Safer grocery shoppin the easy way.!!!

Yeah that woud be funny to tell 'em the reason i want a refund on the cauliflower i ordered is because i hate cauliflower -_O

We are gettin our first covid-19 jab in a couple of weeks... an a couple of weeks after the second one i plan to go inside the store an buy 2 heads of cauliflower... unless its only as big as a softball or covered in dark spots :eek:

I will be warin a N-95 dust-mask wit a bandanna over it :cool:
I finally did place an order for pick-up, but at the bulk food store. I haven't been there in a year and ran out of things I can't get anywhere else, like granular gelatin, TVP and the yellow cheese-like powder for macaroni. When I went in to pick up my order, there were people in the store . They never said on the web-site that was an option!! I guess because it depends on the zone. Mine is green now; low risk.