Russia's New President

Asimov...not sure I understand your last post. But as for the previous post...yes asteroid impact is a 'real' threat. But if you have the ability (and I believe that we do) to knock down 'UFOs', then diverting or destroying an incoming asteroid/comet would probably be much easier (only because they cannot evade your attempts). It would also depend on the size of the object, I suppose. Now if a Phobos sized object were coming at us at say 50,000 mph, I imagine not much could be done. Other than leaving the planet!!! :(

The New Age of Enlightenment is approaching...are you ready?
Originally posted by Alex DeLarge:
Asimov...not sure I understand your last post. But as for the previous post...yes asteroid impact is a 'real' threat. But if you have the ability (and I believe that we do) to knock down 'UFOs', then diverting or destroying an incoming asteroid/comet would probably be much easier (only because they cannot evade your attempts). It would also depend on the size of the object, I suppose. Now if a Phobos sized object were coming at us at say 50,000 mph, I imagine not much could be done. Other than leaving the planet!!! :(

I don`t talk about sizes but i don`t know if we are ready to intercept wether it`s an asteroid or a comet or even ufos, i just hope and i believe that we will give our best, but i must warn you the people looking for any global Killer in number are the same to a Macdonald`s restaurant
Save us big brother the commies are back......and they look sober. [/B][/QUOTE]

I always saw as necessary to be two great powers inthe world we are not ready to became a highly evolved civilyzation, it`s important that we know that we still have many things to do before menking is ready for being one and only one.
First we have to deal with greate problems, first know how to live as a whole planet, beware about africa, there are peolple dying there every day, we have to look toward us.
Putin is not a great problem it`s a necessary part of our evolution, we have to learn that we once had and still have the power to destroy ourselfs many times in a role, but we didn`t and we wont destroy ourselfs by choice.
I don`t understand why everyone talks about nuclear weapons wether they are russians and americans, for example India and Pakistan have them too, but they were never used, and believe me they don`t like each other:)
They exist to remember that we have to avoid another great war ( it would be the last )
they are important if they didn`t exist we for certain already would had the WWW3.
How much sense does this make ?
" US and Russia to establish early warning center IN MOSCOW". That, to me is like giving the key to the hen house to the fox.
Clinton says that US and Russian military can exchange information within minutes on the launching of missles from Rogue States.
The Russian proposal is intended to REPLACE the plan for a nation wide shield to protect the United States. Who was it on this thread that said they did not trust Putin ?
I did not even trust the drunk Yelsin.

Shortly after the end of WW2, about a half dozen Russian officers showed up at the unit I was with in Germany. It seems that there was an underground airplane factory near where our unit was and the Russians wanted the machine tools from the factory. The Russians had brought some big trucks to carry the machines but they could not get the big trucks down the ramp and into the factory. Since the unit I was in was an armored unit, we had tanks, tank retrievers, and wreckers. The Russians wanted our vehicles with winches to pull the machines up the ramp so they could be loaded onto the Russian trucks. The CO told the Russians to get the Hell out of there ! The next morning A Colonel showed up and ordered our CO to do the Russians bidding, in no uncertain terms. The Russians emptied that factory in about three days. They took every thing but the oil stains on the floor.

So, what do you all think of Putin now?

I personallt think he is a lying son of a bitch. He has a war on with the oligarchs, but he won't even admit it. Does anyone here seriously buy that he didn't know of Gusinovs arrest based on trumped up charges (of which he was cleared last OCTOBER!!)??
I didn't trust the guy from the first time I saw him. As I said, nothing about his body language said that this was a man of peace. His crackdown on the press confirmed that we aren't looking at a Russia that is getting back on it's feet, we are looking at a Russia that is backsliding.