Rock/Structure Redux.


Registered Senior Member
I would to like to congratulate Stryder for ruining the psuedoscience section.

A_Canadian choose a great time to leave, as I will be joining him after this post.

Many of my posts bring this board traffic - I won't post here anymore because they end up getting locked because of the idiot moderator. It's useless.

Stryder can write about his mind control bullshit, but I cannot talk about potential alien structures on alien worlds? I'm not sure which theory is more likely, but I'm also not sure how anyone can have a discussion about anything if the idiot moderator locks everything. What's the point? What a stupid moderator! It's beyond me, so I am leaving this stupid subsection!

I will post on other subsections perhaps, but not this one!

- So, I'm gone.
A shame. I rather enjoyed the discussions, living in a fruitless hope that I would one day persuade you to see sense. I hope you enjoyed my insults as much as I enjoyed yours. Good hunting. :) :) :)
"Many of my posts bring this board traffic - I won't post here anymore because they end up getting locked because of the idiot moderator. It's useless."

I think we'll get by. Besides, you've no evidence that your posts increase traffic to the board. I say its just the opposite: people search for a topic via google, land on a sciforums thread, see your silly shit, then leave back to their Google search results to find something else.

Stryder made the right choice. Hell, he should move this thread to the cesspool or at least the site feedback section.
I'm a moderator on some other forums - you can't please everybody and it's a difficult row to hoe - people think they're being victimised, but sometimes it's not anything the thread poster has done, the fact that they have posted has started flame wars and the like. btimsah's problem was his continued inability to understand that the rest of us just could not see what he was seeing and could he point it out, please?
SkinWalker said:
"Many of my posts bring this board traffic - I won't post here anymore because they end up getting locked because of the idiot moderator. It's useless."

I think we'll get by. Besides, you've no evidence that your posts increase traffic to the board. I say its just the opposite: people search for a topic via google, land on a sciforums thread, see your silly shit, then leave back to their Google search results to find something else.

Stryder made the right choice. Hell, he should move this thread to the cesspool or at least the site feedback section.

Do a search for, "moon structures" on google genius. See what comes up. If their searching for it, they must not find it silly shit thus COMPLETELY DESTROYING EVERYTHING YOU WROTE.

Secondly, I will be proven right as the year's go by. Once the top-secret designation is lifted off of evidence of alien intelligence you will be seeing these familiar images again.
Silas said:
I'm a moderator on some other forums - you can't please everybody and it's a difficult row to hoe - people think they're being victimised, but sometimes it's not anything the thread poster has done, the fact that they have posted has started flame wars and the like. btimsah's problem was his continued inability to understand that the rest of us just could not see what he was seeing and could he point it out, please?

The moment someone could see it, the thread was locked.
Avatar said:
I think this is a threat if he didn't mean the religion section.

I figure I might as well get some last shots in before the lock. I would like it noted that I was given maybe 3 explanations for my many images. About 15 in all, and only 3 were even guessed.

Typically I would post an image (and the link where I got it, with the same information I had) and many would respond saying it's rock even though it's not. They offered no substance. First they would claim it was a rock, then claim they can't know without more information. Then once given the information they'd never mention again because They'd allready decided it was a rock. Blah blah, yada yada. I see through that game, so I wont post my ground-breaking images here anymore.
btimsah said:
Do a search for, "moon structures" on google genius. See what comes up. If their searching for it, they must not find it silly shit thus COMPLETELY DESTROYING EVERYTHING YOU WROTE.

LOL! So you're suggesting that the only people who come to the pseudoscience section are those searching google for "moon structures?"

I'd say it's more likely that "moon structures" is simply not very common of a search/link term, otherwise it would be like "drake equation," "craterchains," "ufo," etc. and have page upon page of links to all other places including sciforums.

hehe... and you say I'm the genius! Come back in 6 months, btimsah... you see things going quite well.

