Russian Jewish believers


Netanyahu Asks Russia To Return Manuscripts

February 17, 2010

JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked Russia's president to return a historic collection of ancient Jewish manuscripts.

During a meeting Monday with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Netanyahu requested that Russia return the Guenzberg collection, the second largest anthology of ancient Hebrew literature, collected by a Russian-Jewish family in the 1840s.

Russian officials said they would "positively consider" the request, according to Haaretz.

The collection includes 14,000 books, 45 incunabula (books published in the 14th century, at the start of the printing era), more than 2,000 Hebrew manuscripts and 1,000 Arabic manuscripts.

Zionist activists purchased the collection in 1917, but the collection was seized in the Bolshevik Revolution when the outbreak of World War I prevented its transport

anyone know about these manuscripts?

Why would the Netanyahu even consider it the property of Israel? (the state did not even exist during the purchase or collection period)
first thread you post and it's about isreal? you ok in the second floor?
Why would the Netanyahu even consider it the property of Israel? (the state did not even exist during the purchase or collection period)

From what I'm reading, he doesn't consider it the property of Israel, hence the polite request. But, if Zionists were the purchasers, then perhaps Israel is a good place for them.
lol, that's just funny..:roflmao:


been here, just havent been interested in posting.

the so called Phd, Alphanumeric, was being an idiot on the math section,

'i gave him an offer he couldn't refuse'

this thread was from something i read, that cracked me up

kind of like that poster you just commented on.....

Jew is a religion, not a people, tribe or anything other than a religion that people believe. (any who can be a jew)

And then that 'zionist' comment is even funnier, as the majority of jews disassociated themselves from the zionist of the period because they the ones who began the use of terrorism of the 20th century.

the original terrorist upon the british interests were from zionist (Labor Zionism began in 1909 i think, and it was based on the messianic intent and conquering jeruselem)

and then if people want to get sticky about property of war, then tell them zionist to give back palestine to the land owners of the last 1ooo yrs.

Moses himself never even set foot in palestine, nor did david himself ever build a temple on any "megiddo".................. all because they knew it was against the law

what people call israel is not based on what is real as far as truth is concerned.
It's based on a real nation of people, that's all that matters. I didn't notice any hint of a demand or complaint in Netanyahu's request, so I don't get why you are being so self righteous about it.
It's based on a real nation of people, that's all that matters. I didn't notice any hint of a demand or complaint in Netanyahu's request, so I don't get why you are being so self righteous about it.

i first asked if anyone knew about the manuscripts

then i asked why, any country would feel they have a right to any docs before they even existed as a country.

you making posts as if you think they have a right.

it is like suggesting indians should get manhatten back

how about israel returning the Newton Manuscripts to Cambridge?

that may be a good thread in itself
dude Russia has a whole segment of it Berdbezhan given exclusevely to the Jewish population. And if I was Medvedev I would just give whatever Jewish Netanyahu wants, as long as Russian Jews in Russia are ok with it.
They never said they have any right to them, and I never implied that they did, only that it might be an appropriate gesture.
i suppose they deserve Palestine too?

this sickness of believing jew is special is the funniest sickness this globe has ever learned to accept.

It reminds me of the stupidity of men thinking they better than women when one cannot exist without the other.

Israel is not the owner of anything, prior to its conception.

Otherwise that precedence must be held equally with all "people."
For long periods of time Russian Jewery was unable to receive or send out letters to the rest of communities - mental exchange was entirely limited. As a result it resulted in great preservation of certain things and works which were based on older understandings. Israel has made a request to the seized property, not demand its return.
For long periods of time Russian Jewery was unable to receive or send out letters to the rest of communities - mental exchange was entirely limited.

i am starting to see that.

As a result it resulted in great preservation of certain things and works which were based on older understandings.
such as the last sentence of your posts observes just that; the old style of thinking; just accept what others say without question.

Israel has made a request to the seized property, not demand its return.

It is not Israel's property.

As we all can move forward in time, years past the manuscripts change of possession. Move forward away from the early 1900's and see that in midcentury, an arab community had their homes, personal property and the very land and farms their ggggggrand fathers lived and raised their children in, was STOLLEN and SEIZED, i think the british called it palestine.

anyone know about these manuscripts?

