married under God's law, but his legal guardianship would have been relinguished. The legal benefits are likely to outway the false appearence of a divorce that does not exist.

How you are certain of her wishes? Do you think it was her wish to be starved to death? Sure, she may have casually said not to leave her life support, but I doubt she'd want to be starved to death, especially if it cause her pain.
M*W: I don't understand why Terri's parents don't just take her home and let her live her life out there. Yes, I know this would be a terrible burden on them, but they would be in control of her life. Obviously, Michael is her legal guardian, and that may be what is standing in her parents' way. A feeding tube is not necessarily "life support." I also understand that the reason she has a feeding tube is probably because her pharynx is paralyzed and she cannot swallow any type of nourishment. This is certainly not uncommon in cardiac arrest patients. She is most likely in diapers and has a bladder catheter. If her parents really wanted to try to prolong her life, they could do so -- if Michael would let them. The problem here is Michael. Their marriage ceased to exist when Terri had the cardiac arrest 15 years ago. Michael went on to create another family, so Terri's life to him is just a minor nuisance. I believe, in the eyes of the Catholic Church, they would consider the Schiavo's marriage to have already become null and void. So, I don't think it is that Michael is such a good Catholic or anything. I also don't think that the Schindlers' religion is of the utmost importance. They simply love their daughter and wish to keep her alive. Even severely brain damaged persons can respond to a certain degree, and they see this as a viable life. This is tragic that they are now watching her die.

But... the one point I wanted to make is that when Terri had the cardiac arrest and suffered irreparable brain damage, she was binging and purging (bulimia) to lose weight, and consequently, Terri must have had some kind of subconscious 'death wish' since she was destroying herself. I'd like to see her live in spite of Michael. I'd like to see her outlive him.
Okinrus said:

Because divorce isn't recognized by the catholic church, it can only have contextual meaning

Actually, all I'm after is that it's not exactly reliable to appeal to Mrs. Schiavo's Catholic faith in such speculations.

How you are certain of her wishes?

The court's findings are good enough for me at this time; causes for doubt are more political than substantive. We do live in society, so one of the problems arises in the question, "How can I be more certain than I am?"

And while I'm happy to waste resources for important things, there comes a point where it's simply not practical. And that's where we're at. Maybe years down the road, someone can invet a time machine and try to sneak into eavesdropping range when Terri allegedly made these statements. Of course, there would be nothing we could do to change the past, but at least we would know.

In the meantime, this argument has taken years to play out. It has been considered as carefully as possible, and the bitterness and irrationality of the pro-life response only contributes to confidence in the courts.
M*W: I don't understand why Terri's parents don't just take her home and let her live her life out there. Yes, I know this would be a terrible burden on them, but they would be in control of her life. Obviously, Michael is her legal guardian, and that may be what is standing in her parents' way. A feeding tube is not necessarily "life support." I also understand that the reason she has a feeding tube is probably because her pharynx is paralyzed and she cannot swallow any type of nourishment. This is certainly not uncommon in cardiac arrest patients. She is most likely in diapers and has a bladder catheter.
Yes, I doubt Terri would have specified what exactly to do in such a case. She likely mentioned that if she was "life support", with no chance of recovery, to take her off. But, in this case, she's not on life support, as you said, and, according to some doctors, she does have some chance of regaining some of her faculties.

If her parents really wanted to try to prolong her life, they could do so -- if Michael would let them. The problem here is Michael. Their marriage ceased to exist when Terri had the cardiac arrest 15 years ago. Michael went on to create another family, so Terri's life to him is just a minor nuisance. I believe, in the eyes of the Catholic Church, they would consider the Schiavo's marriage to have already become null and void.
Yes, Michael can continue to say how he's doing this out of love, but I wouldn't have an affair with another women. He can continue to say how Terri's dignity has been lost, but it's his dignity that's been ruined, not Terri's. It's not the media's fault. It was his fault. He could have settled this case long ago and remained out of the spotlight.

So, I don't think it is that Michael is such a good Catholic or anything. I also don't think that the Schindlers' religion is of the utmost importance. They simply love their daughter and wish to keep her alive.
Yes, I believe so. Michael tries to make this case political by calling those who want to keep Terry alive "right wingers".

But... the one point I wanted to make is that when Terri had the cardiac arrest and suffered irreparable brain damage, she was binging and purging (bulimia) to lose weight, and consequently, Terri must have had some kind of subconscious 'death wish' since she was destroying herself. I'd like to see her live in spite of Michael. I'd like to see her outlive him.
Yes, that's another thing. I don't believe this side of her attempts to purge herself could remain completely hidden to her husband for so long. Perhaps Michael suspected something but simply didn't care?
Okinrus said:

He could have settled this case long ago and remained out of the spotlight.

By betraying his wife as he understood it? Or did you have some other notion in mind?
MattMarriott said:
Terri Schiavo to die tomorrow, the day Jesus died (stop the satanic ritual murder!!!)
Lazy bastard, explain and defend your position with more than one sentence!
It may not be sloth, Spidergoat. Remember what Spock told Kirk as the Reliant drew near in silence: "There are two possibilities. They are unable to respond, they are unwilling to respond." It may be the best he can do. After all, he seems to have gone around posting this article at various websites, and he didn't actually write it, so ....
Of course I remember that scene, I have all the original episodes on DVD now! Hey, I have a suggestion, all the right wingers have to do is gather around in a circle and sing,

Hail, hail,
Fire and snow.
Call the angel
We will go.

Far away.
For to see.
Friendly Angel
Come to me.

Hail, hail,
Fire and snow.
Call the angel
We must go.

Far to come
Far to see
Friendly Angel
Come to me.