Don't let the cyber-door hit ya.
SkinWalker said:
LOL! So you're suggesting that the only people who come to the pseudoscience section are those searching google for "moon structures?"

I'd say it's more likely that "moon structures" is simply not very common of a search/link term, otherwise it would be like "drake equation," "craterchains," "ufo," etc. and have page upon page of links to all other places including sciforums.

hehe... and you say I'm the genius! Come back in 6 months, btimsah... you see things going quite well.

Don't let the cyber-door hit ya.

You're just trying to make sure that I don't think my posts are helping this site. Like a high school kid who has to win an argument, or can't let the other person win. There's no need to be competitive on here. My threads have brought more traffic to the pseudoscience section, so locking my threads is only hurting themselves. Again, back to the stupidity of the moderator. Although, his stupidity plays out on multiple levels.

a lot of new traffic comes from OUR THREAD'S. If the thread is well titled, and has a good number of responses then Google will Google it. Yes, a lot people get to the pseudoscience section from some of MY threads, because they are more likely to be searching for one of my titles. We all help get these boards traffic, so there's no need to TRY and say I am not doing that. My point is that it's contradictory to the goals of the forum at hand, thus stupid.

That is, unless, the goal is to quiet or limit debate and never get new members. Which it may very well be. Keep locking post's, thats a sure recipe for new members and traffic! Genius! :D
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Like I said... go. But come back in 6 months and see just how well things are going. There were new members before you graced us with your poppycock, there'll be new traffic once you're gone.....

Hell, there'll probably be more traffic once you're gone. I'd be willing to bet that that those that googled your threads clicked on the link, saw the nutty shit you were talking, then left never to return. It's at least as likely as anything else.

Your "high traffic" hypothesis is just self-aggrandizing, narcissistic baloney. The Pseudoscience subforum will go on quite nicely.

Just for the purpose of discussion, who, exactly, are the new members that signed up after reading any of your threads in the Pseudoscience sub-forum? I'll bet you can't name three. Anything less than three is not signficant traffic.
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SkinWalker said:
Like I said... go. But come back in 6 months and see just how well things are going. There were new members before you graced us with your poppycock, there'll be new traffic once you're gone.....

Just because you wish to argue with every ascertion I make, you don't have to defend you're bullshit even when you know you are wrong. I am not sure why, but you want to believe I've hurt traffic to this site. I really think you just make up shit to argue about. If I say the sky is blue, you argue about it.

Hell, there'll probably be more traffic once you're gone. I'd be willing to bet that that those that googled your threads clicked on the link, saw the nutty shit you were talking, then left never to return. It's at least as likely as anything else.

See, again.. you WISH to believe once I'm gone there will be more traffic. You say I can't prove their traffic has grown since I arrived, BUT YOU CAN PREDICT THAT IT WILL RISE WHEN I LEAVE? You're the nut here, not me. lol, you're a joke. To even further prove what a nut you are, I am going to ask one simple question; Why would someone type in the phrase, "MOON STRUCTURES" and then find my topics to be nutty shit? You make absolutely no sense, in youre continual desire to argue with ANYTHING I say. It's obvious.

Your "high traffic" hypothesis is just self-aggrandizing, narcissistic baloney. The Pseudoscience subforum will go on quite nicely.

Likewise, you're attempt to claim the traffic will rise when I leave means you are just self-aggrandizing, narcissistic bullshit artist. Hell-bent on proving me wrong in you're pathetic little fantasy world of destroying pseudoscientific bunk. You trap yourself in your own bullshit. Have you even wondered why you think the traffic will DO BETTER when I leave? No you have not. As usual you just made it up to win debate points.

Just for the purpose of discussion, who, exactly, are the new members that signed up after reading any of your threads in the Pseudoscience sub-forum? I'll bet you can't name three. Anything less than three is not signficant traffic.

