Sadistic Grays


Registered Member
We have all heard the alien abduction story. Little gray beings with big black eyes come and get you up, in the middle of the night, to poke and prod you with big needles, in horrific medical experimentation. The question I have is why don't they just send advanced microscopic nanotech devices to do the experimentation incognito?
The easiest answer to that question is that large instruments conjure up images of pain, of horror in the human psyche. What does that say? Well, abductions take place in the human psyche. Here are some more aspects of abductions that follow that same idea-

1. The large black eyes- if eyes are windows into the soul, those eyes are windows into a very cold one.

2. The structure of the face resembles a skull. All of the features- the prominet eyesockets, the large exxagerted cranium, all relate to the human skull and the common fear of death.

3. The sexual aspect- there is no reason for a species advanced enought to travel undetected from a planet to your room to constantly need to artificially inseminate women. With so many reports and so few alien babies, one wonders at the aliens' motivation.

4. We project oursleves onto the aliens- our common fears manifest themselves in some form in every aspect of the gray aliens. Even the aspect of kidnapping shuld not be considered seriously as a valid alien motive. It is more closely relevant to a valid human fear.

5. The fear of aliens themsleves- we are afraid of the common image of the extra-terrestial, so we emulate it, however fradulent it may be. The image is perpetuated because of what it represents.

6. As I mentioned, the instruments. These 'advanced' aliend come time and time again to perform the same experiments. WE find oursleves not at the heels of a redundant alien invasion but rather an invasion what makes us human- our fears. We're all in the same boat, and we fear what can bring the boat down.
Yet another reason I don't believe in aliens but rather think that the government is behind everything...if they traveled here their technology would be sufficiently advanced to-------do--------anything.
What is the obscession with these... well what ever you want to point and name call at them?

It's quite simply explained, once upon a time... the world was suffering from the cold war, and everyone was so scared of their own shadow, that they started to do secret experiments on things to try and outthink/thwort a would be enemy.

One day, after a rather over dramatised version of "War of the Worlds" on the radio by H.G. Wells, the world caught a new bug.... Film makers realised that the radio presentation had caught people so unawares, that they just had to hit them again.

so B movie after B movie began to be created, after the first few, a "crash" occured... One that loads of people thought was a UFO.
(In fact it wasn't much unlike a Balloon experiment originally done in France with a Duck, a Sheep and a Chicken)

There are possibilities that the Balloon was a Prototype in development to try and Make balloon flight safer after the Hindenberg disaster of 1937. Afterall there needed to be some form of material to create a Faraday Cage, and once struck by lightening it was bound to carry a static charge.

This again captured such media attention that Crankpots and windup-merchants just couldn't help play stories to the press.

Soon the whole thing was catalysed, people began to expand something that first started as something to get you to watch a movie into a whole new subculture and new found religion.

Of course I know people will turn round and laugh and say, "wait till they come and you'll be laughing on the other side of your face"... I would mention a question of if anyone does come, they might be a completely different specie than the ones described and quite possibly with GENITALIA.

(Although the thought of not having... something worth not talking about... is very bleak.)
The late Dr Carl Sagan explains the alien abduction experience extremely well in his book <i>The Demon-Haunted World</i>, available from all good book stores.
Originally posted by kmguru
Suppose it is true, what could be the explanation?
Well... perhaps these so-called sadistic gays want to get even for years of heterosexual persecution?? (just an off-the-cuff guess)

after light years of travel through our galaxy you'll want to have some fun with some of the natives:D
.not serious.
Here's a good one:

They're bored and since they know everything they have nothing better to do:D :cool: :D
We project oursleves onto the aliens- our common fears manifest themselves in some form in every aspect of the gray aliens. Even the aspect of kidnapping shuld not be considered seriously as a valid alien motive. It is more closely relevant to a valid human fear.

What if it is a collective unconscious thing and our collective unconscious includes that of other apes?

