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Seeing as how we have a pedophilia thread, I thought I'd start mine on how I like to hurt things.

I like to hurt things.

I think "sadism" is about hurting people, NOT "things". I.e., we and/or the news media might say that the person who hurts animals is "sadistic", but I don't think that's correct - there's a different word for that.

Also, just to be technical, "sadism" is about gaining SEXUAL satisfaction by hurting other people it's not JUST about the hurting, it's ALSO about sex.

Baron Max
Who says I don't get off on hurting people?

Taking pleasure in the pain of animals is sadistic. Taking pleasure in hurting other living things is sadistic. For instance, if I like to burn babies with hot butter knives because of they way the fuss and squirm, does that make me sadistic?

Now let's take a dog, far more aware and personlike than a baby. And I stomp its face in. Is that sadistic?

I'm just putting these things out there. I don't actually burn babies with redhot butter knives.
For instance, if I like to burn babies with hot butter knives because of they way the fuss and squirm, does that make me sadistic?

Technically, no. Not unless you gain sexual satisfaction from it.

Cruelty is not the same as sadism.
I'm not entirely certain about this, but I think that the sexual implications of sadism are a relatively recent trend and does not really relate to the word as deeply as James and the Baron are trying to say.

I think that with the advent of Sadomasochism that sadism has become linked to sexual stimulation. But, the true meaning of the word is not about sexual gratification at all.

Here. The definition:

1. The deriving of sexual gratification or the tendency to derive sexual gratification from inflicting pain or emotional abuse on others.
2. The deriving of pleasure, or the tendency to derive pleasure, from cruelty.
3. Extreme cruelty.​

Definition 1 is the definition latched onto in here. Sexual gratification. But, I feel that definition 2 is the true meaning of the word.
Pleasure. Not necessarily sexual pleasure.

What is the purpose of this thread?
Is there a point of discussion?

I like being spanked. Is that off-topic?
Sadism was named after the Marquis de Sade, and there was definitely a sexual element there, as in definition 1. Some people use the word in a wider context these days, in the sense of definition 2.

I like being spanked. Is that off-topic?

Yes. That's masochism.
Yeah, the Marquis definitely had a sexual bit to his cruelty.

So if it feels good in my pee-pee to hurt babies, is it sadism? Is it sadism if I get the same feeling out of drowning puppies or skinning cats? Or, as the Baron says, they're animals, so it doesn't really count.
Would you fuck a dog roman? You sicken me.

Now.. babies, at least there's a human factor here.

You see, most whom extract sexual gratification from the act of sadism have lust or whatever towards the object.
The object being human in this case. Getting off from causing pain does not make you a dirty, sick, weird animal fucker.

Perhaps that was off-topic. But if you get the same feeling from ddrowning puppies and skinning cats, it makes you a sadist. And an dirty, sick, weird animal fucker.

The object seems secondary.
Do you regard hurting animals as less objectionable than hurting human babies, Perfect? Why?
You engage in a act which is akin to sex. A variation of sex.
Now, If it gets you off when you hurt animals, you are kind of.. you know.. fucking animals.

Which is sick and truly objectionable.

So you got it all wrong Mr R.
I find unnecessary cruelty towards animals extremely distasteful. Humans have realization towards life and its tangents which distinguishes them as acceptable participants. A dog, for example, is pure and should not be connected to some petty and disgusting acts that derive from a truly selfish mind.

Granted, human babies... yadi yada.
Change that to an adult.

So, animals do not deserve to be tortured to turn one on.
Humans.. though animals.. are still abundant and corrupt so go for it, we deserve it.
Good point about the etymology of the word 'sadism'. I never considered that aspect. So. Then the primary meaning of the word would be sexual in nature and has only recently fallen into a more general sense of pleasure as opposed to sexual pleasure.

Hmm. That makes me wonder exactly how long ago the modern general sense of the term has taken precedence?

I imagine that a portion of the responsibility for shifting values on the word is the fact that, in America at least, sexual discussion has been a big no-no for quite some time. It's only quite recently that sexual discussion has advanced beyond the puritanistic values of our forebears. So, I can easily see the word shifting to a non-sexual meaning just by the mechanism of not discussing sex. Dropping the taboo portions of the meaning.

I wonder. Because I've never thought of sadism in terms of sexual pleasure. Except in sadomasochism. Which is why I thought that the sexual meaning was recent as it would seem to have been attached to the word since sexual discussion became more prevalent.

Strange how words shift and change over time. Etymology is fascinating.
I find it extremely amusing that for some reason it's ok to hurt humans, but not ok to hurt animals. There really isn't a difference between the two. It's just some silly state of neo-liberalism or sommat that we're going through.

"Oh yeah, humans are dirt, AND they know it. So it's ok to abuse them. Animals? You hurt animals? You make me sick!"
Animals = people = animals. No difference. How is a dog any more pure than a human? It's a dirty, disgusting animal that lives off the pity of others. Dogs are beggars. They're Nature's best panhandlers. That's hardly pure.
A human is an animal which could gain satisfaction from causing something pain, so it's like on a level playing field.
When you're grating barbed wire back and forwards really fast between someone's buttocks there's an understanding between the assailant and the victim. Both parties fully know what's going on. The victims like "yeah I get it, that would be fun to be doing that to someone, haha well played, wink wink".
Even a baby's like "yeah, I'm a hot baby, fuck my ass", I saw one thinking that the other day and I just fucked the shit out of it. That's fine because that baby and me had a telekinetic agreement.
With animals there's confusion and he just doesn't understand. You can sniff a dogs ass or even maybe growl at him and then assault him with your face, but if he rolls over and submits you have to let up or you're playing outside the bounds of the rules of dog life.
The rules of human life are just completely open and anything goes. You can treat humans in any way your sick human-mind can concieve, because it's all human derived behaviour which will be comprehended by other humans.
When dealing with dogs you need to work on their level or you're just a showpony and a pathetic wanker to boot. Like this teacher we had in the 2nd grade who'd play basketball with us and hold the ball high above our heads and do all fancy moves. Basically dominating the game. Congratulations fuckhead.
If you're gonna play at least play like a spastic, like a 2nd grader.
Is what I would have said if I understood what his freaking problem is, but I didn't, I do now because I can imagine being that wanker and doing that to 2nd graders.
I understand him, so we are free to do whatever we want to eachother.

I know this last piece contradicts my baby fucking, but I'm pretty sure that baby was an adult trapped in a babies body, or at least a really cute mute midget. It was wearing sean jean clothing, no "baby salary" I'm aware of could afford that shit.
Good to see you're back, Doc.

So 'understanding' is what makes sadism fun? All living things understand pain. Dogs especially understand dominance behaviour. When you grab the poor mutt and crush it's ribs before pile driving it into the pavement, it's thinking "This is one tough mutha-fucking Alpha Male."

I don't buy the "the poor puppy-wuppy is confused! stop hurting it!" thing. Humans get confused all the time with that kind of thing. Ever hear the question about bad things to good people? At least an animal is far more familiar, mechanicallty and mentally, with pain and getting the shit beat out of it than most humans.

So I guess it's because abusing animals is easier to do than abusing people, so it's on a lower level. In which case, we should only really get a kick out of hurting philosophy majors and super-genuises, right? They really know what's going on.
Good to see you're back, Doc.
Ahhh, did you just call me black?
Oh no, back. No I'm not back.
I'm have a cold and unable to function as a person at the moment. Not like invert nexus who's eternally unable to function as a person due to his "sun phobia" or whatever he has (he was kind of cryptic, don't worry I'll get to the bottom of his unfortunate illness and flame the fuck out of him untill my fingers are sore).

BTW my dog could seriously kick your ass.

I think it actually comes down to: why would you want to be the kind of guy who hurts animals?
Humans sculpt themselves largely through mimmicry of others they percieve to be successfull. What charismatic leather jacket wearing animal torturer made this positive impression on you in your past?
Maybe if you did it in secret like cottontop who weeps himself to sleep after setting cats alight it would stem from some pathetic hard luck story where your mother petted the cats while you sat hungry in a crib with a pantfull of feces and nappy-rash.
But no you just seem to find something attractive about it. I just can't relate to that at all. Everyone I've known who was cruel to animals was an obviously inferior and awkward loser who no one would want to be like. When a man kills an animal it just looks like he's a coward and a scoundrel, if he's really remorsefull and respectfull like a bushmen from the kalahari you're kind of like "well... I suppose thats ok", but when a man kills a man it looks like he just blatantly owned that pathetic man.
That's just how it feels to me.

The only adequate competition we have on earth are other humans, it's impressive for a man to kill a man because he shows some degree of worth. Even a woman or child, he got his hands on some tribes woman or child and that takes some doing considering the wits of man and how vehemently he'll protect his family.
When a man kills an animal you think "don't get too cocky faggot" and if he exhibits any degree of increased confidence or if it's anything more than a mechanical emotionless procedure (and it often is, always with people who are doing it for no reason), it reveals weakness in that man. Like "why is he so impressed with himself for doing that? He must really suck". And then I get desires to kill him because, you know, he's like the guy with asthma or thick glasses, weaker than the rest and I can exhibit my prowess to the other adequate humans (rivals and allies) by killing him.
Ofcourse one of the other cool humans might have noticed that all I killed was a common animal torturer and he might not be impressed, he might even be disgusted by my cowardice.
Wow... headspin...
So you're under the weather?
We could finish you off now, when you're too weak to fight back....

I'm sure your dog could kick my ass. It's bloody hard to fistfight dogs. If I couldn't punch it to death, or choke it out, I wouldn't mess with it. Like a horse. Fuck, I hate horses.

but when a man kills a man it looks like he just blatantly owned that pathetic man.
Too much xBox live, brah?
"Owned." Perhaps it's just worked its way from the gaming lexicon into your vocabulary. Don't worry, I won't say anything.

Tell me Doc, have you ever hunted?
That is some fun stuff. Nothing quite like stoning ptarmigan. Just you, the rock, and the bird. You can feel the birds fear, its anxiety, especially if it has young 'uns about. Palpable. And then, later, when you're gnawing at the birds bones next to the campfire, tongue burning on half-cooked flesh, you can taste how sweet fear is.

There's great joy in successful hunting. A successful hunter is a happy hunter. A happy hunter is a full hunter. But the delight in the hunt gets misplaced. It becomes something mundane– delight in pain. Delight in dominating and mastering that which you can. It's a misplaced biological impulse.

Have you watched cats kill things? They toy with it. Chew on the lizard until they get bored, and then wander away, leaving it to twitch in the ants. There's a definite cruelty in nature, and a joy in inflicting pain. I bet your dog finds nothing more enjoyable than sinking its teeth into warm, quivering flesh. Perhaps it's too dumb to sense that it's hurting the poor Abbo he's mauling, but your dog definitely tastes the pain and fear, and he gets a real kick out of it.
The sad thing is that I can understand every part of that post, desires and all. As little as I would like to.
I actually overexagerrate my stance on this, simply because I truely find something excessively distastefull about the wrong kinds of animal cruelty, and I want it clear how dispicable they are. I find nothing impressive about some guy who kills an animal and if he isn't humble about it he's a piece of shit.
Funny you should ask(why would you assume considering what I write?), but yes I have hunted, believe it or not, I was born into boar hunting with dogs and I love it. I don't like "bragging" about it because that would make me lame. For a while I was very ashamed of my hunting past, but I was just too simple to see the complexity of the situation.
I respect the boar immensely, it's not about killing the boar at all, I am not interested in sicking dogs onto a timid boar who will scream in pain when lugged up. I will release piglets and sows despite the so called "environmental disaster" they pose, and discourage dogs from targetting them, I will salute the boar who kicks the shit out of the dogs and gets away with a thumbs up, rather than slinging out a pistol and shooting it in the back as it runs away.
Perhaps it's because I'm a noble englishmen, Samuel White Baker explains;
THE LOVE OF SPORT is a feeling inherent in most Englishmen, and whether in the chase, or with the rod or gun, they far excel all other nations. In fact, the definition of this feeling cannot be understood by many foreigners. We are frequently ridiculed for fox-hunting: 'What for all dis people, dis horses, dis many dog? dis leetle (how you call him?) dis "fox" for to catch? ha! you eat dis creature; he vary fat and fine?'

This is a foreigner's notion of the chase; he hunts for the pot; and by Englishmen alone is the glorious feeling shared of true, fair, and manly sport. The character of the nation is beautifully displayed in all our rules for hunting, shooting, fishing, fighting, etc.; a feeling of fair play pervades every amusement. Who would shoot a hare in form? who would net a trout stream? who would hit a man when down? A Frenchman would do all these things, and might be no bad fellow after all. It would be HIS way of doing it. His notion would be to make use of an advantage when an opportunity offered. He would think it folly to give the hare a chance of running when he could shoot her sitting; he would make an excellent dish of all the trout he could snare; and as to hitting his man when down, he would think it madness to allow him to get up again until he had put him hors de combat by jumping on him. Their notions of sporting and ours, then, widely differ; they take every advantage, while we give every advantage; they delight in the certainty of killing, while our pleasure consists in the chance of the animal escaping.

In truth I'm almost obsessed with activities which involve some degree of "animal cruelty" so to speak. I see it as being intrinsically related to my love of animals rather than opposed to it.
I'm just very strict and ethical about it and I don't trust others to be so they can just keep their greasy hands off animals. I know too well how the lower class can embrace animal sports and modify them to be disgusting and a complete mockery of what they're all about.
Bullbaiting started as the Bull being able to earn his a place as a retired stud on a noblemen's estate rather than become meat by fighting off a pack of the butchers dogs. As it spread and trickled down to the cockney gutter trash it became an excuse to tie a bull to the ground by it's nose, poke it with hot pokers and twist it's tail while dogs tore it to pieces and a crowd of ugly shitheads who were bitter about the trials of the plague swore at it and punched it in safety as it bellowed in pain for hours and hours. Having fires lit under it when it tried to lay down due to exhaustion.
You don't seem to understand the validity of "humans are scum".

The thing is, a bull actually finds pleasure in smashing dogs, and good bulldogs find pleasure in the challenge of a good bull, even the getting smashed part.
Bullbaiting is actually a fine sport when done how it was intended to be done.

I've hunted hares and there's no denying the pleasure they derive in escaping, outclassing you with their pace and skipping and galavanting off in the distance. Like when you're a child, nothing is funner than being chased and getting away. It goes back to fun being a reward for doing what you're supposed to do. Hares would prefer to lead a life escaping from predators than one perfectly safe in a garden of eden.
I don't share the PETA view of a humanity detached from the real world.
Everything can be done right, but it's such a fine line and humans are just too damn opportunistic, crafty, and sleazy. They always find a way to screw things up.
They're sadistic because they take hardship personally and are just generally obnoxious turds.
If only we were all noble english gentlemen.

I disagree with good old samuel when he translates good sportsmanship to other humans. He's from a time when the greater scope of the sad situation on a global scale wasn't so apparent.
Like a dirty frenchmen I will kick fuckers when they're down. But they're always people I can intuitively sense are scum. The physiological features of the lower class are not hard for me to discern, nor the bitter kitten kicking nerd. The oriental man's dastardly appearance is like shit on a wedding dress. Etc etc.
I don't go around knifing my cousins and raping my aunts, my misanthropy is quite focussed and logical.

Your comments on animals exhibitting sadistic tendencies are accurate, but they're still back in the game, it's just too easy for me as a human to be sadistic to animals.
You know I've known dogs who would mature past sadism and only become interested in tangling with a challenging foe, perhaps you will too someday.
As a child I shot birds with slingshots and crushed stink beetles with pliars while wearing shades and all sorts of cowardly deeds which were in vivid contrast to being a decent human being. It's all misplaced urges jumbling around only to settle where they should be eventually. I'm lucky in that this has happened and I can honestly say I'm awesome.
If you weren't a french/chink hybrid you'd know that feeling.
What's the deal with you being french and chink? Thats so gay.
Thought I'd address a few more romarks (that's what I call roman's remarks because I like to save time).
Roman said:
So you're under the weather?
We could finish you off now, when you're too weak to fight back....
Perhaps, if I didn't have such a tough dog. I'm also making sure to stay in my own territory, where I know the terrain and even a sick me is liable to spring out from behind a bush and bite your face off with a diseased mouth.
Anyway, I agree that you'd be wise to invade me at the moment, but everyone's too gay to take advantage, it could have easily been my downfall. But you all, what I like to call, "niggerslipped". That's when you've got a physical advantage but you're too simple and slackjawed to do anything about it, thus missing your opportunity.
Or perhaps you're sporting english gentlemen waiting to dual me at full health?
Seems unlikely, on account of being a gay oriental frenchmen or whatever you are.

