Satanism - Why?


is feeling caustic
Registered Senior Member
A little background on Satanism before I begin..

Encyclopaedia Britannica


also called Devil Worship worship of Satan, or the devil, the personality or principle regarded by the Judeo-Christian tradition as embodying absolute evil in complete antithesis to God. This worship may be regarded as a gesture of extreme protest against Judeo-Christian spiritual hegemony. Satanic cults have been documented in Europe and America as far back as the 17th century, but their earlier roots are difficultto trace, just as the number of real satanists in any period is frequently overestimated. Churchmen have readily attributed satanism to “witches,” and to such heretics as Gnostics, Cathars, and Bogomils, but that charge does not correspond with the heretics' own understanding of their beliefs, and the alleged satanism of those persecuted in the heyday of witch-burning may rest on no better foundation than the overheated imagination of witch-finders and confessions obtained by torture. By the same token, devil worship ascribed to non-Christian religions is usually based on polemic or misunderstanding. Modern witchcraft and neopaganism are notto be confused with satanism, since these groups worship not Satan but pre-Christian gods. Satanism, as devotion to the Judeo-Christian source of evil, can only exist in symbiosis with that tradition, for it shares but inverts its worldview.

Satanist worship has traditionally centred on the “black mass,” a corrupted rendition of the Christian Eucharist, and ritual magicevocations of Satan. Some recent satanist groups have supplanted those practices with rites of self-expression reminiscent of psychodrama and hyperventilation.

Seemingly worse than being an atheist, to a Christian, is one who actually worships the devil.

What sort of mindframe leads human beings to enter such vile and unholy practices?
Idiots who just want to rebel. I'm sure there's is also an element of the psychopathic. The satanic church of today is no more than hedonism, although I'm sure some more twisted individuals carry it farther.

My reasoning is if I won't worship the god of the bible, why would I follow his failed angel?
Oh, also, I bet a good portion of satan worshippers end up going back to the bible in the end. To worship satan means they never gave up their belief in god. They'd have to pretty stupid to think that they'll get a good deal in hell, no matter what satan says.
Most satanists don't really believe in satan or god. They are poking fun at the dogma of christianity and all the hypocrisy in it. Such as preachers who pretend to be holy and at the same time they molest children or steal from the church's coffers or are caught with prostitutes. They think god goes against the basic instincts of human nature and therefore is unnatural. But they also have a strong sense of what is right and wrong and do not condone senseless violence. I guess they are like atheists with an attitude.

Satanists do not sacrifice animals either. Crazed "devil worshippers" (that are actually separate from satanists just as witches are not the same as satanists or devil worshippers) have been known to do that sort of thing. But so did people in the old testament. The proverbial sacrificial lamb.
alain said:
nah rosa, the satanists aren't that evil

It's actually the women who are.

women = money * time

money = sqrt(evil)

time = money

= sqrt(evil)

women = sqrt(evil) * sqrt(evil)

women = evil

Seriously, though, Satanists typically don't believe in Satan, as has already been stated a few times, I think.
wesmorris said:
It's actually the women who are.

You do realize that you just called *me* evil?
You're going to pay for this.
Muhaha. Ha.

I can't resist:
Completing a life full of hacking and playing video games, a hacker comes to Hell, of course. After a few days, a very worried Satan calls up St. Peter and complains, in great distress:
"Whom have you send us?! That hacker is just nuts! He has put out all the hellish fires, killed all the devils, made a total mess in Hell -- and now he's been running around for the last three days, yelling, 'Where's the entry to the next level? Where's the entry to the next level?' "
Well there are pathetic type satanists who do it as just another form of sticking out their tongue at what they perceive as Authority. They are just pathetic people.

Then there are the serious satanists who worship lucifer as God. They believe that there are two Gods Yahweh and lucifer and they think lucifer is somehow going to win over Yahweh. These people can stand up and say "in God we trust" in public with a straight face because they trust in satan

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Adstar said:
These people can stand up and say "in God we trust" in public with a straight face because they trust in satan

Hey, that actually helps me out... All I have to do is think of Radiohead as God and I won't have any trouble saying the pledge of allegience anymore. :)


§outh§tar said:
Satanism - Why?

Seemingly worse than being an atheist, to a Christian, is one who actually worships the devil.

What sort of mindframe leads human beings to enter such vile and unholy practices?
you could ask them ;) go to discusions/satanism
I think there are probably pretty good reasons for satanic worship. Now, I may be off the mark and giving them more credit than they are due. Maybe Satanists really are just rebels without a clue who want to piss their parents off, but if someone looks at Christianity, and all the evil that has been done in the name of the lord, bloody wars, repression, oppression, all the guilt involved in the original sin business, and all the upright conservative stuff that isn’t actually in scripture but is enforced as the will of god anyway, then one might logically conclude that the Christian god is corrupt and evil just like the church (who is our only source of info on him, so the church is so god is). This Corrupt evil god who requires his followers to shun and hate and resist temptation and all such things, has a diametrically opposed deity, who, as his opposite, must be a really good guy who just got a bad reputation.