That is exactly what we have done to them and exactly how we would appear.
Carl Sagan pointed out that the 'aliens' are "short, dour, and sexually obsessed".

Now, who does that remind you of? Think....Clinton...think...


By the bye, the thing with the eyes, I think it has more to do with the fact that most predators have big eyes.

Now, on the off chance that this is happening.....practical joke, perchance?

But you know.....there is probably life somwhere else in the universe....if they are pulling thier own version of SETI, does this mean they will be listening to Art Bell when the signal reaches them? :bugeye:

I can just see that happening. "Ah, XJHOuyoyu, methinks we should not bother visiting this species....they have, how to put this delicatly....<i>issues</i>"
OR, could be the product of our horror movie culture....that reminds me of demon stuff and horns. I wonder if in our past civilization, some one did genetic experiments on horned animals just as we are doing to the pigs (splicing human genes to pig DNA) - resulting pissed of devils....
Anal Probing Aliens
Transcribed from: Kids in the Hall

[We see Mark on a table, with two strange white "lights" folded down near his head. A sequined blanket is draped over him, and he lies down with his knees curled up into his chest. We see two aliens stand around him. One alien holds a strange device that looks kind of like a lightsaber, but with a solid white plastic piece where the beam would be.]

Kevin: Ready the anal probe.

[Dave switches the device on as it begins to glow. It looks like a lightsaber with a small white beam]

Dave: Anal probe is ready.

Kevin: [nods] Commence anal probing.

[Mark screams loud and long as Dave sticks it where the sun don't shine. He pulls it out, after two seconds and pulls off the white plastic part [to sterilize it?]

Dave: Quick, erase his memory!

[Kevin waves a hand over Mark as the two lighted "paddles" come up. Mark stops yelling and gets a calm look on his face]

Kevin: Memory's erased. Get him out of here.

[Two other aliens come and start to wheel Mark off]

Dave: Move it. [pauses as he moves closer to Kevin] Ah, boy.

Kevin: Something wrong?

Dave: Ah.. it's nothing really....

Kevin: I think you could use a cup of coffee.

Dave: Yeah. [sighs]

[They move to a lounge where Kevin pours two cups of coffee. They keep talking as Dave sits down]

Kevin: So what's bothering you?

Dave: Ahhhh.... Lately I just keep wondering... what's the point?

Kevin: The point?

Dave: Yeah. What's the point of what we do?

Kevin: Sorry, I don't follow you

[Kevin sits down]

Dave: Well, I mean, we travel 250,000 light years across the universe, abduct humans, probe the anally and release them.

Kevin: Yeah... AND?

Dave: Well, doesn't it seem kind of point-LESS?

Kevin: I really don't think about it.

Dave: Well don't you think you should?

Kevin: No, I don't think I should. I don't think I should question the leadership of our Great Leader

Dave: Oh, come on! I mean, we've been coming here for 50 years and performing anal probes and all that we have learned is that 1 in10 doesn't really seem to mind.

Kevin: Well, do you have a better plan than our Great Leader?

Dave: Yes I do, I do have a better plan. My plan is that we DON'T travel 250,000 light years, we DON'T abduct any humans and, this is the best part, we DON'T do any anal probing.

Kevin: [sarcastic] Oh, great plan! Do you realize how many people Intergalactic Anal-Probing employees?

[They see that the next victim is ready. They put down the coffee and do the same motions as before, except Dave is very reluctant this time.]

Kevin: Well back to work.

Dave: Awww..

Kevin: Ready the anal probe.

Dave: [unenthusiastic]Anal probe is ready.

Kevin: Commence anal probing

Dave:[rolling eyes, exasperated] Couldn't we at least abduct their political or religious leaders instead of just any idiot in a pickup truck?!?!

Kevin: I'm sure the Great Leader has his reasons

Dave: [sarcastic] Well, I'm sure the Great Leader is just some sort of twisted ass freak!

Kevin: [calmly] All right. I am now officially ignoring you. Commence anal probing.

[Dave inserts the probe. This victim doesn't scream. Rather, he smiles and looks happy.]

Dave: Well, that's a relief anyway. Erase his memory.

Kevin [going through motions] Memory is erased.

Dave: Get him out of here.

Kevin: [to interns wheeling victim out.] Come on, kid. Move it. Move it!

[They move to the window and look out on the moon and the Earth]

Kevin: You know what you need? A hobby. I know it helps me.

Dave: Yeah? What do you do?

Kevin: Well, I don't like to toot my own horn, but I'm a pretty good amateur rectal photographer. Would you like to see my portfolio?

Dave: No. I would hate to.

Kevin: Fine. Screw you.

Dave: Well, Screw you.

[Kevin moves off, leaving Dave staring at the Earth]
Originally posted by Mattman2112:
We have all heard the alien abduction story. Little gray beings with big black eyes come and get you up, in the middle of the night, to poke and prod you with big needles, in horrific medical experimentation. The question I have is why don't they just send advanced microscopic nanotech devices to do the experimentation incognito?

They don't poke you. Actually, they don't even woke you up. I don't know what do they do, but you lose your conscience pretty easily during an abduction. Don't argue with me... it's my own experience.

They are coming here because they want to reconstruct their species. They are highly genetic alterated (they experimented with themselves) and they lost their emotions. Now, they are coming back to Earth to do experiments and to get back their emotions...
Those are their scientists.

There are others that became so cold that prefer to make conspiracy with Earth governments (mainly US).

I'll post a good site about it...

Are you telling me, their little 'things' does not work with earth women? May be they should try the otherway around. Earthmen would love small - the otherside....he...he...he...:D :D
No kmguru... you don't understand...
They don't have little 'things'... :D:D

PS: And I'm not joking...
PS2: Don't understand me wrong! I just read it somewhere... :D:D


<i>...but you lose your conscience pretty easily during an abduction</i>

Since I hate to think this might be a Freudian slip, please tell us about your alien abduction experiences.
Posted by James R:
Since I hate to think this might be a Freudian slip, please tell us about your alien abduction experiences.

Ok... here it goes...

Since I'm a child (I don't even remember when it began) I had the sensation of being abducted. Each night I would be feeling carried by little beings about 4 feet with big heads and eyes. My mother still doesn't know why I allways wanted to sleep in her bedroom...

Anyways... I'm pretty sure I've been abducted since I'm about 4 years old until about 10 or 11... It's hard to say even what happened in those abductions, as the conscience is turned of by the ETs so that we can't remember anything.

But in my case, I've been in touch with my inconscient for many years, since I was a kid, so I can remember it somewhat like in an hypnosis section. The difference is that I have to access my inconscience all alone, with meditation, while hyposis is much easier.

Besides that I had many dreams with UFOs and ETs. In my last one, I was photographing an UFO, and the UFO was posing to the pictures...:bugeye: ). Then, the ET came out of it. It was pretty much like us, physically.

My best dream was one where I was all alone in my city (My city has 16.000.000 people). It was night, all the lights in the city were turned off. I was feeling very alone. Then, I started looking to the sky, and to look to the stars. Suddenly, all the stars started to move and when I saw they were all UFOs!! There were billions or trillions of them! I wasn't feeling alone anymore. They were "telling" me: You are not alone. :)

They are my friends... anyways...
They told me that they are protecting me...
It seems that I have a very special soul and spirit...

Anyways... I told that to my astrologer and she told me that this dream is a contact as well as any other. If that dream was a contact... I had the biggest contact in the world!!! :)

I guess that's all... It's hard to remember...

I posted:
...but you lose your conscience pretty easily during an abduction

They do that so then you can't remember anything... or you remember only what they want you to remember. But your inconscient continue aware, so then, with an hypnosis session you can get your memory back to your conscient. ;)
That's done in most of the cases.