YOU were the one who mentioned you noticed more people in this area, genius. You tried to claim the reason you took the time to debunk 1 (one) of my many images was to "protect" the new people comming here from the search engines. FROM MY THREADS. :D

I think you are an arrogant, argumentative, close-minded, pessimistic, fanatical skeptic who does nothing but respond to threads in which you can debunk or attack. This bullshit is nothing but another cheap attempt at it. So, go ahead and CONVINCE yourself that I am hurting the traffic at this site. Go ahead and convence yourself that my threads hurt the site. Go ahead and convince yourself that the traffic will improve when I'm gone. Because, in the end deep down you know you just made every bit of that up.

You complain about your THREADS being locked, but you had a nasty habit of being told why your first thread was being locked then opening up another thread with exactly the same material or hijacking another thread all together.

They are the sort of reason why your threads were closed, not your content, not your opinion but your disregard for reasoning.

As has been mentioned it is impossible to please everyone, and those that are displeased tend to nitpick or dream up conspiracies, for instance I post a couple of times on mind control, then next thing you know theres a mass conspiracy suggesting it's the only thing I allow in pseudoscience.

The reality is I do allow other threads, The only controls on content have been enforced because of the multiple duplicated posts, afterall how many different "UFO" posts discussing "UFO's" can exist without duplicating the exact same material and answers?

The same goes for "Rocks", "Moon structures" and "Craterchains". (Those threads have been argued over for the past 2-3 years with no resolvement to answer or timeout to arguement.)

"We will never resolve the question, so why argue? or is it for the Futility?"
(Perhaps that comment string should start it's own thread)

As for the Statistics/Popularity of, Porfiry would have the capacity to know since some systems of measuring statistics from teh webserver will output exactly what URL a surfer has come from (i.e.
Stryder said:
You complain about your THREADS being locked, but you had a nasty habit of being told why your first thread was being locked then opening up another thread with exactly the same material or hijacking another thread all together.

They are the sort of reason why your threads were closed, not your content, not your opinion but your disregard for reasoning.

As has been mentioned it is impossible to please everyone, and those that are displeased tend to nitpick or dream up conspiracies, for instance I post a couple of times on mind control, then next thing you know theres a mass conspiracy suggesting it's the only thing I allow in pseudoscience.

The reality is I do allow other threads, The only controls on content have been enforced because of the multiple duplicated posts, afterall how many different "UFO" posts discussing "UFO's" can exist without duplicating the exact same material and answers?

The same goes for "Rocks", "Moon structures" and "Craterchains". (Those threads have been argued over for the past 2-3 years with no resolvement to answer or timeout to arguement.)

"We will never resolve the question, so why argue? or is it for the Futility?"
(Perhaps that comment string should start it's own thread)

Stryder, I had 1 person actually take the time to point out why one of my images was nothing spectacular. Though we disagreed on the specifics, I agree'd that it was just a combination of natural features that looked interesting and found it certainly plausible. The existance of God has been argued forever, that does not mean you would want to stiffle talk about it.

The bottom line is, you feel these are nothing but moon rocks, so you locked the thread. Period.

Perhaps you could illustrate from the images how they are rocks?
The existance of God has been argued forever, that does not mean you would want to stiffle talk about it.
Not really. For example in my forum all religion talk is outlawed.
Exactly because of the reasons Stryder mentioned.
Ophiolite said:
You mean you couldn't even say "Oh, my God, these are not rocks, these are structures!" ?

lol - Oh my ___ These are structures!

I sometimes forget how some like to silence people or thoughts they don't agree with. I don't particularly understand why arguments on Boards are bad things either.

I know running a forum is a lot of work.. my problem is the idea that you can't discuss the potential for moon structures in the pseudoscience section.. lol.

I guess it *DOES* belong in the astronomy section... :confused:
btimsah said:
I know running a forum is a lot of work

Nope, over moderatoin is a lot of work!

If nobody wanted to debate you over your claims, your threads would just age and wither, and the problem would solve itself.

But people _do_ like to engage you, and ask probing questions. Personally, I think this is a good thing, when pseudoscientific ideas are debunked in an open forum.
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