Sagnac Limit

Hello MacM, et al.

I guess it all boils down on how you view the movement of light energy through space.

If you view the movement as a continuous/particle then you get into v+c and v-c postulates.

If you view the movement as steps involving the transfer of energy from the electric field to the magnetic field and back again then "c", the speed of light, is related to the rate of the energy transfer between the electric and magnetic fields. The rate of energy transfer is independent of the motion of the source or the receiver. This allows Sagnac effects (circular and linear) to be observed.


To an untrained ear this might sound plausable, unfortunately it isn't a viable counter argument. "Rate of EM transfer indeed" - lol. Care to show even one study that suggests your comments or explain how you imgine such a concept explains the shift from a Sagnac view to the SRT view?
Show me the maths that supports your claim, MacM.

What about pragmatic scientific judgements vs unlimited mathematic predictions do you not understand?

I have said physicists support the claim of Black Holes and their "Singularity" as real physical enities because that is the unlimited mathematical conclusion. I have argued that there would be practical physical limits that precluded "Singularities".

My judgement was wrong - practical physical limits seem to preclude the formation of Black Holes altogether, not just a singularity.

So requesting mathematical proof of the failure of mathematics is about as rational as claiming SRT is also real.

Just as Black Holes are now in serious doubt, so will be SRT in due time. Of that there is simply no doubt because the practical physical limits are exceeded.

Physics (that is the real physical world physics and not just the mathematical playground) is based on solid principles.

Concepts that violate such pragmatic basis may have utility or value for some limited applications but that doesn't make them reality.

Now a serious question regarding the conflict between known light velocity as measured in a Sagnac device vs the postulate and mathematics of SRT has been asked. Perhaps it would be more professional to address that issue rather than try to mitigate or minimize the question with illrelevant crap.

What about pragmatic scientific judgements vs unlimited mathematic predictions do you not understand?

I'm not sure. You'll need to be more specific.

I have said physicists support the claim of Black Holes and their "Singularity" as real physical enities because that is the unlimited mathematical conclusion.

Find me a physicist who supports black hole singularities as "real physical entities", rather than as a mathematical result of our best theory of gravity.

My judgement was wrong - practical physical limits seem to preclude the formation of Black Holes altogether, not just a singularity.

How do you explain active galactic nuclei, then? And what happens when a star collapses to a neutron star of greater than 2 solar masses, according to you?

Just as Black Holes are now in serious doubt, so will be SRT in due time.
Black holes are not in serious doubt. Anyway, just as birds fly today, one day pigs will fly too, right?

Physics (that is the real physical world physics and not just the mathematical playground) is based on solid principles.

You don't need to tell me that; I'm a physicist.

Concepts that violate such pragmatic basis may have utility or value for some limited applications but that doesn't make them reality.

You make your usual mistake in imagining that the real world must correspond to your personal understanding and "common sense". There are stranger things in the world than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Now a serious question regarding the conflict between known light velocity as measured in a Sagnac device vs the postulate and mathematics of SRT has been asked. Perhaps it would be more professional to address that issue rather than try to mitigate or minimize the question with illrelevant crap.

Show me the maths you are criticising, so it is clear where you think the mathematical error occurs.
James R said:
Find me a physicist who supports black hole singularities as "real physical entities", rather than as a mathematical result of our best theory of gravity.

Talk about wishy-washy - :bugeye:

How do you explain active galactic nuclei, then? And what happens when a star collapses to a neutron star of greater than 2 solar masses, according to you?

Not according to me but according to the more recent studies. Perhaps it would bode better for this site if the self proclaimed "Professionals" were actually more up to date and astute and confined their responses to physics under discussion rather than attempting to mitigate comments they don't agree with.

Black holes are not in serious doubt. Anyway, just as birds fly today, one day pigs will fly too, right?

Right. Thanks for making my point.

You don't need to tell me that; I'm a physicist.

Then act like one.

You make your usual mistake in imagining that the real world must correspond to your personal understanding and "common sense". There are stranger things in the world than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

FYI: I hadn't been here in some months simply because I found another site that is professionally oriented. They actually formed a "Formal Debate" forum initially for me to debate a working high energy physicists.

We had two formal debates and several lengthy discussions in threads, guess what. Not once did he attempt to slander or degrade me. We held extensive discussions of many of the issues I have tried to raise here and unlike here the results were substantially different.

Where SRT was not over turned, he did acknowledge many of my views were valid and it was a matter of perspective. He concluded that SRT is substantially a perception not necessarily a physical reality. He numerous times complimented me for the quality of my questions.

So I am not embarassed nor offended by your tact. They merely degrade your responses.

Show me the maths you are criticising, so it is clear where you think the mathematical error occurs.

I think this was addressed above. I HAVE NOT ONCE CLAIMED A MATHEMATICAL ERROR. Math does predict the "Singularity" but that is where it shows math alone is insufficient science. It take common sense. If it defies common sense it must be questioned even greater. If it defies basic physics it must be considered false and merely an illusion casued by as yet unknown factors.

The old "It is merely counter intuitive" is an unacceptable and in appropriate scientific standard.

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As many here know I used to argue extensively here but have for many months been deliberately absent because it was a waste of time since the tatic here is to attack personalities, cast enuendo, etc and not to actually address issues.

I'm posting this just so other members can evaluate the merits (or lack thereof) of responses being made by those claiming to be professionals here, in comparison to an actual high energy physicist that engaged issues I raise in a serious manner and indepth consideration through formal 1 on 1 debates.

Nothing here is meant to suggest I won, or that SRT was over turned, but the fact that such concerns deserve more than the usual brush off given here is clear and I only hope others will learn from this to weigh carefully the glib responses being made by some.

The following are comments made by the high energy particle physicist during and after our debates:

******************************************** Physicist *********************************************

It doesn't say anything about a moving clock. It simply says how you will observe the clock's time as a non-mover (and vice versa). Relativity only deals with perceived time and space. That's it.

(Posted here by MacM - I have tried to make this point repeatedly here and it has been phoo-pooed and claimed that what is percieved is reality. That view is incorrect and creates the reciprocity failure of SRT. That is clock "A" cannot run slower than clock "B" at the same time clock "B" is running slower than clock "A". (A SRT relative velocity consequence if taken literally). Clock A can only "appear" to be running slower and vice-versa. The reality and supported by data, consequence is that only one clock will show time dilation and it is the clock that accelerated the most, experiencing F=ma. Acceleration is NOT merely the changing of relative velocity as a frame dependant view point but is associated with absolute energy - F=ma and v=at.


Mac is, of course, correct that there are Lorentz factors in my skateboard and stopwatch example. It was just to point out that his frame-dependent-relative-velocity concept is no less outrageous than the whole time/space variation thing. Just far less respectable....

When you get right down to it, everything you allege is predicated on the fact that you believe it is possible to determine which object is "really" moving in an empty universe with only two objects in relative motion. It would be the object that experienced an acceleration in its history.

If this is a fact, then relativity is false. If it is not, then your idea is false. We certainly know that at slow speeds this is either false or immeasurably true. This doesn't disprove your supposition, but makes it somewhat more shaky.

Currently I know of no experimental result that would support your contention. I also acknowledge that the most direct experiment that might support this idea has not been done.

However, given the fact that this seems to be the basis of your physics theory, I'd spend time thinking how you might prove this idea. In this world of atomic clocks with obscene precision, it shouldn't be impossible to imagine such an experiment......................

If you're right, when you're in Stockholm say "Hi" to the king for me.

Posted here by MacM - See NOTE: at bottom of this post.


I think on this even Mac would agree with me in my interpretation of his ideas. Note I am not talking about SR here.

Case 1: If you have two clocks and don't accelerate them, they will agree.

Case 2: If you have two clocks and accelerate them identically, they will agree.

In either of these two cases, if you later accelerate one of the two clocks, it will run more slowly.

However, it is impossible to distinguish between case 1 and case 2, if you look only between the two clocks. Mac would say it would take a third clock to disentangle between the two. That is, unless the third clock had been accelerated even more in the past. Then you still wouldn't be able to separate between 1 & 2.

I think he'd want you to look at all of the clocks in the universe, find the fastest running one and claim that this clock is the least-accelerated one in the history of the universe.

But, of course, he can speak for himself.

Posted here by MacM - See NOTE:Also consider that the accelerated case 2 the acceleration can be in opposite directions and produce relative velocity or it can be in a common vector and have no relative velocity. As he has just stated the affect on the clocks is equal (hence no dilation between clocks can exist even if there is relative velocity!!!!! Dilation is clearly a function of differential acceleration and not the relative velocity it creates.


There are two issues here. Your original question, which was posed in Euclidean space. In this space, the speed of light is constant and matter may not exceed the speed of light. It's a good question, I like it.

The second question is what happens when space itself changes shape. There is no law of relativity that requires space to move at the speed of light or slower. Space can expand at superluminal velocities. Any person who argues with you about this simply doesn't understand GR and SR.


So back to your original query. It's cute, I like it. I may well use it to torture cocky graduate students.


First, let me say that the conundrum posed by Mac was a rather good one, the solution of which is non-trivial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On the other hand Mac, the query you posed was good enough to stump a number of my colleagues. The amount of time needed to figure this out was substantial….more than I had originally anticipated.


You know Mac…as much as you have thought about this, you would be well-advised to see if you could take a relativity class at a local university, preferably one of a respectable caliber. A thorough understanding of relativity would make you all the more intellectually dangerous....or maybe you’d just come over to the dark side…


The following are comments by others after the debates:

1 - (physicist) For whatever it's worth Mac, I never voted. So you got one more vote than you thought. . . . . . . . . .

Apparently I'm not as persuasive as I thought. Only a couple of people thought I made a good case.

2 -(physicist) You have a talent for raising interesting questions.

3 - (member) Heh we are, this is surprisingly enjoyable to watch and follow along, for most of us, we don't usually get to see such concept explored in this fashion so it's very informative. I think we're all picking up little nuggets of information along the way, but thats the whole point of debates after all isn't it.

4 - (member) I don't know if I'm bold enough to state that I'm picking up new nuggets of information. Nonetheless, I feel a certain awe at Dr. Lincoln's ready understanding of sentences, even whole paragraphs, that seem to me like gobbledegook. Maybe this experience will encourage me to new humility. Just because something expressed in familiar language looks like gobbledegook to me doesn't mean that it necessarily is. Very odd. I just noticed something. I lack the background required to understand important parts of Dr. Lincoln's arguments. Nevertheless, none of his arguments strike me as gobbledegook. So even when I lack understanding, I hold opinions about whether statements carry meaning or not. On what do I base these opinions? Very odd.

5 - (moderator1) Excellent debate, Lincoln and Mac. I must confess to not understanding a large part of it, but it was very interesting, and I commend you both for staying civil and setting the debate bar high in our new forum. Thank you for all the effort you clearly put into the debates and congratulations. I hope we will see more, similarly excellent debates in the near future.

6 - (moderator2)I would like to congratulate Don and Dan, on behalf of the SCF debate committee, for their excellent participation in the opening debate. It was certainly fun and informative (for those of us with the sufficient background knowledge - count me out) to follow with the discussion. Thank you both.

7 - (physicist) I am not sure what to make of the debate. Many have commented on not being able to follow it. So one can reasonably wonder what is the point of the debate, except to give the two of us the opportunity to exercise our vocal cords (or fingers, as the case may be). During this debate, I didn’t pull any punches or hold a lot back, except for one crucial thing. Mathematics. . . . . . .

I was also wondering how long it would take for Mac to point out the following event horizon (as opposed to the forward direction). I have two comments. One is that I described the answer for the problem proposed and approved by Mac. But this is, of course, a bit disingenuous. The forward direction is a similarly good question. But it was an intentional trap. The real truth of the argument was in the link that was so mathematical. I wanted to see if Mac would read the text parts and glom onto the obvious and dangling rope. This approach flirts dangerously with a religious zeal.

