Roswell Debunked?

Mister, for the love of *insert deity of your choice here*, edit your posts instead of double/triple posting...

Sorry, force of habit, I'll try and break from it.


(by the way, I never posted two posts)

I created a new post asking captian, so apologies please :p

But I DO still do it sometimes, but I will try and stop it.
@Mister --

Also, the third link is to a forum?

Please understand I won't accept that at all.

Whoa, pause for a second here.

You flat out state here that you refuse(categorically at that) to accept anything from a forum(excepting this one, of course) but in an earlier thread, when I told you that I wouldn't just take you at your word when it came to evidence for ETs you became incredibly hostile towards me, accused me of intellectual laziness because I was "making you do my work for me", and even flat out accused me of lying when you have literally zero evidence to support such claims.

Double standard much?
@Mister --

Whoa, pause for a second here.

You flat out state here that you refuse(categorically at that) to accept anything from a forum(excepting this one, of course) but in an earlier thread, when I told you that I wouldn't just take you at your word when it came to evidence for ETs you became incredibly hostile towards me, accused me of intellectual laziness because I was "making you do my work for me", and even flat out accused me of lying when you have literally zero evidence to support such claims.

Double standard much?

I was hostile to atleast 4 members here in the UFO section, but not because of what you think... obviously.

You were unfortunately one of the people I had an urge to debate this with, becuase the opening pages making phlogs thread up was mostly dedicated to shaming ''ufo nuts'' in a series of condescending name calling and jokes, which you partook of.
And yes you were lazy. You wanted me to cite everything on that page I wrote out for you. I spent nearly 2 hours gathering that information and you couldn't even perform a bloody google search!
hard to see how Rosewell can debunked when the first newspaper report and military report was that this object was alien
Indeed. Take into consideration that overall the Military have changed their stories a maximum of 3 times now: at first it was nothing, then it was a saucer, then it was a weather balloon. How anyone can take the Military seriously saying it was ''project mogul'' is beyond me - not even that, but claims that went with mogul are laughable; the military need to work on their coverup strategies coz' too many can see through them!