Ruzzle/Riddle Thread

ProCop said:
Got this one in a mailgroup..(very witty)

When the old rancher died, and left the ranch to his
three boys, their mother suggested a new name for the ranch.


Where the sons raise meat.

Why "Focus" ?
Focus: Where the sun's rays meet.
Rosnet said:
Already taken
Not relevant - the numbers are not necessarily unique.

This problem is a bit poorly stated... it should explicitly say that both the first two competitors are good logicians, and that they both correctly state that they can't deduce the number on their head after something like the following conversation:

Person 1: "I can't deduce my number"
Person 2: "I can't deduce my number"
Person 1: "I still can't deduce my number"

You: "I can now deduce my number! It is...
| | | + | | = V I

By only moving one line from the left hand side of the equal sign make the statement mathematically true. As it stands now, “3” + “2” is not equal to “6”. There are “2” lines in the “+” sign, if that helps.

Geistkiesel :cool: