Sam: Prisons are full of people like you.


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
Ya, I kinda like having that freedom where I can decide things for myself. You should try it sometimes.

Prisons are full of people like you.

Sam thinks those who would make moral decisions based on their own reason and rationale wind up in prisons.

India has 2.5 million prisoners in a system that can only accommodate 2.1 million. Some of these prisons house 3 times their capacity. Overcrowding of prisons is one of India's biggest problems.

I wonder how many of those prisoners were taught morals from their religion and how many came up with their morals on their own?

17 out of 23 of our cabinet ministers are atheist. You think they may be damaging the religious systems? Anyone who breaks the law, will end up in prison. And since its not a perfect system, many innocent people will too. But they are assumed to have broken a law.
Sam thinks those who would make moral decisions based on their own reason and rationale wind up in prisons.

Says the humanist atheist: "We have free will. Whatever we do is a matter of our conscious, deliberate choice."

So, Q, which is it? -

Should a person be assessed based on the philosophy/worldview they espouse?

Or should a person be assessed based on the philosophy/worldview you espouse, or which someone else espouses?
This entire thread is off topic. Since no one can make decisions on morality that are against the law, "by themselves". If you don't believe me, try having sex with a three year old in public. And announce that being Jewish makes it legal for you, based on your personal interpretation of Jewish beliefs.
I wonder how many of those prisoners were taught morals from their religion and how many came up with their morals on their own?

Someone can come up with their morals on their own? People are really able to do that??

Then why educate them?
Should a person be assessed based on the philosophy/worldview they espouse?

Or should a person be assessed based on the philosophy/worldview you espouse, or which someone else espouses?

You tell me. You're morals are based on what someone else espoused.
I know why I believe what I believe. But I see you have some strange notions that make no logical sense. Perhaps you should think about it some.

Why do you follow the law?
So Sam, tell us why the prisons of India are overcrowded? What happened to religious morals? Why would you state that people who come to their own decisions about morality go to prisons and the statistics clearly show societies that are dominated by religion have overcrowded prisons? The US is the same, if that makes you feel any better.
I know why I believe what I believe. But I see you have some strange notions that make no logical sense. Perhaps you should think about it some.

Why do you follow the law?

This thread is specific. Stay on topic and answer the question or shut the fuck up.
Why would you state that people who come to their own decisions about morality go to prisons and the statistics clearly show societies that are dominated by religion have overcrowded prisons?.

Perhaps I was referring to moral societies. If there is no morality, there will be no prison. Accountability is only a necessity if people accept that what you did is wrong. Otherwise, you can kill millions and still go home to your family.
Just like your notion that prisons are full of people like me?

They are. Each and everyone of them decided for themselves what is "right" or "moral" for themselves. Unfortunately, society at large disagreed with their interpretations.
They are. Each and everyone of them decided for themselves what is "right" or "moral" for themselves. Unfortunately, society at large disagreed with their interpretations.

So, the 2.5 million prisoners in India, though adamant in their religious beliefs, decided to toss the morals of their religion out the window in favor of ...?
So, the 2.5 million prisoners in India, though adamant in their religious beliefs, decided to toss the morals of their religion out the window in favor of ...?

Sure, is that so surprising? Plenty of people out there who think they know better and will never get caught.
They are. Each and everyone of them decided for themselves what is "right" or "moral" for themselves. Unfortunately, society at large disagreed with their interpretations.

And religious people can not do that? Are you telling me that as a religious person you cannot decide whats right and wrong by yourself? You need some ancient book to do it for you? That sounds pretty shady to me.

What if you lose faith? Then are you just a loose cannon ready to kill, lie, steal because of your lack of ethics and morals?
And religious people can not do that? Are you telling me that as a religious person you cannot decide whats right and wrong by yourself? You need some ancient book to do it for you? That sounds pretty shady to me.

Of course it sounds shady to you. It does to everyone who makes up their own morals and thinks they are right.

What if you lose faith? Then are you just a loose cannon ready to kill, lie, steal because of your lack of ethics and morals?

Could be, it takes a lack of faith to take the law in your hands, because technically, you know you are doing something wrong, but you don't care anyway, since you know better.