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It goes back to fun being a reward for doing what you're supposed to do.
You're the first person outside of me I've heard say that. Perhaps everyone else already knows this, though, and only role their eyes when I explain it.

I'm neither French nor Oriental, but I am Irish. Your ancestors regarded mine as heathens and untameable, uncivilized brutes, so you were sort of close, maybe. There's some Polak and German in there, too.

I thought you may have hunted. You're not PETA, mang, you're definitely not a fairy like that. Animals may make you hard, but I'm sure you've hunted, to see what primitive man was all about. And I see that you've hunted, rabbits and boar. I'd like to spear hunt a black bear with me and some mates one day. That would be an epic hunt.

You know what, bushman? You've convinced me. I shall stop hurting animals post haste. It's despicable. Any sort of beating up the weak isn't very impressive, though. That's why I can't really see the difference in hurting dogs and hurting kids; except one gets you a very, very longer prison term.

But... I don't really hurt animals. I wish I could say I did, after making all this hoopla. I'm just trying to figure out why it's ok to gas Jews but not ok to nuke poodles. You say it's because animals are worth more than humans, right? And since humans have so much... power, I suppose, that it's mundane and really quite pathetic to machine gun wolves from planes.
But I don't see any value differences between animals and humans, except people make for better conversation. Better sex, too. Beating up on the weak to get off is pretty pathetic, I admit. Really lame, actually. Beating up on any kind of weak. But it's still wicked fun to hurt stuff.

I bet you don't like punks. I bet you hate punks, if you've ever seen a punk anyway. Does Australia even have them? Anyway, that's what I do for fun here. Hurt punks.

Then we have the bodybuilders who do not need to use their muscles during their lives. What a waste. We should put all these cover-boys with cool muscles working on construction.
Ugh, I hate bodybuilders. They're a whole new kind of gay. They're so in love with themselves. It's a gross sport, and what do you have to show after all the training? You can lift heavy bits of iron. Should we clap?

I really wish I could hunt better without a gun. I'm ok with stones and dumb birds. But hunting with a spear requires far more than I have. I'll willingly admit that. Even bowhunting requires more time and energy than I could devote on essentially a hobby. That's all hunting is these days. A goddamn hobby.

Bet you don't even know how to skin a moose, Perfect. It takes something of an art, knowing the seams an animal comes apart at.

Head and neck shots are hard, and those are all I'll take. Otherwise too much meat is spoiled. If you do it right, finding animals is hard. Go on foot, carry all your stuff, sweat and crash through the brush just like your prey. Carrying the kill out is no easy task. The beast weighs as much as a car.
"Bet you don't even know how to skin a moose, Perfect. It takes something of an art, knowing the seams an animal comes apart at."

My mother taught me how to skin an elk when she was wrapped up in making drums, but that's not really my cup of tea. Neither is hunting.
"For instance, if I like to burn babies with hot butter knives because of they way the fuss and squirm, does that make me sadistic?"

No, it makes you incredibly cool.

I prefer forks, though. You can make fun designs.
There are different kinds of sadists, and not all sadists get sexual pleasure from hurting people.. You can still be sadistic even if you don't get off on inflicting pain. There is a difference between sadism, and sexual sadism, and hurting animals is zoosadism, which can also be sexual depending... I'm a sexual sadist myself, but I keep it fairly under control. Even though a lot of times it's hard to control, and my sadism doesn't always present itself in sexual situations... That can be embarrassing. :(
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