Sarkus trolls a thread about abortion

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Okay. It looks like I made some incorrect assumptions, and probably didn't read your post carefully enough.

There is some confusion because you originally posted in the Abortion thread, but I agree that you did reference the opening post of this thread. However, I did not know at the time of my first reply to your first post in this thread whether you had read through the following conversation between myself and Sarkus after his first post (in this thread).

Apparently, you had read it through, so "my bad" on that.

Ok, we're good to this point. But then...

So, after all the fuss and confusion, what are we left with? You read some stuff. You wanted to support Sarkus and maybe jump on that bandwagon and lay a boot into me. You've done that. So, it's all good now, I hope, as far as you're concerned. Your opinion is on the record and readers will, as they always do, make their own judgments about who is right and who is wrong and who's the bad guy, informed in part by your valuable commentary.

Go fuck yourself, James. You are a loathesome, petty and habitually dishonest little man. You really can't help yourself, can you? Everything has to be all about poor little James and how the only reason anyone could possibly question anything he ever says is because they're all ganging up on him, "jump(ing) on that bandwagon" and "lay(ing) a boot" into his sorry, pathetic ass, for nefarious reasons that only you, somehow, actually know.

It couldn't possibly be that I simply took issue with your characterization of Sarkus's posts as "trolling" and filled with ad homs (unlike your own posts, apparently: fucking hilarious!) and vicious attacks on upon your vastly superior moral character.

You are an embarrassment. You like to pretend this is a "science site" of some sort, yet you can't help but to routinely demonstrate your masterful mind-reading skills, wherein you --and only you, apparently (as the participants themselves seldom seem to know)--know the true, nefarious motivations behind everyone's actions--that mind-reading bit part of your, uh, "scientific methodology"?

SO, yeah, I guess we're done here... For now, that is--until various parties choose to assemble once again in order to wage assault upon your character on all fronts. Jesus Christ--paranoid much?

There is some confusion because you originally posted in the Abortion thread, but I agree that you did reference the opening post of this thread. However, I did not know at the time of my first reply to your first post in this thread whether you had read through the following conversation between myself and Sarkus after his first post (in this thread).

So, you couldn't just take my word for it?
parmalee said:

and so I'm still not quite grasping how that--or any of that which follows, for that matter--constitutes "trolling" or "endless repetitive attacks."
(emphasis mine--yet again.)

You seriously need to work on your reading comprehension. I mean, I really shouldn't have to repeat myself four fucking times!
You can't stop, can you?
Yet here you are, responding each time, demonstrating that you can't stop. Hypocrisy much?
And each time you respond you can't stop yourself from demonstrating points from that list, and even adding to it. Ah, well.
My response to the first post of yours can be found in post #2.
And that was the post in which the trolling started: you trolling me. That is factual.
First you refer to my post as "pedantic nitpicking", you pass comment on what you think my state of mind was in writing my post, and then you accused me of never grappling with some of these matters before. That is trolling, James R. My opener wasn't, but your reply certainly was. And well done, I took the bait.
You can follow the entire series of posts through. See if you can work out the point at which your trolling became blatant and ridiculous.
If there was any then it was only after I took your expert lead.
I remind you: my response is right there in post #2. And no, I'm not going to put your trolling back into the thread I started on an important current political issue.
There was no trolling in my opening post, James R. There certainly was in your reply, sure, so don't put that back. But in the opening post, no, there wasn't.
No. You've been developing it for at least a year now. Stewing. Looking for opportunities to attack, or at least to annoy. To get your revenge.
??? Revenge on what?
What are you supposed to have done that would make you a target of revenge?? Revenge on your trolling? On your ad homineming? On your dishonesty? There's no "revenge" there, as I only bring it up when I see it. The fact that there's a history of it is referenced, but that's not a matter of "revenge", just context.
So, please, what have you done that I would be out for revenge for?
And fwiw, that list was based only on the thread it came from. How long do you think it would be if I really had been developing it since... whenever you think I've been developing it?
Will you ever be satisfied, or do you intend to keep prosecuting this petulant vendetta of yours?
Again with this idea of revenge. What is it that you've done, James R???
I will be satisfied when you stop being hypocritical, when you stop throwing ad hominems around, when you stop being dishonest. It's bad enough that you do those, and seemingly fail to recognise them in your own behaviour, but to then criticise people for calling them out while you're calling out others and often punishing them for the same?? Yeah, when you stop the sort of behaviour that is on the list I put together from just the one thread, then I'll be satisfied.
Oh, sorry, was it intended as a rhetorical question? I can't be sure these days about what you consider rhetorical or not.
You would say that, wouldn't you?
The facts speak for themsevles, James R. Deny them if you want, but they are there. And, yes, on the whole, those who didn't start things do say that they didn't start them. Would make for an interesting place in court if they all confessed to that which they didn't do!
You're never at fault, even when you set out to troll. You're justified.
I never set out to troll, James R. But after you begin hostilities and blatant dishonesty then yes, I'm guilty of highlighting your behaviour, and of not holding back.
More ad hominems (really, the whole post is just this). The same ones, indefatigably repeated. Because you don't know how or when to stop.
You really should understand by now that ad hominems can be relevant when discussing character. Calling someone dishonest when you are pointing out and explaining the dishonesty of their behaviour is not a fallacious ad hominem. Calling someone a liar for misrepresenting what they had previously said is not a fallacious ad hominem. And therefore calling it out as simply an ad hominem is of no value. Do you really not understand that? This entire thread is now about character. Non-fallacious ad hominems are therefore de rigeur, as long as they speak to the character aspect in question.
A fallacious ad hominem, to remind you, is when your argument appeals to the person in place of an answer to the actual question, a question that is unrelated to that person's character.
You can fool some of the people some of the time...
So you admit it. You admit beginning any response to me with an implicit ad hominem. Keep digging that hole, James R. Keep digging.
I guess some congratulations are in order, on that. Well done, Sarkus. You're clocking up some trolling cred there.
I've only ever followed your lead on such matters, James R. You stop initiating things by flinging unwarranted and fallacious ad hominems, you stop trolling me, and let's see where we get.