My point is (and I'm an atheist so I think Satanism is just as stupid as Christianity) that if someone takes Christians at their word, that they represent and follow gods will, and you think that Christianity looks repressive corrupt and evil, then god must be repressive corrupt and evil, and there is one place you can look in all the world for someone who is not going to inflict the same things on you as god would.

I could be wrong, like I said, maybe they are all just a pack of dopes who want to make mommy and daddy angry, but I think its possible for someone to find a sound moral path to Satan worship.
well basically its a perspective thing (isnt everything?)
there are two ways of looking at satanists ,and that is:
a) attention seeking 'rebels' (no, their really not) who want to piss people off. people who believe this are: -parents, - hard-nosed Christians, -Atheists.
b) taking the piss outta religion, by openly doing and saying all of the things that Christians have done over the years, except not covering it up, and using Satan as the mask rather than God so as to make people NOTICE their taking the piss.
people who believe this are -satanists, - some Christians, -people who think about it,
- others.

either way they are doing it to prove a point or get noticed. and they acheive it whether their doing a) or b).
There are so many different kinds of satanism.

Some satanist worship themself because they think that humans have created god in their minds and are now praying to him. They think they take a shorter way if they just worship their own minds. This leads to a certain amount of arrogance with which other people are constantly confronted. These satanist are a bit egocentric, but they are pretty normal.

Then there are those guys who pray to Lucifer. They are essentially just some twisted christians.

Another kind of satanist prays to old gods like Ba'al, Odin or Ra and similar ones. They sometimes sacrifice animals but all in all are realtively normal people who are religious. They just do not believe in the christian god, rather worshipping old gods. Sometimes they prefer to worship the old evil gods.
Why they are stanist can only be explained through christian views. Strange isn´t it.

Then there are the hardcore crazed devil worshippers who sacrifice everything they want to Satan. No matter if it is an animal or a human being.
Why exactly they do this I never really understood. They just want to be extremely evil and they want to please Satan.

That are the major satanist categories.

And remember:
It´s better to rule in hell than it is to serve in heaven.
ROME (AP) - A 19-year-old girl is stabbed to death - allegedly by a group of young Satanists who thought she personified the Virgin Mary. Her 16-year-old companion, no longer considered a reliable sect member, is killed and buried alongside her.

The discovery last week of the two victims' burial place has sparked an investigation into a metal band scene in Milan and its possible links to Satan worshippers, according to details that emerged Tuesday.

The disappearance of Chiara Marino and Fabio Tollis in 1998 had remained a mystery until earlier this year, when one of the people later accused of the murders began to cooperate with authorities.

Prosecutors now suspect an occult sect carried out the killings in a drug-fueled ritual, said Francesca Cramis, lawyer for one of the four people arrested in the case.

Its members belonged to a heavy metal band, ``Beasts of Satan,'' and frequented a heavy metal bar in Milan called ``Midnight,'' said Cramis, speaking by telephone with The Associated Press.

Marino was close to the group, and investigators found her room decorated with black drapes, candles and a fake skull.

In January 1998, members of the sect took Marino and Tollis to woods near Somma Lombardo, northwest of Milan and killed them in an apparent Satanic ritual, investigators say.

According to police, they had already tried - and failed - to kill the two by burning them alive in a car on New Year's Eve, said Cramis.

One of those arrested was Andrea Volpe, the former boyfriend of a third victim, Mariangela Pezzotta, buried alive after being shot in January.

It was the probe of her murder that led authorities to the buried remains of Tollis and Marino.

Prosecutors declined to talk with reporters Tuesday.

``Leave us to work - this probe is delicate and we need to proceed with a lot of caution,'' Prosecutor Antonio Pizzi said.

Authorities are investigating whether the killers are part of a wider network of Satanists and were taking orders when they killed and offered up their victims.

Oreste Benzi, a priest who works to rehabilitate Satanists, estimates that these worshippers of the occult number around 600,000 in Italy.

``Satanists and those belonging to the occult are often unsuspected people and their goal is morally and psychologically destroy whoever works against them,'' Benzi told the Vatican's missionary news service Fides. ``Often it is the most defenseless people who fall into the net of the sect,'' he said.
``Often it is the most defenseless people who fall into the net of the sect

Either they become satanists or christians. It is all the same to me.

But according to some people I know there is no widespread organized net of satanists. And they should know if there is.
Of course there are sects, but they are rather small and by no means widespread. Also, not all satanists are evil murderers listening to heavy metal and participating in orgies and the like.
But of course only the negative examples surface from time to time.
Dreamwalker said:
Either they become satanists or christians. It is all the same to me.

But according to some people I know there is no widespread organized net of satanists. And they should know if there is.
Of course there are sects, but they are rather small and by no means widespread. Also, not all satanists are evil murderers listening to heavy metal and participating in orgies and the like.
But of course only the negative examples surface from time to time.

You mean Satanists have positive "examples"?

Whose side are you on? :bugeye: