Sad day for haters in Oregon

To me it is disturbing to see that laws that were voted upon by all those living in Oregon that made same sex marriage ILLEGAL were overturned by one person who seems not to want to go by the will of the people but only choose what he/she wants instead. When the majority is overturned by the minority there will be repercussions.

If laws that were voted upon by all those living in Oregon made homosexuals wear an H on their foreheads, would you be disturbed to see it overturned?
To me it is disturbing to see that laws that were voted upon by all those living in Oregon that made same sex marriage ILLEGAL were overturned by one person who seems not to want to go by the will of the people but only choose what he/she wants instead. When the majority is overturned by the minority there will be repercussions.

Yes. Those repercussions have included freedom, greater equality, the end of racist/sexist laws and the right to choose one's own fate.
Obama to sign order extending LGBT protections

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama plans to sign an executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of their sexual orientation, a White House official said Monday.

The move follows years of pressure from gay rights groups for Obama to act on his own while a broader employment non-discrimination measure languishes on Capitol Hill. The Senate passed the legislation last year but the bill stalled in the Republican-led House and there is little sign that lawmakers will take it up in an election year.
There is currently no federal law that explicitly bans workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. While Obama does not have the authority to extend that protection to all Americans, he can take unilateral action that impacts federal contractors, which make up nearly one-quarter of the U.S. workforce.

Obama has used this tactic before, signing executive orders that raise the minimum wage for federal contractors and expanding the number of workers who would be eligible for overtime pay. White House officials have cast the approach as part of the president's effort to work around a Congress that continues to be mired in gridlock.
But those moves increased the frustration among gay rights supporters who have long pressed Obama to extend workplace discrimination protections to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals working for federal contractors. The White House publicly offered little explanation as to why the president moved forward on the wage-related orders but not the anti-discrimination measure.

The official would not say when Obama planned to sign the order, only that the president had asked his staff to prepare a measure for his signature. The official insisted on anonymity, lacking authorization to discuss the president's decision by name.
The official said the White House wanted to preview the president's upcoming action because of the "intense interest" in the executive order.
The announcement comes one day before Obama travels to New York for the Democratic National Committee's annual gay and lesbian fundraiser. LGBT donors have used previous fundraisers to press Obama on this issue.
Obama's plan to sign the order was welcomed by gay rights groups. Rea Carey, the executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, called it a "major step forward."
"Through his actions, the president has demonstrated again his commitment to ending discrimination," Carey said.
To me it is disturbing to see that laws that were voted upon by all those living in Oregon that made same sex marriage ILLEGAL were overturned by one person who seems not to want to go by the will of the people but only choose what he/she wants instead. When the majority is overturned by the minority there will be repercussions.

do you understand what a judge job is?
Megan Leigh (March 2, 1964 – June 16, 1990) was an American stripteaser and star of adult videos.

Leigh was born Michelle Maira Schei in Oakland, California, USA. She ran away from home for the first time at age 14 and by 16 was working at a Guam massage parlor. At 18, she began dancing nude at the Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theatre in San Francisco. Although the O'Farrell's management considered her little more than a passably pretty bleach blonde with little dancing talent, she became popular as house dancer "Eve" and made a few thousand dollars per month in tips (which she reportedly spent mainly on drugs). In late 1986, she stopped working at the O'Farrell Theatre and underwent a "makeover" (i.e. detoxification and cosmetic surgery), reemerging as Megan Leigh. In the summer of 1987, she starred in Secrets Behind the Green Door (see Behind the Green Door with Marilyn Chambers). She became known for her ability to deep throat her partners, getting a starring role in 1989's Deep Throat III. When not starring in videos, she made many public appearances, including a return to the O'Farrell Theatre as a headliner.

Her body was discovered on June 16, 1990[2] at her home in Solano County, California. She had died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.[3] According to former porn performer and message board contributor Brandy Alexandre, an autopsy discovered a lethal dose of Valium in Leigh's system. Porn historians, including Luke Ford, have said that Leigh had recently entered a lesbian relationship and had moved in with her girlfriend, when her family reportedly denounced her for her decision to enter into a same-sex relationship. Reports claim that she had become despondent by her family's rejection, and had been abusing drugs before her suicide. She left behind a note mentioning unresolvable personal problems, a body of work numbering 133 titles, and a $500,000 (USD) house that Leigh had purchased for her mother just one month before her suicide.


1.Jump up ^ "Personal Biography — Megan Leigh". Retrieved 2009-07-30.
2.Jump up ^ "Megan Leigh Porn Star". Retrieved 2008-01-08.
3.Jump up ^ John Johnson (1994-07-16). "Porn Star Puts an End to Her Life in the Fast Lane". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2008-01-08


I do not know why Wikipedia, in this case, says reports claim & historians have said but I'm going with it. There is indication her family either approved of or tolerated her porn career yet could not handle her homosexual relationship. Regardless of one's opinion of pornography, it seems a young successful financially well-off woman killed herself because her family ostracized and/or harassed her over being lesbian. To far too many people today, there is only 1 thing worse than being homosexual.
Court: Utah gay marriage ban unconstitutional

DENVER (AP) — A federal appeals court for the first time says a state cannot prevent gay people from getting married.

A three-judge panel of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver found that Utah's ban on same-sex marriage violates the U.S. Constitution. The judges upheld a lower court ruling that struck down the ban in December.

They immediately put their ruling on holding so it could be appealed.

The case has been closely watched because it represents the first ruling on gay marriage at the appellate level since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act in June 2013.

The ruling likely will be appealed to the Supreme Court.

The panel has not yet ruled on a similar ban in Oklahoma
Court puts Indiana gay marriage ruling on hold

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A federal appeals court on Friday put on hold a judge's order striking down Indiana's gay marriage ban, bringing same-sex marriages to a halt and leaving those who've already tied the knot in legal limbo.

The U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago issued the order two days after U.S. District Judge Richard Young had ruled that Indiana's prohibition on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. The decision came shortly after Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller, tired of waiting for Young to rule, appealed to the 7th Circuit.

Zoeller's spokesman, Bryan Corbin, said the attorney general's office would immediately let county clerks know about the decision. The Marion County clerk's office in Indianapolis, which handed out 120 marriage licenses to same-sex couples on Friday, had planned to open on Saturday to issue licenses, but announced after the ruling that it would not.

Ken Falk, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, said he was disappointed but not surprised by the stay. Hoosiers Unite for Marriage spokesman Kyle Megrath said the group had delivered more than 12,000 petition signatures asking Zoeller not to pursue any appeals.

"More than anything, this is a terrible blow to the legally wedded Indiana couples and their families who were finally, after so long, recognized this week under Indiana law," Megrath said.

The attorney general's office argued it was premature to require Indiana to change its definition of marriage until the U.S. Supreme Court weighs in on the issue, as is widely expected.

In staying Young's order requiring the state to allow same-sex marriages, the appeals court followed the lead of courts across the country, which have granted stays of similar rulings at either the district or appellate level until appeals can decide the issue.

Indiana law defines marriage as between a man and a woman, and the state has refused to recognize same-sex marriages performed in states where it is legal. Young wrote in his ruling that such restrictions violated the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution and noted that courts across the country have agreed.

"In time, Americans will look at marriages of couples such as Plaintiffs, and simply refer to it as a marriage — not a same-sex marriage," he wrote. "These couples, when gender and sexual orientation are taken away, are in all respects like the family down the street. The Constitution demands we treat them as such."

Young's ruling allowed same-sex couples to file joint tax returns, receive pension benefits and have their partners listed as spouses on death certificates.

But how the stay will affect them remains to be seen. Legal experts say couples may need to enlist legal help to sort through the process.

Falk said he believes the marriages are still valid.

"If it's a valid marriage when you enter into it, it should stay valid," he said.