Posted here by MacM - the above comment is an admission to the fact that he tried to sucker punch his way through a challenge by inserting some mathematics which didn't fully address the issue)

So the superluminal forward contraction is not observed as the Earth is outside the lightcone of the electron at the moment of acceleration. The light emitted long ago from Earth is inside the light cone and you will find see the appropriate Doppler shift. But only when you can see two events simultaneously in an inertial frame commoving with the electron can you use the simple Lorentz-Fitzgerald equation. And that covers the superluminal forward-looking case.

Posted here by MacM - the above acknowledges that superluminal contraction occurs but is hidden behind an event horizon. This is in contrast to the casual (and common response here) response that nothing occurs FTL)

Regarding reciprocity…probably not. It takes up too much time (in part because your conundrums are good and in part because of the limitations imposed on me by the forum). If someone else wants to step up to the plate, I may throw in my two cents in the parallel thread, but I don’t want to be held responsible for following the debate and responding in a timely manner.

(A decline to take me on for a 3rd debate, acknolwdging that my concepts to be properly addressed require a bit more than enuendo given by JR and others here.

The following link is to a final tribute posted by the physicist from debates done properly.

The white flag could not be cut and pasted directly so was transferred to be linked.


NOTE: He is entirely correct. It is my opinion we cannot disregard basic physics to embrace the concept of relativity. The Newtonian formulas of:

F = ma and v = at;

do not vanish or are not inapplicable when considering relative velocity. It is no coincidence that after 100 years+ of data that we find the only clock to ever lose time is the one that accelerated the most. That is the one that experienced F = ma. Clearly from an SR view where only "Relative" velocity are considered; as relative velocity increases it appears to each observer that it is the other that is accelerating and has all velocity such that each must become time dilated or experience length contraction, etc.

BUT THAT IS NOT THE REALITY. The reality is that only one has the Newtonian experience of F=ma and is therefore achieving a change in absolute velocity via v = at and only one ever dilates, etc. The reciprocity mandated by a relative velocity view is untenable physics, unsupported by data and is not merely counter intuitive but is impossible and that must be recognized by any rational person. The fact that relavistic formulas work doesn't actually prove relativity because the formulas are only supported by one clock, etc and not both as predicted by SRT.

The fact that only one clock ever supports the prediction actually points to a more Lorentzian concept of some absolute velocity system.

The point of this post is to emphasize the lack of quality discussion on this forum and the tendancy to attempt to play down anything they disagree with verses actually responding.

The inapplicable posts and the shifting of the question from physics to this forum are perfect examples of the failure of this site. If you can't address theissue then slander it by calling it pseudoscience or better yet cast negative enuendo aganst the author.

Well JR I've clearly held discussions with many far more knowledgable than you and unlike you they have appreciated and respected my insight into relativity. Hardly anything you have claimed when trying to counter my points have turned out to be valid. That doesn't make my view over turn SRT but it has shown grey areas where even the physicst stated he could argue my view but preferred relativity. So I may not be 100% right but I damn sure am not 100% wrong.

The most important thing demonstrated by the debates was that while relavistic mathematics can be used and are accurate when dealing with one way calculations (as is always done in a lab); the theory of special relativity must be recognized as merely perceptional and not physical reality because the reciprocity it mandates is not supported or is rationally acceptable.

Further that the valid physical calculations in SRT are not exclusive to that theory, they are included in Lorentz Relativity which preceeded Einstein. So it is more correct to modernize Lorentz and completely dump SRT.
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People who can't remember what Einstein said are doomed to have these conversations forever.

It might be nice to actually remember what he has said.

Ether and the Theory of Relativity
Albert Einsteinan address delivered on May 5th, 1920, in the University of Leiden

************* Extracts from Einstein's Speech ******************

More careful reflection teaches us, however, that the special theory of relativity does not compel us to deny ether. We may assume the existance of an ether................

Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether.

According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense.


Which is nothing like the proclamation made today that he proved there is no ether.

What he actually said at another time was "We have not proved there is no ether, we have only proved we don't need one".

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Hello MacM,

Congratulations on the transcripts of your debates -- they demonstrate that you have been critically thinking about things that other theorists rarely even consider.

It's absolutely mind boggling (for me at least ...)

