granted, but you do not offer a mechanism for the phenomena that you have measured. True or False?...
True. Nor do I offer a mechanism for hydrogen atom being stable as that (and length contraction, time dilation, the "twin paradox" etc. of SR) as that is just the way nature is (no explanation humans can understand with their classical experience alone is possible).
For example the electron orbits around the proton in a very tiny circle, to speak classically, so the electron is highly accelerated and normally accelerated charges radiate away energy. If you apply this classical physics principle to the case of the hydrogen atom in the ground state, that electron should be spirling inward as it loses energy by radiation. I forget (but long ago calculated) how long it would take before that spiral converged to the proton, but is a very tiny faction of a second. Yet hydrogen atoms are 13+ billion years old. I just accept this fact don't try to invent a "mechanism" to explain it. It is just the way nature is.
All man's direct experiences conforms with what we call "classical physics" but not all nature does. One very tiny scale which we can learn about indirectly via instrument, nature is very starnge to our way of thinking. For example, when a photon comes to a half silvered sheet of glass, a "beam splitter," it does not some how decide to pass thru or be reflected as we would expect, given that all our expectations are based on our direct, classical physic expectations. Instead EACH photon does both! Yet if it falls on a surface (one of two) - one placed in the path of the "straight thru" direction and the other in the "reflected by beam splitter" path and these two surfaces are separated by many Km, the full energy of the photon will be INSTANTLY given to only one of the surfaces. For example to eject an electing from a metal surface a certain amount of energy is required (called the work function). We known (or can measure) the both the work function of say a copper surface and of the photo (which is inversely proportional to its wave length). In simple cases we can even calculate the photon energy.
For example, if that photon was produced by a hydrogen atom in an excited state relaxing to the ground state the photon's energy in the convenient electron volt scale is: E = 13.6{1 - (1/n)^2}
where "n" the "state number." (n=1 is the ground state, n=2 is the first excited state, etc. A very highly excited state, might be n=100 and that state is extremely weakly bound to the proton, quite large, and only possible in the very high vacuum of interstellar space, as almost any thing that disturbs it will "un-bind" the electron from the proton.) Compared to 1, (1/100)^2 can be called zero, so 1.36ev is the energy required to "ionize" a hydrogen atom (which is in the ground state, n=1). See footnote for more on the spectral lines of hydrogen atom.*
To return to the point: we can know that half the photon's energy can not eject an electron from the copper plate. I have no mechanism that explains how it happens in an "instant" much to short (when the two plates are Kms apart) for the photon when ejecting the electron to tell its self near the other plate: "Quick, faster than the speed of light give me ALL our energy." - That to I just accept as that is the way nature is. I.e. Nature does as nature does - is not waiting for humans to supply some descriptive mechanism for all of nature's acts. Nature was doing these "strange to humans" tricks, long before Earth even existed!
Fortunately for most of nature's acts on the classic scale we have been able to do that (create an "explanatory mechanism") and feel good about our achievements, but we have had to drop or revise some of the earlier mechanism we believed in. For example, sailing ships that did not return to port we now know that they did not ever fail to do so (as once believed to be possible why) because they foolishly went too far from land and fell off the edge of the earth. Some of these revision came at great personal cost" Bruno was burned at the stake for insisting that the sun did not go around the earth.
BTW, your GW video a few post later is very useful, but the more important factor telling how much GW methane does should be: "more than 100 times what the same weight of CO2 does," not 20 times as the 20 is the effect during the first 100 years after the CH4 release. We don't have a 100 years be going extinct if the present interference of man with the thermal balance of Earth continues (It seems to actually be greater interference each passing year). The 100+ times more is the effect in the next 10 years. - a period of much greater interest to humanity. All the points the video makes, and many more, I have been posting about for years. (at least 30 different positive feed-backs are now known that are greatly amplifying the effect CO2 has acting alone.) I am inclined to think that in all probably, considering the fact that the effect of prior CO2 etc. releases will not fully appear for 40 to 50 years plus economies are driven by the short-term desire to maximize profits, that we passed the "point of recovery possible" at least a decade ago, but we can't be sure about that, and I for one want to "go down fighting" as hard as I can - not for me, as I am old, but for my great grand children, not yet even born.
I regret the video, did not suggest a global switch to sugar cane alcohol fuel, which is cheaper per mile driven than gasoline without any subsidy, renewable, and much less polluting. Plus would create more than a million low skill jobs in tropical lands, improving the lives of the poor there. Then they could buy some first world products, creating still more high-tech better pay jobs too. At least the video, did correctly identify that vested financial interest are actively blocking this and many other changes needed to get the world on an sustainable and non- lethal way of life. I guess they could not name the worst offending "vested financial interest" - the oil companies.
* All the transition from higher states to the ground state, n= 1, are too energetic to be seen by humans. The least entergic is the n=2 to n=1 transition with with 13.6(0.75) ev. This set of UV lines is called the Lyman series. The transitions we humans can see have n =2 as the lower state. They are called the Balmer series. If I recall correctly the least energetic of them makes deep red color spectral lines. (the n=3 to n=2 transition). So that photon's energy is:
13.6 (1/4 - 1/9)ev.