This is nonsense. We now measure CO2 at 400 parts per million up from pre-industrial ~340ppm as I recall - That is a 17.8% increase, but yes, 4x10^2 / 10^6 = 0.0004, even less than 4% (He can't even do simple math!)
But what you neglect is the natural concentration made a dynamic equilibrium that is now disturbed. You need to be concern with the magnitude of the disturbance, not the percent of the impurity added. For example Death may occur within 1 hour when breathing 100 ppm HCN. That is only 25 % of the current CO2 concentration. Point is that it is the effects, not the concentration in PPM your attention should be direced to.
Already the "polar vortex" dips into the deep south is dong millions of dollars worth of economic damage. Japan is suffering yet another cyclone as I type and has had record breaking flooding already. - There have been in 2014 already twice the averages number of "super cyclones" in the Pacific Oceans. Already 1/3 of ocean coral has died from slightly more acidic ocean.
Summary: to focus on ppm concentrations and not the effect is where the real nonsense is.
First where does the data from pre-industrial come from ?