Santa Clause Debunked!

the best santa sighting was in south korea. one establishment decided to dress up some chimps as santa

the cnn reporter was outraged
Santa Clause is massless! He died hundreds of years ago and has done all his jolly good deeds in his ghost form.

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The solution, of course, lies in the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. As we all know, if a waveform can collapse into one of two states (Schroedinger's cat is either dead, or alive), then in the Many Worlds version it does both. This Universe bifurcates into one where option A occured, and another where it was option B.
Now it turns out that Santa is Omniversal: he exists simultaneously in all Universes. His actions in any one Universe are translated to all similar Universes. In this way he is required, in each individual Universe, to deliver presents to only a single household, having ample time to eat the cookies, feed and water the reindeer, and tick off the list.
The only debunking that occurs to Santa Claus is when he gets out of bed.
I have proof that he does in fact, exist. When I woke up this morning there were presents under the Christmas tree and in the stockings. How else could they have possibly got there?
So where exactly did all the presents come from that were received yesterday morning? Hey, at least this unexplained Christmas phenomina wasn't attributed to God or Aliens. ;)

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ylooshi said:
The United States Postal Service, a primary institution of the United States of America, the dominant world superpower, delivers mail to Santa Clause. If they have his address, he must really exist. There you have it, confirmation from one of the highest authorities in the world.
there is such a place as santa claus. no joke.
Hello! I'm right here. Would you please stop making ridiculous posts about my non-existence? I have ultimate proof that santa exists... I'm it. And no gifts for you next christmas, skinwalker. You've been a bad, bad boy! :mad: