sandy's Immigration Ideology Breaks an Specific Commandment

Question: Does she have a policy involving LEGAL immigrants, or is it ILLEGAL immigrants?

If it's the former, THEN she's violating that commandment. If it's the latter, then the bible doesn't exactly apply. The bible has PLENTY of punishments to hand out to those who break the law (as seen in the other thread directed at her).

Just curious.
Question: Does she have a policy involving LEGAL immigrants, or is it ILLEGAL immigrants?

If it's the former, THEN she's violating that commandment. If it's the latter, then the bible doesn't exactly apply. The bible has PLENTY of punishments to hand out to those who break the law (as seen in the other thread directed at her).

Just curious.

Were the aliens in Egypt legal or illegal?

And by the same token, what does the Bible say about the massacre of the Native Americans by the colonists?
I've been watching Stargate and I'm pretty sure they were illegal.:p
Oh well in that case, let's take the stargate to their home planet and check the peeps themselves. Maybe we could put some inter-solar system pressure on that planet's gub'mint to crack down on illegal emigration.
Aliens are aliens. Note that you have to put a qualifier in front of the word "alien" to differentiate illegal from legal.
If the bible says "alien" then surely it means all?

Presumably that includes A.L.F. as well?
Were the aliens in Egypt legal or illegal?[\QUOTE]

Legal for the time period. They were made into slaves. They didn't like it very much, and it's sort of "be better 'hosts' to them than the Egyptians were to you.

Also, you don't need a qualifier if you're talking about normal immigrants, and you don't generally use the term alien by itself unless you're referring to legal immigrants.

Or extraterrestrials.
Question: Does she have a policy involving LEGAL immigrants, or is it ILLEGAL immigrants?

If it's the former, THEN she's violating that commandment. If it's the latter, then the bible doesn't exactly apply. The bible has PLENTY of punishments to hand out to those who break the law (as seen in the other thread directed at her).

Just curious.
Not really. the verse doesn't specify at all! Were the people God led out of Egypt illegal aliens? Think about it.

God only said "aliens".
Note: "alien" also mean "stranger", as in the word "alienated". ;)

Precisely! There are a lot of people speaking here with little knowledge of what they're talking about. They were aliens (strangers) in Egypt only because they had been captured and taken there as slaves. None of them "went" because they chose to.

I cannot speak for Sandy or anyone else, for that matter but here's my stand on the current situation: I believe ALL illegal aliens should be deported, regardless of what country they came from. At the same time, I've got no problem at all with legal aliens - again, regardless what country they came from. In fact, I'm very much on their side and willing to help them (and I've already done so).
No Christian takes the OT rules seriously. I mean, have you actually read them? They would all have to get circumcised, stop eating pork, and women wouldn’t be able to live in the same house as their husband when they were menstruating. Men would be obligated to marry their sister-in-law if their brother died (don't worry, it's fine if you're already married - polygamy is allowed), and people would be stoned to death for all sorts of things. Christians always just either pretend that those rules aren't there, or try to rationalize why they shouldn't have to follow them.

Sandy has already said very explicitly that she believes in OT "eye for an eye" justice and that she wishes to defend herself and fight against evil doers. That's a direct violation of Jesus' own explicit NT commands, which is presumably much worse.