Russian Jewish believers

This thread reveals more about Bishadi’s anti semitism then anything about the Jewish manuscripts in russia. Deep Hated does lead to illogical emotionalism, which leads to one spewing forth myopic arguments that can be clearly seen as such by people with a more stable mindset.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well I will give Bishadi one more round of facts and then call it a lifetime.

The documents weren't stolen in a war, they were stolen during the communist period when religion was banned. Do you know history? Looks like you don't.
SO i looked up history

Jewish Bolsheviks

Conditions in Russia (1924) A Census -Bolsheviks by EthnicityA high percentage of ethnic Jews in comparison to the percentage of the total population took an active part in Bolshevik movement and revolutionary leadership before the revolution and for years after

On the eve of the February Revolution, the Bolshevik party had about 10,000 members, of whom 364 were ethnic Jews.

Of the 21 members of the Central Committee (CC) of the Bolshevik party in April 1917,[14] three were ethnic Jews: Lev Kamenev[15][16], Grigory Zinoviev[15][16], and Yakov Sverdlov[15][17]. Of the thirteen committee members who, during the historic meeting on October 10, 1917, agreed for the necessity of armed revolution (leading to the October Revolution), six were Jewish: Zinoviev, Kamenev, Leon Trotsky, Moisei Uritsky[15][18], Sverdlov, and Grigory Sokolnikov[15] – although Kamenev and Zinoviev opposed the revolution, and Trotsky abstained).[19] The ethnic lineage of Vladimir Lenin, the head of the committee and the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution, was diversely composed of Russian, German, Swedish, Jewish, and Kalmyk blood

Looks like the people who did the taking, were perhaps jewish folks retaining the literature for the people.

Why are these documents unique? Because they were by Russian authors.
you mean colected by russians during the 19th century?

Funny how you say, the docs are by russian authors but bolshevist jews in russia, should give them up to israel (netayanhyu (a russian who is now israel PM) request)

The rest of your post doesn't even need reviewing, it basically is entirely unrelated to anything and to me reads: "Blah blah blah, I'm an atheist and I hate religion blah blah I'm also an anti-semite \quip"

what does asking whats in the manuscripts as well questioning why a leader of a country called israel has a right to even ask for personal property of russians to be given to them; how is that anti semetic.....

anything 'against truth' is wrong (could care less who said it)

if you think discrediting BS with reality is for or against a religious belief, then you have more problems then any ignor button will ever fix.

You're on block from this point on.

you can ignor me, but not your conscious or the inevitable truth.
Scan them into Google Books.

Done and Done :)

be sure to put your posts and all the fools who discredit reality

then perhaps in a few years people can go back and see; the effort was there but too many selfish folk discount reality for complacently accepted norms, being politically correct, per se.

does anyone know what is in them docs?

or should i go back to the Russia sites and ask them?
be sure to put your posts and all the fools who discredit reality

then perhaps in a few years people can go back and see; the effort was there but too many selfish folk discount reality for complacently accepted norms, being politically correct, per se.

does anyone know what is in them docs?

or should i go back to the Russia sites and ask them?

SO you agree they should be scanned and uploaded onto the internet? I'd like to see all Classic literature on the internet for free :)