As to your continued dig at others on this site, most recently Cluelusshusband, and now parmalee, what they see of your character and how they react to it is entirely up to them. But here's a little secret: those digs you make... they're fallacious ad-hominems. :eek:
??? Revenge on what?
What are you supposed to have done that would make you a target of revenge?? Revenge on your trolling? On your ad homineming? On your dishonesty? There's no "revenge" there, as I only bring it up when I see it. The fact that there's a history of it is referenced, but that's not a matter of "revenge", just context.
So, please, what have you done that I would be out for revenge for?
And fwiw, that list was based only on the thread it came from. How long do you think it would be if I really had been developing it since... whenever you think I've been developing it?

In other circumstances, I might be somewhat more sympathetic here. All this "revenge" stuff and paranoia might suggest that this person has some "issues". However, we've got a couple of decades here--well, about 15 years for me--and given James's obvious intelligence and seeming awareness of the world about him, this just seems more like pettiness. And a really icky form of passive-aggressiveness.

Of course, intelligence does not automatically entail self-awareness, and I think that's what is sorely lacking here.

Most folks here have at least a few decades of actual life under their belts at this point, and are well past behaving in such childish manners--by which I mean we are not colluding and conspiring together against our supposed "foes". (Not that I ever was doing that: I was a scrawny, poor, "precocious" and weird child, so I was more often the one on the receiving end.) I honestly do not know whether or not James actually believes that any of this is going on, or whether it's part of some bizarre rhetorical tactic--an easy way of gaining points or sympathies--but it's tiresome. More importantly, it stifles any possibility for meaningful discussion. It really needs to stop.

Let's start with this:
James R said:
However, I did not know at the time of my first reply to your first post in this thread whether you had read through the following conversation between myself and Sarkus after his first post (in this thread).
So, you couldn't just take my word for it?
Well, there's reading through and then there's reading through.

And you did write:
parmalee said:
...and so I'm still not quite grasping how that--or any of that which follows, for that matter--constitutes "trolling" or "endless repetitive attacks."
I acknowledge that you read through the posts, but was it a skim read or a thorough going over followed by some thought before you posted a considered reply?

Whichever the case, you wrote that you weren't quite grasping how Sarkus could have been trolling. To me, not quite grasping the content meant that there was room to doubt the validity of the conclusions you reached. So, I queried whether you had, in fact, read the relevant material - I mean properly read it, not just skimmed enough to post your first reaction.

I assume that, by now, you consider that you have a good grasp on the relevant matters. Your initial opinion about whether Sarkus was trolling is, however, unchanged. So be it.

To summarise: I took your word for it that you hadn't grasped the issues - because that's what you said.

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Go fuck yourself, James. You are a loathesome, petty and habitually dishonest little man.
This is clearly a personal attack, in breach of our site posting guidelines. It is entirely inappropriate and rude.

To avoid any accusations of bias, because you are under the impression that you're in some kind of personal battle with me, I will not moderate your post on this occasion. I request, however, that you respect our site posting guidelines in future.

On a personal note, please grow up. You're acting like a petulant child, not entirely unlike Sarkus, whom you apparently support and respect for some reason.
Everything has to be all about poor little James and how the only reason anyone could possibly question anything he ever says is because they're all ganging up on him, "jump(ing) on that bandwagon" and "lay(ing) a boot" into his sorry, pathetic ass, for nefarious reasons that only you, somehow, actually know.
It strikes me as more than a little strange that your first and only post in a thread about abortion was to chime in to support your mate Sarkus in his battle against me. For months, there's nothing from you on this forum, and then - bing! - suddenly you appear to join Gang Sarkus in its crusade against the evil administrator of sciforums.

Maybe it's just a coincidence. Maybe you popped in and saw a fortuitous opportunity to join in a pile on. Maybe some interaction I had with you in the past got you riled up, and that motivated you to this. I don't know.

Whatever it is, you can hardly complain about my complaint that this is just a personal vendetta against me, when the only reason you chimed in was to join Sarkus in exactly that. It's not unjustified paranoia when people are actually out to get you, parmalee.

Of course, you've told some lies now, as well. You've tried to create a straw man, alleging that I have said that the only reason anybody could ever possibly question me was because they want to gang up on me. I have, as you know, said no such thing. You're trying to paint me as somebody who is irrationally paranoid, when you know I am not. That reflects poorly on your character. Why you'd want to ally yourself with Sarkus, of all people, is a bit of a mystery to me. Why sink to his level? My previous opinion of you was that you seemed like a reasonable sort of fellow. Clearly, something I did upset you so much that you are now willing to throw away your reputation here, just as Sarkus has done. And now, you're starting to tell lies, as well. It's a real shame.
It couldn't possibly be that I simply took issue with your characterization of Sarkus's posts as "trolling" and filled with ad homs (unlike your own posts, apparently: fucking hilarious!) and vicious attacks on upon your vastly superior moral character.
It's highly unlikely, in the circumstances. Readers, of course, will judge for themselves.
You are an embarrassment.
You're just trying to hurt me. It's not a good look for you.
You like to pretend this is a "science site" of some sort...
I have gone on the record many times about what I think this site is and is not.

Does it matter to you whether this is a science site or not?

If it doesn't matter, what are you trying to do? Do you think that disputing that this is a science site will hurt me? You're just looking for ways to get under my skin - just like Sarkus is. Again, I'm puzzled as to why you want to sink to his level. He sets an extraordinarily poor example.
..., yet you can't help but to routinely demonstrate your masterful mind-reading skills, wherein you --and only you, apparently (as the participants themselves seldom seem to know)--know the true, nefarious motivations behind everyone's actions--that mind-reading bit part of your, uh, "scientific methodology"?
I do find, from time to time, that people get upset when my analysis of their possible motives cuts a little too close to the bone for their liking. The thing is: if somebody wants to make things personal, it's going to go both ways. You can't expect to make a personal attack on somebody else and not have people (including your target) query your motives.
SO, yeah, I guess we're done here...
Good. Although, Sarkus said he was done, before, and it turned out he wasn't.

Do you know when to stop, parmalee? I mean, if you can't bring yourself to do the decent thing and apologise, at least don't trash your reputation any further than you already have.
All this "revenge" stuff and paranoia might suggest that this person has some "issues". However, we've got a couple of decades here--well, about 15 years for me--and given James's obvious intelligence and seeming awareness of the world about him, this just seems more like pettiness. And a really icky form of passive-aggressiveness.

Of course, intelligence does not automatically entail self-awareness, and I think that's what is sorely lacking here.

Most folks here have at least a few decades of actual life under their belts at this point, and are well past behaving in such childish manners--by which I mean we are not colluding and conspiring together against our supposed "foes". (Not that I ever was doing that: I was a scrawny, poor, "precocious" and weird child, so I was more often the one on the receiving end.) I honestly do not know whether or not James actually believes that any of this is going on, or whether it's part of some bizarre rhetorical tactic--an easy way of gaining points or sympathies--but it's tiresome. More importantly, it stifles any possibility for meaningful discussion. It really needs to stop.
So stop. Don't be a hypocrite.
Yet here you are, responding each time, demonstrating that you can't stop.
I can stop any time I like. But aren't we having fun?

You can't stop yourself, can you?
??? Revenge on what?
Don't play coy with your readers, Sarkus.

You remember our little run-in last year in the crypotcurrency thread, I'm sure. I can't say that's where your grudge started, but it's certainly where it seriously escalated.

Since then, you've been following me around the forum, looking for any opportunity to criticise or take issue with stuff that I write. You're pedantic, nit-picky and aggressive. You want to get in my face at every opportunity. You crave my attention.

As you know, you and I have had a number of minor flare ups over the past few months, usually - but not exclusively - instigated by you.

parmalee's point about passive aggressive behaviour does apply here, but much more to you than to me. You're always looking for excuses to attack me. Your attacks on positions that I take are usually petty and nit-picky. When I call you out for that, your real agenda is always quickly unmasked, as you immediately move in the mode of making direct personal attacks.

These are the facts. You're not fooling anybody. Well, maybe you fooled parmalee and cluelusshusbund, but some other people can see you for what you are.
I will be satisfied when you stop being hypocritical...
You're telling me that you'll never be satisfied, because I will always be a hypocrite, according to you. In other words, you're just making another excuse for why you can't and won't stop yourself.
Yeah, when you stop the sort of behaviour that is on the list I put together from just the one thread, then I'll be satisfied.
More excuses for why you'll never be satisfied. The truth is, you just don't know how to stop.

I think that, actually, you're unable to recognise when it's appropriate to stop. (Which, now that I think about it, is probably justification for stopping you. I'll think further on that.)
This entire thread is now about character.
Yes. It is an ongoing demonstration of both your trolling and your inability to control yourself or act like a mature adult. It speaks volumes about your character.
So you admit it.
You misunderstood, again. I said you can fool some of the people some of the time [but not all of the people all of the time].

You have managed to fool at least a couple of people here, who have happily taken the opportunity to join you on your bandwagon of hate and recrimination.
You stop initiating things by flinging unwarranted and fallacious ad hominems, you stop trolling me, and let's see where we get.
I seldom initiate these things. But I do finish them.

You, on the other hand, don't know how or when to stop. I assume that is something you've never understood. You're not much of a people person, are you? (Ooh, look, an ad hominem. But somebody told me those are okay when we're discussing character.)
As to your continued dig at others on this site, most recently Cluelusshusband, and now parmalee, what they see of your character and how they react to it is entirely up to them.

cluelusshusbund's approach is to send snide personal messages to me and to make a special effort to hit "like" on every post that is suitably anti-James R. It's mostly passive aggressive.

parmalee appeared out of the blue and decided to insert himself into this current debarcle of yours for reasons that remain obscure to me at this point. We'll see if he can make amends for losing his shit, or whether he wants to join your crusade on a more permanent basis, I guess.

How people choose to react in public to things is, as you say, entirely up to them. But public reactions inevitably have consequences on public reputations. So, it's a question of what sort of reputation you want.

You've previously told me, in effect, you don't care how low your reputation goes, here. It's a subsidiary explanation for why you won't stop.
I can stop any time I like.
No, you have to close threads with a parting shot to force yourself to stop. That's different. And dishonest.
Don't play coy with your readers, Sarkus.
I'm not. That's your failure to read people coming to the fore again.
You remember our little run-in last year in the crypotcurrency thread, I'm sure. I can't say that's where your grudge started, but it's certainly where it seriously escalated.
I remember that incident and your nonsense standard, sure. And that may have been where I finally came to realise the nature and scale of your dishonesty and behaviour in your posts, but I don't do "revenge", James R. That you assume this is all about some revenge speaks more about you. Life is too short for revenge, and this site simply doesn't register on things that concern me. In the grand scheme you are no more annoying than a fly in the soup. Sure, it's annoying and we take issue with it, call it out etc, when we see it. But worth taking revenge on the chef? Perspective, James R. I suggest you get some.
Since then, you've been following me around the forum...
Again, James R: perspective. This isn't a particularly active website. When someone posts something new, people respond to it. Are you really that paranoid?
...looking for any opportunity to criticise or take issue with stuff that I write.
If I was looking for any opportunity, or was following you around, I'd be posting a lot more than I do, James R, because, well, of what you post. Sometimes what is written by someone I feel has been overlooked by others, that they have let slip a point that needs to be raised. Not because it's you, but because of what is said. Period. My opening post in this thread is a case in point: you insulted and misrepresented an entire swathe of the population, notably religious, and had framed the debate with that post ostensibly to exclude them. That was worth calling out no matter who it was. That it was you, seriously not my concern. You won't believe that, though. You assume bad faith so any response from me to you will immediately be seen as picking on you, stalking you, unduly criticising you. I don't care what you think in that regard, but what you assume... that is on you. Not me. And from there, from your reaction, things invariably deteriorate.
You're pedantic, nit-picky and aggressive. You want to get in my face at every opportunity. You crave my attention.
That you don't see the relevance of a point, James R, does not make it pedantic, or nit-picky. Calling it such just speaks to your (continuing) ignorance of why it is important, and maybe you should just try asking why something is being considered important without ad homineming. Just a thought.
As to the aggression - sure, I can be. But in that I mostly reflect what I receive.
As to "craving your attention", no. As said, you're just not that important. Sorry. But then I could say that you seem to crave my attention, by latching on to any criticism I raise and taking it personally.
As you know, you and I have had a number of minor flare ups over the past few months, usually - but not exclusively - instigated by you.
Not usually, no. Facts don't speak for you in this regard.
These are the facts.
There are facts, yes, but they don't support your assertion.
You're not fooling anybody.
I don't need to. The facts are in the record for anyone to see if they so wish. Case in point, your response to my opening post here.
Well, maybe you fooled parmalee and cluelusshusbund, but some other people can see you for what you are.
That's true of everyone about everyone, James R, so a rather vacuuous comment, is it not?
You're telling me that you'll never be satisfied, because I will always be a hypocrite, according to you.
I never said that you'll always be a hypocrite. Are you now telling me you will always be one??
More excuses for why you'll never be satisfied. The truth is, you just don't know how to stop.
If you're telling me that I won't ever be satisfied then logically you're just confirming that you won't stop the behaviour I've listed. Is that really what you want to be telling people??
I think that, actually, you're unable to recognise when it's appropriate to stop. (Which, now that I think about it, is probably justification for stopping you. I'll think further on that.)
Seriously, just stop responding to me, stop with your bullshit and your ad hominems, and this conversation will be over. You're as guilty as me in not knowing when to stop - at least not without taking the final parting shot and closing a thread, preventing me from a right of reply, which really isn't an honest way of you doing things.
You misunderstood, again. I said you can fool some of the people some of the time [but not all of the people all of the time].
Ironic, but it is you who has misunderstood what you have written, or at least the implications thereof.
You said that "You can fool some of the people some of the time..." by which you're telling me that you think I haven't fooled you. Therefore, since you think you're not fooled, you think I must not be posting in good faith, that being what you think I have fooled others about. So, yes, you are admitting that you assume I am posting in bad faith, irrespective of whether I am or not.
Happy to explain it more clearly to you if you're still struggling.
You have managed to fool at least a couple of people here, who have happily taken the opportunity to join you on your bandwagon of hate and recrimination.
No hate, James R. Again, your not worth it. You're just some text on a screen. What's there to hate? Recrimination, sure, but then that's only a response to your initial accusation / ad hominem / trolling and obvious hypocricy.
I seldom initiate these things. But I do finish them.
You begin them far more than you seem to be aware. Maybe that's a blindspot you have, and maybe you'll never be quite as aware as you really should be. But as for finishing, yes, that's certainly a power a moderator has. Whether the manner in which you finish them is honest or just or not ....
(Ooh, look, an ad hominem. But somebody told me those are okay when we're discussing character.)
Maybe a little light reading is in order:
How people choose to react in public to things is, as you say, entirely up to them. But public reactions inevitably have consequences on public reputations. So, it's a question of what sort of reputation you want.

You've previously told me, in effect, you don't care how low your reputation goes, here. It's a subsidiary explanation for why you won't stop.
Appealing to the optics is fallacious, James R. A criticism of an argument/position doesn't stop being a criticism just because raising it might make the one raising it look bad. That you are so concerned about your reputation may explain much of your behaviour: you don't like being criticised, you take it far too personally - and maybe this is because you think it harms your reputation - and you thus evade, avoid, ad hominem, misrepresent etc to get out of addressing it.
To wit, your response in this thread to my opening post, and as already explained, you could have just responded with words to the effect of “noted” to the first point, “sure, they were intended as examples” to the second, and “fair enough, that was not my intention and I apologise if anyone felt insulted or dismissed by it” to the third.
The irony is that responding the way you do to such instances does far more harm to whatever you think your reputation is than simply addressing the criticism fairly and honestly. But unfortunately you assumed bad faith, and because you don't like being criticised (maybe this latter is because you think it harms your reputation) you responded as you did. For you to ponder on.

Anyhoo, are we done yet?
Or want to add more nonsense onto the heap for me to pore through?

Will you accept this post as an observation, a critique of what you post, rather than who you are? Remember, what you post is all I / we have to go on...

I fear I will also be labelled as some wannabe white knight, attempting to ride to the rescue of the downtrodden - just for chiming in - c'est la vie.

In no particular order: Sarkus, parmalee, cluelesshusband, Magical Realist, Foghorn (if you count a "like"), Pinball1970 (a relative "newbie"):

Note the "BOTH" in that reply, JamesR - it implies that you are also behaving in a way that should stop.

Realize also: this comes from someone who doesn't have a ten, or fifteen, or twenty year history, like the rest of us.

billvon too:
Well, no. The most minimal intervention would be to simply stop replying when it became clear he was trolling.

It takes two to create a disruptive off-topic detour.

That's from this thread alone!

We could throw in Tiassa, Write4u, Seattle, and a few others - I think Wegs made mention in some thread or other.

Are all of these members part of some "gang"? Maybe... Note who is conspicuous by absence: DaveC426913, exchemist, etc. Is that significant?

Right or wrong, justified or not, your method of handling posts you don't like, or more accurately, posters you don't like, seems to be raised more and more frequently.

Is there any intrinsic meaning? Is there value here? Does any of it mean anything at all?

Objectively, I'm not sure - I haven't performed a rigorous statistical analysis.

Subjectively though, if I were you, I'd be doing a bit of introspection, maybe reflecting on:

"Are my hands clean?"

"Was there a better way of handling this or that thread?"

"Why do these people feel the way they do?"

"Is there a pattern here, and do I care?"

You get the idea...

But that's me, maybe I give more weight to others' opinions than you do, and maybe you have the better approach on that.

In any event, if none of this is meaningful to you, then "You do you", as people are wont to say.

That's my two cents worth. I conveyed a version of this sometime ago, in a PM to you - so there's that. Not much has changed...

(Maybe Timmy will like my post - is that why I wrote it?)
Note the "BOTH" in that reply, JamesR - it implies that you are also behaving in a way that should stop.
I should not have used caps.

James has been very reasonable with me personally.
No issues with any other poster bar write4U.

I'm outsider and don't have history but then again that makes me a neutral too, no history.

So much good science and technology at the moment.
Space X launched today, RNA world has exciting experimental evidence, a mechanism for non terrestrial sugar and glyceric acid, Hubble tension data from Webb confirms HST data and a discovery regarding photosynthesis.
That's this week!

I will post on some of it.
I'm outsider and don't have history but then again that makes me a neutral too, no history.

That is precisely the point - you reached your conclusion free of the baggage others carry about. This adds a certain value to your observation of "both"...
I should not have used caps.

James has been very reasonable with me personally.
No issues with any other poster bar write4U.

I'm outsider and don't have history but then again that makes me a neutral too, no history.

So much good science and technology at the moment.
Space X launched today, RNA world has exciting experimental evidence, a mechanism for non terrestrial sugar and glyceric acid, Hubble tension data from Webb confirms HST data and a discovery regarding photosynthesis.
That's this week!

I will post on some of it.
I’d very much like to see the one on synthesis of sugar and RNA world.

But I’m staying out of the snakepit of this thread. It seems like an autoimmune disease in which the members of the forum attack each other, for lack of external stimulus.:D
I acknowledge that you read through the posts, but was it a skim read or a thorough going over followed by some thought before you posted a considered reply?

Whichever the case, you wrote that you weren't quite grasping how Sarkus could have been trolling. To me, not quite grasping the content meant that there was room to doubt the validity of the conclusions you reached. So, I queried whether you had, in fact, read the relevant material - I mean properly read it, not just skimmed enough to post your first reaction.
I read through those initial posts and I don't see trolling. I just see someone who disagreed with you on some points and was seeking clarification or suggesting you were wrong. It was on topic.

And his questions were valid based on the subject matter and what you had posted.

It is clear that you and Sarkus have a bit (read a shit tonne) of issues with each other. You don't get along. And look, that's fine. We don't all have to get along.

Looking at those initial posts, I don't see the whole vendetta thing. That came along much later because that is what inevitably happens between the two of you. Try and consider or ask yourself if he's disagreeing with you, it's on topic, and he is pointing out something he disagrees with in your post - 'is it because he's out to get me?'.. I don't think he is. But the moment you introduce that element into the discussion, the tone and subject of the disagreement immediately changes. Your first response to him is always on the defensive, and he responds in kind.

The issue is that you are both at fault here. You can't lay this solely at his feet.

Given you both seem to go down this route each time you converse on this site, perhaps it might be healthier for the both of you to not communicate at all and simply ignore each other. Billvon made the pertinent point earlier - if you think he is trolling, why feed it? And I'd ask the same question to Sarkus.. If he thinks you're trolling, why feed it?

God help me, this is now stuck in my head:

I now hate everyone..
Will you accept this post as an observation, a critique of what you post, rather than who you are? Remember, what you post is all I / we have to go on...
Of course. If I wasn't open to criticism, this thread wouldn't be open either.

You have said a lot of entirely reasonable things.
Note the "BOTH" in that reply, JamesR - it implies that you are also behaving in a way that should stop.
I understand. These personal battles are bruising for the people involved (although Sarkus will no doubt vehemently deny that). Disinterested readers (not uninterested, mind you) often view these things are unnecessary and they are often dismayed about the likely repercussions for future interactions on the forum between the people who are involved. The prosecution of old grudges can spill over into many threads and it always disrupts the flow of constructive discussion.

In most cases, as a moderator, the best thing to do when these things flare up is to issue warnings to the people involved and to shut down the argument. However, when a moderator is involved in the argument, shutting down the discussion or warning the (other) parties who are involved risks simply expanding the dispute to include accusations that the moderator has taken to using his or her official powers as an extra weapon in the personal dispute. Maybe the best solution, in the ideal case, is that another unbiased moderator steps in to handle the matter. In our specific situation here, however, we don't have have many moderators and it is difficult to avoid any perception of collusion or mutual bias among the remaining moderators.

This is why I tend to let these arguments run their course whenever I am involved, rather than moderating to shut them down. Of course, that still leaves the question of why I choose to respond to personal attacks at all, especially when they are repetitive. On that, I can only really say that I'm a human being with the usual human flaws. Also, as I have said previously, I think that letting personal insults and false allegations go unchallenged merely encourages the trolls to repeat and/or escalate their poor behaviours. My preference, for better or worse, is to call them out on their bullshit.
We could throw in Tiassa, Write4u, Seattle, and a few others - I think Wegs made mention in some thread or other.

