sacrifice - human or other?

What accounts for the fact that many old religions had human or other sacrifice as part of their ritual? Examples: Greek - Iphigenia, to get the Trojan war started: Ancient Israel - Isaac by Abraham, saved in time: Aztecs - war prisoners - remove hearts. I'm sure there are many more.

Are you interested in the prediction that the Jewish people will probably do some sacrifices of kosher animals in order to fulfill Ezekiel chapters forty to forty eight?

I take the predictions in Ezekiel chapter forty to forty eight very seriously due to:
"Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:" (Luke 24:25
What accounts for the fact that many old religions had human or other sacrifice as part of their ritual?

The Death penalty is a human sacrifice
but is the modernized sterilized version encased in half false moral hypocrisy's used to support failed cultural and social ideology
& install fear into the general public.

muslims ritualistically kill animals before they eat them
so all animals for food are sacrificial living creatures given to their god

there may be some examples of gifting dead animals to gods in some other religions where they give food offerings
however i suspect most of those are all in vegetarian religions

both Asian & African cultures practice animal sacrifice as a normal part of their modern life and culture.

Cock(& dog & baiting) fighting is probably a good sign of that shared moral ideology as an easily observable statistical representation

it is quite a complicated subject

if your unable to comprehend the larger picture of the human mind
then discussing technical specifics becomes less than pointless
it becomes a form of indoctrinated cult language which creates false ideologies
so i am somewhat reluctant to get into any real technical discussion on the subject

subjective moral horror is a propaganda tool used by extremists and the far right continually,
the far left tend not to use moral horror
you can argue the nazi party to be far left or far right
they were far right pretending to be middle left
nazis practice human sacrifice as part of their culture & ideology
aside from any genocidal aspects

genocide is a different subject

american culture has some enshrined practices of human sacrifice inside their modernized culture
that is endorsed and supported through other cultural aspects

American Nazis lynching black people is human sacrifice
they are not practicing genocide
it is selective human sacrifice to install terrorism on society
to create moral and social horror

the modern question is currently
"button pressure executioners" as a form of denial of life for population control as human mass culls
that drives a majority of political policy and ideologies in most countrys

usa for an example endorses human sacrifice of poor people through denial of health care
it is a conscious moral culture choice the American people make
political ideology is manufactured to define
"competition of the fittest as survival of the fittest"
this ideology is shared supported and promoted by a lot of american church groups
those American church groups make up the majority of liberal conservatives supporting the republican party

soo there is your cause and effect of modernized human sacrifice as a American christian model
sold as a political ideology
enshrined in religion and sold as liberal personal freedom

this is why the American mainstream church groups so strongly support the death penalty
to maintain the moral validity of human sacrifice

It all sounds circular. People invented gods to explain things and invented sacrifices to gain favors from these inventions.

simple explanations that allow people to sell off their guilt via moral proxy is common
but a practice for fools and cannon fodder
the reality is far more complicated

Tiassa could school you on some both-sides-isms social moral influential indoctrination which supports and maintains these aspects
(he has posted various comments over the last few years touching on the subject[which he knows well] if you paid attention but its a technical subject and most do not have the mind or stomach for the intellectual entertainment of the subject in its real functional form) however that subject is probably too technical for the vast majority.
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The Death penalty is a human sacrifice
No. That is not done to appease a god.
american culture has some enshrined practices of human sacrifice inside their modernized culture
that is endorsed and supported through other cultural aspects
No it hasn't.
American Nazis lynching black people is human sacrifice
No. That is not done to appease a god.
they are not practicing genocide
That is their desired goal.
the modern question is currently
"button pressure executioners" as a form of denial of life for population control as human mass culls
that drives a majority of political policy and ideologies in most countrys
You're completely at sea, there. What on earth are you talking about? Political parties publish their ideologies. They do not include "denial of life" and such things.
usa for an example endorses human sacrifice of poor people through denial of health care
No. That is another misapplication of the term "human sacrifice".
political ideology is manufactured to define
"competition of the fittest as survival of the fittest"
this ideology is shared supported and promoted by a lot of american church groups
Name one.
George Carlin observed a connection between the death penalty and sacrifice.

warning, very crude language.
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What accounts for the fact that many old religions had human or other sacrifice as part of their ritual?