I'm sure your dog could kick my ass. It's bloody hard to fistfight dogs. If I couldn't punch it to death, or choke it out, I wouldn't mess with it. Like a horse. Fuck, I hate horses.
I actually wouldn't think you were lame for trying to kill my dog, he's been specifically bred for that kind of task so it's all cricket. He'd very much feel at home with some french mother fucker attacking him, and even if he failed he'd get it.
It's killing poodles by locking them in an oven and things like that which piss me off.

Yes horses can be intimidating, have you seen that photo sequence of a mule kicking the shit out of a cougar? That was rad.
See? It's not animal suffering that makes me quiver, it's the arrogance of weak humans who think they're better than their much more admirable victim just for recieving the benefits of mankind on a platter.

Too much xBox live, brah?
"Owned." Perhaps it's just worked its way from the gaming lexicon into your vocabulary. Don't worry, I won't say anything.
I'm sure I picked it up on the internet, which isn't exactly acceptable but it's not hard to succumb in this day and age.
I only just bought an x-box a couple of weeks ago. GTA san andreas forced me to. I will admit to being a gta nerd (I even liked 1 and 2) and an animal nerd. It's being a nerd by dna sequence which I find utterly inexcusable.
If you don't know what I mean you probably are one.
To someone like me they look and smell a certain way, and walk a certain way and talk to their friends a certain way, and everything about them makes me want to kill them and actually eat just a little hunk of their flesh for affect.
On the spot.
Dr. Lou
See? It's not animal suffering that makes me quiver, it's the arrogance of weak humans who think they're better than their much more admirable victim just for recieving the benefits of mankind on a platter.

There was a thread I made about this, but it seems it has disappeared. There was a picture of oh so proud chicks holding up a skinned dog. All smiles and laughter. Fuck.

And it was not the skinned dog that was appalling. But the fact that it was extremely pointless to skin that dog.
A skinned human would be an exact same scenario and yet impossible for some to see.


Romans used to put a man and a furious dog in a arena. The dog had a wooden handle attached to its neck which could be used to force the dog down.
There's a certain factor here that does not involve safety and arrogance.
It's a feat.
You have the balls to put yourself on the line.

Get kicks from that and it is acceptable.

Tell me Doc, have you ever hunted? That is some fun stuff. Nothing quite like stoning ptarmigan. Just you, the rock, and the bird. You can feel the birds fear, its anxiety, especially if it has young 'uns about. Palpable. And then, later, when you're gnawing at the birds bones next to the campfire, tongue burning on half-cooked flesh, you can taste how sweet fear is.

I want a leather jacket made from crocodile skin. I take a knife, go to Australia and try my luck.

Simple as that. Since I realize my superiority in intelligence, Ill gladly use a blade.
Then if I get a pair of kickass boots and a jacket - I can proudly elaborate the scene and kick the anti-leather hippie in the face.

But sitting somewhere and taking a shot from safety with a weapon that... is weird, odd and you have no idea how to construct it is depressing.

And fuck the "life ain't fair" statement.

You're an old man getting fired from a factory because they replace you with a machine. Same deal.
But it does not mean you should concede

Then we have the bodybuilders who do not need to use their muscles during their lives. What a waste. We should put all these cover-boys with cool muscles working on construction.
The glorification of man is what the gyms and Berettas enforce.

So, If you will not tolerate this view, then go back to your penis pump for you're nothing naked.

There was a cop here in Finland who got shot in the stomach from 3 meters with a police issue clock – his own weapon.

The bullet did not penetrate but was stuck in his abs. 1 second and the villain was down.
I found it beautiful. What a man.
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