Are all of these members part of some "gang"? Maybe... Note who is conspicuous by absence: DaveC426913, exchemist, etc. Is that significant?
All of the names you have mentioned have a history with me. In some cases, it's entirely positive. In other cases, it's a mix. In a few cases, you're looking at people who have deep-seated grudges and huge chips on their shoulders, usually as a result of my calling out their bad behaviour in the past and them coming out of those past discussions looking quite the worse for wear.

When it comes to these things, there are always some silent supporters (or silent opponents) who prefer to sit out of the fray and just watch what happens. I don't blame anybody who makes the choice not to get involved. I do not require a gang of my own supporters to leap to my defence in a battle against the likes of Sarkus; I can easily handle him on my own. But I am confident that there are people here who understand where I'm coming from and who probably agree with me on the important issues, even if they might regard some of my choices as unproductive.

In this current thread, there has been a lot of passive aggression. As I said in a previous post, that sort of thing can look innocent to a casual viewer while, in fact, the aim of it all along is to push somebody's buttons. Flame wars on forums like this often start with seemingly innocuous comments. Those involved get the subtle messages that are intended (after all, those messages are deliberately targeted for them to get), while outsiders see nothing they regard as objectionable.

Such is the case with this thread, including in Sarkus's opening post. He protests just a bit too much, don't you think?
Right or wrong, justified or not, your method of handling posts you don't like, or more accurately, posters you don't like, seems to be raised more and more frequently.
There are a few usual suspects who do that.

There aren't that many regulars here, these days. Among those who are still here, there are a few who have taken a disliking to me. In some cases, it's because I have been quite critical of some pet ideas they have about various pseudosciences. In some cases it's because they broke our rules at some stage and I issued them with a warning that they considered unfair. Some of those people feel restricted by our site rules and they resent me because they see me as the forum policeman who abuses his powers. In some cases, it's probably just a personality thing: they think I'm an arrogant know-it-all; they don't like my posting style; etc.

Another factor is that, after a while, regulars here can almost predict the kind of thing another regular is likely to say on any given topic. So, they start to lose interest in discussion of topics, many of which have come up before. They decide to provoke controversy or start arguments as an alternative to discussing the topics. Their focus becomes the personalities in the forum rather than the actual topics of discussion. While some people might feel it's a bad look to fight with others in front of a bunch of strangers or visitors, they (somewhat paradoxically) feel comfortable doing it in front of a bunch of people they already feel they know well.
Is there any intrinsic meaning? Is there value here? Does any of it mean anything at all?
Well, there's no value in Sarkus repetitively blathering on about his issues with me. That's why I moved his nonsense out of the original thread in the first place. I've certainly said everything that needs to be said to him. This will pass soon, but I'm sure he'll be back for another round, because he can't help himself.
Subjectively though, if I were you, I'd be doing a bit of introspection, maybe reflecting on:

"Are my hands clean?"

"Was there a better way of handling this or that thread?"

"Why do these people feel the way they do?"

"Is there a pattern here, and do I care?"

You get the idea...
Do you think I haven't done that? I've done that right from the start of this little episode. I'm always keeping tabs on my own motives and trying to evaluate how this all comes across to an unbiased reader.

In answer to your questions:
1. My hands are mostly clean. I'm not perfect. On occasion, I like to stir the pot a bit. I'm not always the peacemaker, certainly.
2. Opinions will inevitably differ on whether there is a better way of handling this or that thread. Again, I do not claim to be perfect.
3. See above for some reasons why people feel the way they do.
4. Different people have different patterns. Yes, there are patterns to be seen. Do I care? Certainly I care enough to keep responding in this thread, at least to thoughtful posts. Not on endless repeat, though.
But that's me, maybe I give more weight to others' opinions than you do, and maybe you have the better approach on that.
We all give different weight to different people's opinions. There are a few people here whose opinions I value highly. There are a few other people here whose opinions are irrelevant, as far as I'm concerned. I don't value the opinions of liars, in particular.
That's my two cents worth. I conveyed a version of this sometime ago, in a PM to you - so there's that. Not much has changed...
I value your opinion at least enough to take time to think about it and to write this response. As I said at the start, you've made some perfectly valid points. My perspective on this particular thread is clearly going to be somewhat different from yours, for obvious reasons, but that doesn't mean I can't understand where you're coming from.
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I read through those initial posts and I don't see trolling. I just see someone who disagreed with you on some points and was seeking clarification or suggesting you were wrong. It was on topic.
Plausible deniability.
And his questions were valid based on the subject matter and what you had posted.
You will note that I answered all his valid questions in my first reply (post #2) to him.
It is clear that you and Sarkus have a bit (read a shit tonne) of issues with each other. You don't get along. And look, that's fine. We don't all have to get along.
The main issues I have with Sarkus tend to come up when he is disruptive of normal conversation. Apart from that, I don't think he has any emotional intelligence, but I will be the first to say that I think that might not be something he can fix. I wish he could control his outbursts and know when enough is enough, but maybe he just can't.

Regarding his personal attacks on me, of course I think it is entirely rude and inappropriate when he makes false allegations and generalisations about me. I understand that he can't let go of a long-standing grudge he has about my calling him out for failing to recognise when it is appropriate to declare a vested interest. Maybe that upset him because it tended to highlight his lack of social intelligence. Anyway, whatever the reason, it doesn't justify any of his falsehoods.
Looking at those initial posts, I don't see the whole vendetta thing. That came along much later because that is what inevitably happens between the two of you.
However you want to look at where this particular round of recrimination started, you might like to consider why it escalated, who escalated it, and who is unable to let it pass.
Try and consider or ask yourself if he's disagreeing with you, it's on topic, and he is pointing out something he disagrees with in your post - 'is it because he's out to get me?'..
What makes you think I didn't consider that?

I answered all his on-topic questions. I even helpfully distinguished his on-topic questions from his off-topic personal attacks. I wrote things like "These are reasonable questions" for the on-topic stuff, and I wrote things like "This is entirely inappropriate" for the off-topic personal bullshit. You know, in case he can't actually tell the difference.
Your first response to him is always on the defensive, and he responds in kind.
From post #1 of this thread he was on the attack. What do you expect, if not a defence? There are instances where I conceded on-topics points, or else acknowledged the point of view by politely disagreed, as I often do. Of course, we didn't spend very much time discussing the topic, because Sarkus quickly wanted to make it entirely personal.
The issue is that you are both at fault here. You can't lay this solely at his feet.
I do not lay everything entirely at his feet.

I do think, however, that he ought to stop now, if he is able. Don't you? I think he's said his piece three or four times now, at least. Do you think I have understood his message to me? Is there anybody reading this thread who doesn't understand his assertions?

Of course, I'm not going to waste my time trying to defend myself against false allegations. That would tend to give them a false veneer of legitimacy.
Given you both seem to go down this route each time you converse on this site, perhaps it might be healthier for the both of you to not communicate at all and simply ignore each other.
That's not a realistic solution. It is inevitable that we will, at times, disagree with one another on some topic or other.
Billvon made the pertinent point earlier - if you think he is trolling, why feed it?
Because letting it pass sends the message to him that his behaviour is acceptable.
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I remember that incident and your nonsense standard, sure.
Thank you for highlighting that I was correct about this part of the reason for your long-standing grudge.
Life is too short for revenge, and this site simply doesn't register on things that concern me.
Clearly, it is not true that this site - this discussion, in fact - is unimportant to you. Your own behaviour belies your words. You lack self awareness.
My opening post in this thread is a case in point: you insulted and misrepresented an entire swathe of the population, notably religious, and had framed the debate with that post ostensibly to exclude them. That was worth calling out no matter who it was.
That is your excuse and justification for your ongoing and quite inappropriate personal attacks. It's wafer thin, but apparently you've convinced some people here. Well done.
That you don't see the relevance of a point, James R, does not make it pedantic, or nit-picky.
I saw your point clearly. I deduced your aims correctly.
As to "craving your attention", no. As said, you're just not that important. Sorry. But then I could say that you seem to crave my attention, by latching on to any criticism I raise and taking it personally.
...says the guy who in post #12 made a laundry list of my supposed character flaws.

You didn't mean for me to take that personally? Come on, Sarkus. Even you can't be that emotionally disconnected. Can you?
I never said that you'll always be a hypocrite. Are you now telling me you will always be one??
Sarkus, grow up. At times you come across like like a whiney toddler having a supermarket meltdown. You keep going long after you've forgotten why you arced up in the first place.
Seriously, just stop responding to me, stop with your bullshit and your ad hominems, and this conversation will be over.
If you stop posting, there will be nothing for me to reply to. But you can't stop, can you?
You're as guilty as me in not knowing when to stop ...
Sarkus, your childish "I know you are, but what am I?" ploy isn't working. Think about it. Don't just keep proving me right.
Appealing to the optics is fallacious, James R.
Oh, I see. You're not doing this for the audience, then? Why, then?

Are you hoping to convince me that you were spot on with your extensive laundry list of my character flaws, and trusting that I will be the bigger man and remedy them one by one until they suit your preferences?

Do you feel like you're making useful progress in bringing me around to your point of view?

And why all the repetition? Haven't you said your piece several times over? Do you think I missed your meaning the first seven times, so you need to post exactly the same thing for an eighth time, or a nineth or tenth time, in the hope that eventually you'll break through my wall of incomprehension?

If the optics are fallacious, why on earth are you still posting here, Sarkus?

Is it just because you can't stop yourself?
Anyhoo, are we done yet?
I doubt very much that you're done. You can't seem to stop.

We'll see, once again.
If there was ever a thread that should be shut down because it devolved into nothing more than personal attacks and ego-stroking, it's this one.
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