Sadistic Grays


You mention dreams and real-life as if you do not really make much distinction between the two. How can you be sure that you've really been abducted? Do you have any physical evidence?

Secondly, you said:

<i>They are my friends... anyways... They told me that they are protecting me... It seems that I have a very special soul and spirit...</i>

and also, regarding unconsciousness:

<i>They do that so then you can't remember anything... or you remember only what they want you to remember.</i>

Doesn't sound like the kind of thing a friend would do, if you ask me.
Originally posted by James R

You mention dreams and real-life as if you do not really make much distinction between the two. How can you be sure that you've really been abducted? Do you have any physical evidence?

Do you think there's a difference between dreams and reality.both are simulations of nerve impulses.what if what you see right now is nothing but an unwakeable dream?

James R,
Hi,do you still want me to send Movie of Crop Circle's magnetic behaviour study.


My dreams seem like dreams to me, and my waking experience is quite different. Perhaps it is a dream too, but at least it's a clearly distinguishable type of dream - at least for me.

Re: crop circles - no thanks, that's ok. I'm a bit short of time.


Don't get me started on astrologers. :(
My best dream was one where I was all alone in my city (My city has 16.000.000 people). It was night, all the lights in the city were turned off. I was feeling very alone. Then, I started looking to the sky, and to look to the stars. Suddenly, all the stars started to move and when I saw they were all UFOs!! There were billions or trillions of them! I wasn't feeling alone anymore. They were "telling" me: You are not alone.

**tumble weed rolls by**
i figure out you are having a hard time sleeping.since in your dreams you are always concious that you are dreaming.
you are always concious in your dreams and are aware that you are dreaming.

I think you are Neo.this the Matrix and i am Morpheus.where's Cypher,i dont know.:D:p

Hi Zion:), I'm so happy to see you (or your projection), everyone's gone because of the Easter (btw,I congraduate you with the arrival of the new spring.
Many sunny and joyful days
and wonderful luck in everything!

I am Trinity;) [not tht I have some kind of feeleing to our "Neo" here :D:D:D, but she's the most beautiful]
Look for Cypher somewhere else.

The .zip file below is actually a .swf file, just rename it;)
It is a signature for me @ (until I've got my new site up to present)

note- you'll need a Flash Player 6 (300Kb @
James R,

Don't get me started on astrologers.

Well, anyways...
The fact that she is an astrologer is not important for this issue...
But the fact that she studies Ufology...
And that she made the maps of many people that had contact and found similarities between them... that's important... ;)


Give me any bunch of people and I will find some similarities among them. So what?
Same to you Av.
have a nice time around.

Okay,this isnt working:(!!!!
it says the file doesnt appear to be a valid archive...??:confused:

James R,

Give me any bunch of people and I will find some similarities among them. So what?

My astrologer gathered people that had contact and analized their maps. She found some similarities between them such as Pluto in Scorpio, the position of Neptune and Uranus... I, fortunatly (or unfortunatly...?), have all of them... :)

Originally posted by zion
Same to you Av.
have a nice time around.

Okay,this isnt working:(!!!!
it says the file doesnt appear to be a valid archive...??:confused:

nonono, I only changed the extension so I can upload an .swf file to this bulletin. you do not unpack it, simply change the name from >< to >code.swf< . no extracting
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
James R,
My astrologer gathered people that had contact and analized their maps. She found some similarities between them such as Pluto in Scorpio, the position of Neptune and Uranus... I, fortunatly (or unfortunatly...?), have all of them... :)

Do you think tht greys ask their astrologers which people to slice:D. More likely is tht these kind of people (if there really are such similarities) have some mutual brain charecteristics, which make them to either see halucinations or think of alien abductions;) It is well known tht most of the abduction storyes can be said to be wrong. Only a very small percent of them can not be explained.
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Were you probed? Heh heh!

Anybody see the excellent Kids in the Hall skit on probing aliens?
Shame, shame, shame...
Jumping in without reading the entire thread! :D

Someone posted it here for our viewing pleasure.

The abductions are real for the person who was abducted. To understand the phenomenon, read the following book by Oliver Sacks.


Do you think tht greys ask their astrologers which people to slice. More likely is tht these kind of people (if there really are such similarities) have some mutual brain charecteristics, which make them to either see halucinations or think of alien abductions It is well known tht most of the abduction storyes can be said to be wrong. Only a very small percent of them can not be explained.

No... they ask their scientists...

No brain characteristics...
Some personality similarities but mostly the position of the planets. Other things are pretty much different...

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
No... they ask their scientists...
No brain characteristics...
Some personality similarities but mostly the position of the planets. Other things are pretty much different...


how can you distinguish an alien astrologer from a alien scientist. do they have different body colour?

again------know so much people who say they have been abducted ...

more likely------- mutual brain charecteristics on subconsciouss level which have a high probability of causing various halucinations (like this definition?)

how can you distinguish an alien astrologer from a alien scientist. do they have different body colour?

No... they have different clothes to distinguish them from their jobs... ;)

more likely------- mutual brain charecteristics on subconsciouss level which have a high probability of causing various halucinations (like this definition?)

No halucinations...
They can't prove anyways... how do you expect someone to prove such thing?