Why would the Netanyahu even consider it the property of Israel?
i suppose they deserve Palestine too?

this sickness of believing jew is special is the funniest sickness this globe has ever learned to accept.

It reminds me of the stupidity of men thinking they better than women when one cannot exist without the other.

Israel is not the owner of anything, prior to its conception.

Otherwise that precedence must be held equally with all "people."

I know you hate Israel, but your political views have nothing to do with this issue.
Bishadi Netayahu doesn't believe it to be the rightful property of Israel, you idiot. It is however a significant part of Jewish history and he would like to see it given to Israel to add it to the historical collection, as it stands it's sitting away doing no service. It is "seized property", because it was "Seized" and stolen from Jews who lived in Russia at one time at another. You're acting as if Netanyahu said; "They stole it from Israel and we want it back". He didn't.

Since this isn't an Israel-Palestine debate, I would like it if you can keep your rhetoric straight...but can you? Are you capable? We'll soon see....
Bishadi Netayahu doesn't believe it to be the rightful property of Israel, you idiot.
then a head of state has no business dealing in personal property.

It is however a significant part of Jewish history and he would like to see it given to Israel to add it to the historical collection,
Of arabic documents? What history is there when nothing of the state even existed when any of the material was written? The material is religious and literary (books) collected by Russian people, within Russia. Netayahu is a Russian himself that believes in judaism; nothing more, historically.

as it stands it's sitting away doing no service.
can you show something about these manuscripts? (basically what the OP was inquiring on)

It is "seized property", because it was "Seized" and stolen from Jews who lived in Russia at one time at another.
Lots of stuff 'seized' during war. How do you think Israel even exists? Point being, where is the line drawn; if Russia 'seized' property that was collected by Russians, then why would Russia give it to people who seized the land they standing on,, when nothing in the collection has anything to do with the Russian who is governing the land under the new name called Israel?

It is like telling the queen of england, 'we migrated to america but we want the clock tower as my ggggreat grand daddy built it."

You're acting as if Netanyahu said; "They stole it from Israel and we want it back". He didn't.
And since the governing party of Israel is asking the governing party of Russia for the manuscripts i call it foul to include heads of state for property that has nothing to do with 'state'.

Since this isn't an Israel-Palestine debate, I would like it if you can keep your rhetoric straight...but can you? Are you capable? We'll soon see....

Since this is not a religious or political debate, then no religious preference or belief should be included. That means; just because the material is old religious writings does not mean, it is the belief that the people are jewish when they born russian, does not make their belief supercede their birth and country of origin. They can believe what they want, but reality is Russian's collected and Russian's seized and Russian's own the literature. No other country has a right to ask for it because the leader believes he is related to the documentation by faith.

The opening post was inquiring on the manuscripts, what's in them and who is aware of the documentation.

In that OP it shares the people who collected the material were RUSSIAN.

That is all that is really significant to the context of me laughing at the idea that a government leader could ask another government to give them property that was in the originating country before the new one was even born.

You really do not see either the validity of the inquiry or the laughing matter of the opening post.

Whats in the manuscripts?

Have you ever read up on what Isaac Newton wrote about the middle east?

I wonder if any of the old RUSSIAN collections have any of that in it too along with the 'arabic' material, perhaps talking about the arabs of palestine.

i wonder if there is a geneology all the way back to moses, sharing the census bureau of the birth of moses; born in Egypt, an african!

oh yea, thats in Deuteronomy, so anyone can see that Moses himself was born, raised and educated in egypt (pharoahs house)

Does that mean since he supposedly wrote torah, that technically judaism is an african religion?

IS africa truly what is real(y) their homeland; then maybe the science of mankinds evolution does fit the bible. (isn't first man from africa?)

I will ask any who are half way intelligent; is bloodline and birth what is real or belief?

Was sammy davis jr jewish?
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CheskiChips, just remember you are arguing with Bishadi. Bishadi. You would better spend your time trimming your toenails.
Well I will give Bishadi one more round of facts and then call it a lifetime.

The documents weren't stolen in a war, they were stolen during the communist period when religion was banned. Do you know history? Looks like you don't.

Why are these documents unique? Because they were by Russian authors.

The rest of your post doesn't even need reviewing, it basically is entirely unrelated to anything and to me reads: "Blah blah blah, I'm an atheist and I hate religion blah blah I'm also an anti-semite \quip"

You're on block from this point on.