It may have facilitated the development of larger population complexes and the governance over them. That is, once the cultural quirk or mutation arose it was selected to continue due to some practical benefit like that (not just the religious propaganda and supernatural mishmash).

In that context, "ritual sacrifice may have spurred the transition of small, egalitarian societies to large, stratified ones".

Animal sacrifice was more suited for the average "citizen" or priest (homicidal maniacs running amok would not be desirable). With limited human sacrifice (prisoners of war, especially) mediated by the state and its high priests. High profile cults that were teacher's pets of the state might receive tentative exemptions for removing beating human hearts or draining the blood from Nunan the drunk or the Duella the virgin.

Eventually that kind of "civilization" gained enough momentum to persist on its own without accessory constraints and justifications. However, traditions can mindlessly continue long after the clumsy, pragmatic reasons expired.

"Despite its barbaric nature, human sacrifice was a useful tool for rulers, elites, and religious figures to maintain or cement their power, or even to proclaim their own divinity."
No. That is not done to appease a god.

you say no
but the reality is the peoples moral ethics are driven and controlled by Christianity demanding the person lose their life as an eye for an eye
then they claim they have evolved and they no longer support such bloody morals
then they change their moral position to demand the death is required to save money
and then they demand the death because they believe their justice system has failed and is incapable of convicting someone and incarcerating them properly
so they demand the person be murdered by a button presser to appease their moral religious beliefs
effectively appeasing their belief in a god aspects need for moral dictatorship
the will of the gods

the data is significant and consistent
you appear to be not familiar with the subject

Only White evangelical (59 percent) and White mainline Protestants (52 percent) expressed majority support for the death penalty,

what is the need to execute the person if they are locked up for life ?
is there a margin of error where innocent people get convicted ?
is life held as being most sacred and so therefor ideologically should err on the side of not exterminating it ?
how can a good honest bible following church going christian support the death penalty ?
is that religious support so they define it as a religious need ?

why is there no polling questions on this key issue in any historical record ?
my opinion
(because it has been deliberately avoided because they do not wish to make the religious need for execution/sacrifice/blood-letting/culling to be publicly recognized)

there is simply o logical need for the death penalty
unless it is a human sacrifice
or tool of terror

which are you saying it is for you ?(how does your morality define your need to murder?)
Policy Issues

The death penalty carries the inherent risk of executing an innocent person. Since 1973, more than 170 people who had been wrongly convicted and sentenced to death in the U.S. have been exonerated.

Racist application of the death penalty by false accusation and wrongful conviction to install terror as a control system using human sacrifice in society

it seems fairly obvious

can you show me the need for the person to be sacrificed/executed(death penalty) ?
That is their desired goal.

you dont appear to be "read in" on the subject
i suggest you do some actual research

american nazis dont want to exterminate all blacks
they want to subjugate them to maintain them as a minority class & move them out of common white areas

there is a range of social functions that black people are desired to carry out inside a white master race society(American naziism which is called white nationalism)

it astounds me that you are not up on this basic principal.

moving on ...

You're completely at sea, there. What on earth are you talking about? Political parties publish their ideologies. They do not include "denial of life" and such things.

death penalty is denial of life
contraception & abortion is denial of life
they share equal moral foundation inside a religious dogma

you saying "oh no its not" does not make it not true
your not offering any actual discussion
you just standing there like(posting like the caricature) 'the big fat bully yelling NO & pointing'

if you are uncomfortable (and apparently incapable) of discussing the hard subjects of religion then maybe you should read mindfully from the side of the stage

if most people self define as religious
and they support an execution process where people are voluntarily killed with no need except an emotional dogma social terror
then the death is not a need and so therefor voluntary to service morals
morals that they openly admit are religious by their very nature
and so appease their god as a process of religious practice

its very very simple

post note
both-sides-ism as socio-cultural highly contagious mental disease
demanding to flame another racial group or culture as being "worse" to propose a justification of immoral acts instead of examining and reforming the immoral acts
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