Sam: Prisons are full of people like you.

Sure, is that so surprising? Plenty of people out there who think they know better and will never get caught.

So, you're claiming those prisoners did in fact turn against their religious morals?
So, you're claiming those prisoners did in fact turn against their religious morals?

I don't know, I haven't asked. I assume they either broke a law or were believed to have done so. Since most laws in India are based on the British judicial system, its possible that the laws they broke clashed with their religious morals [e.g. the law against homosexuality]
I don't know, I haven't asked. I assume they either broke a law or were believed to have done so. Since most laws in India are based on the British judicial system, its possible that the laws they broke clashed with their religious morals [e.g. the law against homosexuality]


"After independence, the Constitution of India with its Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy gave a new direction to law reform geared to the needs of a democratic legal order in a plural society. Though the Constitution stipulated the continuation of pre-Constitution Laws (Article 372) till they are amended or repealed, there had been demands in Parliament and outside for establishing a Central Law Commission to recommend revision and updating of the inherited laws to serve the changing needs of the country. The Government of India reacted favourably and established the First Law Commission of Independent India in 1955 with the then Attorney-General of India, Mr. M. C. Setalvad, as its Chairman."
Look up the laws, now, be a dear.

Homosexual relations are legally still a crime in India under an old British era statute dating from 1860 called Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which criminalises 'carnal intercourse against the order of nature.' The vague nature of the legislation has resulted in it being used against a wide range sexual behaviour like oral sex (heterosexual and homosexual), sodomy, bestiality, etc

And? After the British came, Indians forgot that their temples have same gender sex carved in stone?

Must be all that exposure to rational western thought, eh?


sooo. what. Is this going to turn into a thread for ancient homosexual erotica? What the fuck is going on here? If you kids want to trade pics, can you do it by email? I mean really!
Nice picture on the top reminds me of a drunken night I once had, can’t seem to remember the ladies names but they went home smiling and if my memory serves me right there was some sort of large cylindrical “stone pedestal” involved.