sandy's Immigration Ideology Breaks an Specific Commandment

welcome to - ha ha made some impression Sandy.
Just like George W. Bush has made an impression on this country...and the world for that matter.

Not every impression is a good one, John.

I've also noticed that once someone makes a post that 'personally attacks :bawl:' her in a thread, she doesn't post in that thread anymore. Notice how she hasn't posted in this thread yet.
No Christian takes the OT rules seriously. I mean, have you actually read them? They would all have to get circumcised, stop eating pork, and women wouldn’t be able to live in the same house as their husband when they were menstruating. Men would be obligated to marry their sister-in-law if their brother died (don't worry, it's fine if you're already married - polygamy is allowed), and people would be stoned to death for all sorts of things. Christians always just either pretend that those rules aren't there, or try to rationalize why they shouldn't have to follow them.

Sorry, Nasser, but that's a gross generalization that does NOT apply to most real Christians. Yes, there are splinter groups that hold to some of that stuff but it's far from mainstream. For the greater majority, the OT is just an explanation of how things USED to be and every bit of it has been superseded by the NT. They consider NONE of those old laws/rules to be in effect today.
Sorry, Nasser, but that's a gross generalization that does NOT apply to most real Christians. Yes, there are splinter groups that hold to some of that stuff but it's far from mainstream. For the greater majority, the OT is just an explanation of how things USED to be and every bit of it has been superseded by the NT. They consider NONE of those old laws/rules to be in effect today.
This is what I was talking about when I said "Christians always just either pretend that those rules aren't there, or try to rationalize why they shouldn't have to follow them."

You appear to have successfully rationalized why you don’t need to follow the OT law, at least to your own satisfaction. Congratulations! I hope you enjoy eating your pork and not having to marry your sister-in-law.

Of course if you really want to get into it, Jesus himself explicitly said that he did not come to abolish the old laws. There were some specific laws that he changed, but he never said anything to indicate that he was throwing out all the OT rules. Many Christians believe that the OT rules no longer apply, but there is nothing in the Bible to support that assertion and indeed Jesus' own words seem to explicitly contradict that.
This is what I was talking about when I said "Christians always just either pretend that those rules aren't there, or try to rationalize why they shouldn't have to follow them."

You appear to have successfully rationalized why you don’t need to follow the OT law, at least to your own satisfaction. Congratulations! I hope you enjoy eating your pork and not having to marry your sister-in-law.

Of course if you really want to get into it, Jesus himself explicitly said that he did not come to abolish the old laws. There were some specific laws that he changed, but he never said anything to indicate that he was throwing out all the OT rules. Many Christians believe that the OT rules no longer apply, but there is nothing in the Bible to support that assertion and indeed Jesus' own words seem to explicitly contradict that.

Nope, it's a matter of interpretation and the majority seem to agree on the one that says the OT is dead and no longer of any effect.

Christ actually said that he came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it. And that's quite a bit different from perpetuating it. The law had prophesied his coming - and it was in that respect that he he fulfilled it.

Paul clearly said that the law had been nailed to a tree - meaning 'killed', become dead. There is also discussion about when a new testament is given it's brought into force by the death of the testator - and when that happens, the original testament ( a will) no longer is in force.

Peter also made it quite clear that he understood from his vision of the sheet that NO food was any longer considered taboo - that includes pork and everything else.

As I said before, only a few groups actually think ANY of the old laws/rules still apply today. Tell me - how long has it been since you saw anyone sacrificing a bullock or dove and sprinkling it's blood around? :D
The original rules of the OT were laid out specifically so that the Jews could survive through the desert. Once they found their new home, many of the rules of the desert did not apply anymore. Some of them would still apply though. For instance, eating pork is still not good for you because they have a very dirty kind of meat. Whenever they eat something toxic, it stays in the meat, which we then consume. That's why God told them not to eat pork. He also gave the Jews rules of hygene. At the times of the bubonic plague, the Jews were the only ones that were surviving in great numbers. That's because they followed the hygene rules God sent to them. Once people realized that those rules are important, they were more broadly incoporated in our societies. That's when sanitation was born.

I hope I have educated you. ;)
Nope, it's a matter of interpretation and the majority seem to agree on the one that says the OT is dead and no longer of any effect.
Yeah, like I said. You have rationalized why you no longer need to follow the OT laws. Great. Personally I think that your rationalization involves some pretty complicated mental gymnastics (like assuming that when Jesus said "laws" he was talking about prophecies rather than rules), but it doesn't really matter. Since I don't believe in any of it myself, I'm not really invested in any particular interpretation and I don't really care.
The original rules of the OT were laid out specifically so that the Jews could survive through the desert. Once they found their new home, many of the rules of the desert did not apply anymore. Some of them would still apply though. For instance, eating pork is still not good for you because they have a very dirty kind of meat. Whenever they eat something toxic, it stays in the meat, which we then consume. That's why God told them not to eat pork. He also gave the Jews rules of hygene. At the times of the bubonic plague, the Jews were the only ones that were surviving in great numbers. That's because they followed the hygene rules God sent to them. Once people realized that those rules are important, they were more broadly incoporated in our societies. That's when sanitation was born.

I hope I have educated you. ;)

Most of that is pretty accurate, however the part about pork is bit off the mark. There wasn't really that much toxic material available to them back then. The real problem came from trichinosis and was a very frequent problem among people who did eat pork during that period (and even now) when it hasn't been cooked sufficiently.
Yeah, like I said. You have rationalized why you no longer need to follow the OT laws. Great. Personally I think that your rationalization involves some pretty complicated mental gymnastics (like assuming that when Jesus said "laws" he was talking about prophecies rather than rules), but it doesn't really matter. Since I don't believe in any of it myself, I'm not really invested in any particular interpretation and I don't really care.

No, that's not just MY rationalization - it's pretty widely understood that way by the vast majority of Christians.

And not to worry, I was simply commenting on what I saw was a misunderstanding - I'm not 'pushing' anything and that's really all I had to say about the topic.
Most of that is pretty accurate, however the part about pork is bit off the mark. There wasn't really that much toxic material available to them back then. The real problem came from trichinosis and was a very frequent problem among people who did eat pork during that period (and even now) when it hasn't been cooked sufficiently.
Huuummm... ok. I stand corrected. But nowdays they are also full of toxic stuff. ;)