Perhaps you'll discover some new Lorentz transforms for gravitational bodies in uniforn translational motion? I can't even imagine it right now ... it's proabalby already been done. (Lorenz transorms make me dizzy anyway...)

Hello MacM,

Congratulations on the transcripts of your debates -- they demonstrate that you have been critically thinking about things that other theorists rarely even consider.

It's absolutely mind boggling (for me at least ...)

Perhaps you'll discover some new Lorentz transforms for gravitational bodies in uniforn translational motion? I can't even imagine it right now ... it's proabalby already been done. (Lorenz transorms make me dizzy anyway...)


Thanks for the message.

Not what I was expecting here. :D

I rather doubt I'll make any earth shattering discoveries and I hesitated at posting this debate related information because of the appearance of blowing ones own horn.

But I felt it important to draw attention to the radical differance in attitude from one site to another and the differential treatment of independant thinkers. As well as the fact that much of what I have been saying is in fact true inspite of curt off topic replies here.

As many here know I used to argue extensively here but have for many months been deliberately absent because it was a waste of time since the tatic here is to attack personalities, cast enuendo, etc and not to actually address issues.

So, why are you back?

I'm posting this just so other members can evaluate the merits (or lack thereof) of responses being made by those claiming to be professionals here, in comparison to an actual high energy physicist that engaged issues I raise in a serious manner and indepth consideration through formal 1 on 1 debates.

He hadn't had to put up with your ramblings for years. Give him more time and he'll come around...

It doesn't say anything about a moving clock. It simply says how you will observe the clock's time as a non-mover (and vice versa). Relativity only deals with perceived time and space. That's it.

(Posted here by MacM - I have tried to make this point repeatedly here and it has been phoo-pooed and claimed that what is percieved is reality. That view is incorrect and creates the reciprocity failure of SRT. That is clock "A" cannot run slower than clock "B" at the same time clock "B" is running slower than clock "A". (A SRT relative velocity consequence if taken literally). Clock A can only "appear" to be running slower and vice-versa. The reality and supported by data, consequence is that only one clock will show time dilation and it is the clock that accelerated the most, experiencing F=ma. Acceleration is NOT merely the changing of relative velocity as a frame dependant view point but is associated with absolute energy - F=ma and v=at.

Once again, we have a basic and simple misunderstanding on your part. The physicist's comment does not in any way endorse your views. It does not accept your contention of "reciprocity failure" and so on.

mystery alleged physicist said:
When you get right down to it, everything you allege is predicated on the fact that you believe it is possible to determine which object is "really" moving in an empty universe with only two objects in relative motion. It would be the object that experienced an acceleration in its history.

If this is a fact, then relativity is false. If it is not, then your idea is false. We certainly know that at slow speeds this is either false or immeasurably true. This doesn't disprove your supposition, but makes it somewhat more shaky.

Currently I know of no experimental result that would support your contention. I also acknowledge that the most direct experiment that might support this idea has not been done.

However, given the fact that this seems to be the basis of your physics theory, I'd spend time thinking how you might prove this idea. In this world of atomic clocks with obscene precision, it shouldn't be impossible to imagine such an experiment......................

I don't disagree with anything said here.

mystery physicist said:
I think on this even Mac would agree with me in my interpretation of his ideas. Note I am not talking about SR here.

Case 1: If you have two clocks and don't accelerate them, they will agree.

Case 2: If you have two clocks and accelerate them identically, they will agree.

In either of these two cases, if you later accelerate one of the two clocks, it will run more slowly.

However, it is impossible to distinguish between case 1 and case 2, if you look only between the two clocks. Mac would say it would take a third clock to disentangle between the two. That is, unless the third clock had been accelerated even more in the past. Then you still wouldn't be able to separate between 1 & 2.

I think he'd want you to look at all of the clocks in the universe, find the fastest running one and claim that this clock is the least-accelerated one in the history of the universe.

But, of course, he can speak for himself.

MacM said:
Posted here by MacM - See NOTE:Also consider that the accelerated case 2 the acceleration can be in opposite directions and produce relative velocity or it can be in a common vector and have no relative velocity. As he has just stated the affect on the clocks is equal (hence no dilation between clocks can exist even if there is relative velocity!!!!! Dilation is clearly a function of differential acceleration and not the relative velocity it creates.

Another misunderstanding on your part. He didn't say there would be no time dilation after an acceleration in opposite directions.

mystery physicist said:
The second question is what happens when space itself changes shape. There is no law of relativity that requires space to move at the speed of light or slower. Space can expand at superluminal velocities. Any person who argues with you about this simply doesn't understand GR and SR.

Again, I agree with mystery physicist here.

mystery physicist said:
You know Mac…as much as you have thought about this, you would be well-advised to see if you could take a relativity class at a local university, preferably one of a respectable caliber. A thorough understanding of relativity would make you all the more intellectually dangerous....or maybe you’d just come over to the dark side…

Mystery physicist here repeats the same advice you get from physicists everywhere you go: learn your subject before trying to revolutionise it.

Advice which you continue to ignore.

6 - (moderator2)I would like to congratulate Don and Dan, on behalf of the SCF debate committee, for their excellent participation in the opening debate. It was certainly fun and informative (for those of us with the sufficient background knowledge - count me out) to follow with the discussion. Thank you both.

Notice that most of the praise comes from people who admit to not having enough knowledge to properly judge it. All they could really do is comment on your politeness.
1 - At what radius does the Sagnac effect suddenly go to zero?

I propose that the Sagnac effect should specifically apply to accelerated reference frames. I would think that purely "Sagnac" devices should only register positive results if the the frame is accelerating.

Yet there are rotating orbital frames where forces are essentially null (no F=ma at all), for example the International Space Station. Why would there be a difference in the time it takes for light to traverse "clockwise" around the globe, compared to anti-clockwise (counter clockwise) from the reference frame of an object in uniform orbit? It does not detect any forces, even as it moves through the gravity field of the central mass. Strange...

So, why are you back?

To put the stick in your eye where it belongs.

He hadn't had to put up with your ramblings for years. Give him more time and he'll come around...

Good to see nothing has changed. His response to the same issues raised here were entirely different. Yours were obnoxious from day one. I just kept making my point in hopes that others would see through your shallow and unworkable answers.

Once again, we have a basic and simple misunderstanding on your part. The physicist's comment does not in any way endorse your views. It does not accept your contention of "reciprocity failure" and so on.

Another misunderstanding on your part. He didn't say there would be no time dilation after an acceleration in opposite directions.

Actually that specific issue was discussed and you stand corrected. Where there is symmetry there is no dilation demonstrated. You should try at least try telling the truth since you CLAIM to be a professional physicist.

But in any case I suggest for most the fact of "Equal Acceleration" without defining vector is adequate admission. It would be a gross omission to not qualify by saying "Except where relative velocity is created". He didn't and he shouldn't.

These were not glib comments like you make here they were indepth discussions with no unexplained sugestions.

Again, I agree with mystery physicist here.

Just a note to others. I did not post "mystery" as part of the quote. It is the typical slander made by JR at every turn. The fact is when this debate forum opened I invited others here to come watch. No takers just the typical slander.

Mystery physicist here repeats the same advice you get from physicists everywhere you go: learn your subject before trying to revolutionise it.

Again, no mystery physicist. Again his comments were not derogotary they are complimentary. As I said at the start here this was not to suggest I won or SRT was formally over turned. That will not happen without some absolute proof. But the fact that there are grey areas and viable challenges was made clear. He even stated in some places that he as a physicist could argue my point but merely preferred to stick with SRT beause it is more complete and accepted. That is as I have said many issues of SRT are not exclusive to that theory but are explainable by other concepts.

The fact is his repeated complaint against me was that I was misquoting SRT that it DOESN'T say or claim what you have said it does and which I have repeatedly here argued agains. See the leading comment in the quotes.

REAL Physicist - not some self proclimed expert said:
It doesn't say anything about a moving clock. It simply says how you will observe the clock's time as a non-mover (and vice versa). Relativity only deals with perceived
time and space. That's it.[/quote]

So his compaint against me was that I even suggested that SRT claimed reciprocity. How dare you try to distort the facts here? Your claim that "Reciprocity exists and is merely counter intuitive" is crap. It is only an illusion as "I" have claimed and as he agrees.

Notice that most of the praise comes from people who admit to not having enough knowledge to properly judge it. All they could really do is comment on your politeness.

You should learn a bit of politeness yourself.

As usual here you have not addressed the SAGNAC issue.
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I've already pointed out to you a couple of misunderstandings of the physicist's comments.

I don't really care that you are in denial about your lack of understanding.

I don't see the point in continuing this discussion. Obviously, you don't want discussion any more anyway. You just want to assert some kind of superiority.

Perhaps you can convince somebody, somewhere. Good luck.

I've already pointed out to you a couple of misunderstandings of the physicist's comments.

No. You have only made unsupported accusations to that affect. That fact is it is you that are fabricating alternative meaning to rather pointed and clear statements made by this physicist.

1 - SRT reciprocity is "Perceptional" only and not physical reality.

2 - You can blab and try to two step the issue but the simple fact is if clock "A" accelerates away from "C" and "B" does so equally in the opposite direction. Each maintaining an identical round trip schedule, both will accumulate less time than "C" but "A" & "B" will stay synchronized.


I don't really care that you are in denial about your lack of understanding.

I don't see the point in continuing this discussion. Obviously, you don't want discussion any more anyway. You just want to assert some kind of superiority.

I am not the one unwilling or unable to talk. You have not (and I suspect will not, at least in a bonafide manner, address the issue). I'm not asserting superiority. I'm claiming it because you still fail to address issues.

Perhaps you can convince somebody, somewhere. Good luck.

Oh I have but only where they are open to listening and thinking. Which isn't here. It really doesn't require a higher education to see that it is F = ma (changing frames, and not relative velocity that affects the clocks.

You have only made unsupported accusations to that affect. That fact is it is you that are fabricating alternative meaning to rather pointed and clear statements made by this physicist.

I'm reading what he wrote, as quoted by you. You're trying to read in stuff that isn't said and isn't there. Wishful thinking.

1 - SRT reciprocity is "Perceptional" only and not physical reality.

2 - You can blab and try to two step the issue but the simple fact is if clock "A" accelerates away from "C" and "B" does so equally in the opposite direction. Each maintaining an identical round trip schedule, both will accumulate less time than "C" but "A" & "B" will stay synchronized.

This is a repeat of the same old tune you've been singing for at least 5 years. You're not adding anything new, and all your arguments were demolished years ago.

Oh I have but only where they are open to listening and thinking. Which isn't here.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

I'm reading what he wrote, as quoted by you. You're trying to read in stuff that isn't said and isn't there. Wishful thinking.

I just hope you realize that others aren't so stupid as to not see through your invalid brush off. He says in very clear terms:

actual physicist said:
It doesn't say anything about a moving clock. It simply says how you will observe the clock's time as a non-mover (and vice versa). Relativity only deals with perceived time and space. That's it.

There is NOTHING ambiguous about that statement. Further more him saying so really isn't the issue. The issue is the reality as demonstrated by actual data. You have yet to show one case where reciprocity predicted by SRT can be supported by clocks physically accumulating differential time according to the observation during motion. No SRT time dilation is illusion of motion. Actual time dilation is based on physical acceleration differentials and change in absolute velocity (energy). That is the only thing supported by data.

This is a repeat of the same old tune you've been singing for at least 5 years. You're not adding anything new, and all your arguments were demolished years ago.

The only repeat here is your failure to address the issues. And the only thing demolished is your credibility as a physicist. He not only said my questions were very good but that I had stumped several of his colleges. The only difference here is you lack the physics understanding to even appreciate the question. I seriously have to question your education and qualifications as being a physicist.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

You would be just so lucky. No I think I'll continue to haunt you until you actually address an issue.
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I've already pointed out to you a couple of misunderstandings of the physicist's comments.

I don't really care that you are in denial about your lack of understanding.

I don't see the point in continuing this discussion. Obviously, you don't want discussion any more anyway. You just want to assert some kind of superiority.

Perhaps you can convince somebody, somewhere. Good luck.

Mac wants to support some kind of superiority, like whoever moved this thread to Pseudoscience?