Rise Of Atheism

I note with interest how the god botherers and non botherers continue to tie themselves in knots. God cannot be proven nor disproven in the logical sense because individuals are arguing from different view points of what a god is or indeed is not. That way madness and/or atheism lie.
scientists continue to ask how we exist
theologians continue to ask why god made us exist
philosophers continue to ask why we feel the need to do either :rolleyes:
Confutatis said:
If that is too vague, I'm sorry, I'm doing my best.

Yes, you're being a bit vague. It's simple. If a person, using English, claims God to be omnipotent under the definition or usage of that word, in English, and that gives rise to a paradox, God cannot be 'omnipotent' according to that usage or definition. If there was a real word that described God more accurately, is should be used. That is not the case however, and apologetics still cling to 'omnipotent'. If we proved this to be the case for every known language, would we be anyfurther forward? No, because dogmatics will always cling to their position, no matter how illogical.
phlogistician said:
If a person, using English, claims God to be omnipotent under the definition or usage of that word, in English, and that gives rise to a paradox, God cannot be 'omnipotent' according to that usage or definition.

For the sake of argument, let's examine what follows if, instead of saying "God is omnipotent", we say "God's power is incommensurate".

So now, what follows? Have we advanced our knowledge of anything?

If there was a real word that described God more accurately, is should be used.

Yes, there is a word that describes God perfectly, in a way that not even atheists can refute: God is a mystery
Confutatis said:
Yes, there is a word that describes God perfectly, in a way that not even atheists can refute: God is a mystery
why would you think an atheist could not refute it.
a mystery is something strange that baffles or eludes the understanding, to an atheist a god deserves no such distinction, it's non-existant.
It's also not a mystery at all. I'll speculate that just about every atheist on earth knows exactly what 'God' is. A man-made fantasy.
Crunchy Cat said:
It's also not a mystery at all. I'll speculate that just about every atheist on earth knows exactly what 'God' is. A man-made fantasy.

Sometimes I think atheists are a God-made fantasy...
The rise of atheism is to be expected. With the recent scientific breakthough and proper education, I expected more atheist but still this is an improvement over the darkages.

Confutatis said:
Sometimes I think atheists are a God-made fantasy...

God-made fantasies?
Confutatis said:
Yes, there is a word that describes God perfectly, in a way that not even atheists can refute: God is a mystery

Since god is a mystery, we cannot make any assumptions about him, can we?

(Q) said:
Since god is a mystery, we cannot make any assumptions about him, can we?


M*W: Well, as an atheist, I can refute a mystery, and I will. A mystery cannot be used as proof of evidence. A mystery is what an agnostic believes god is. A mystery cannot explain the truth. Even christians believe god is a mystery. To an atheist, there is no mystery regarding any god. They don't exist.
Until you can prove there is no God, i dont see the explanation of Athiesm... most Theists BELIEVE in a god... they dont KNOW he/she/it/x/y/z exists...

On the contrary, Athiests somehow KNOW a god or gods dont exist... care to share your amazing revelation from... well... obviously not god... and common sense isnt a proof either... just to tell you all!

Many things just dont make sense... as proof to that, just look into astrology and quantum physics and learn some more about black holes and antimatter and all that cool stuff!
Medicine Woman said:
A mystery is what an agnostic believes god is.


A mystery cannot explain the truth.

So you think wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics is not a mystery, or you think it does not explain the truth?

It's OK not to believe in mysteries, but that doesn't make them disappear.

To an atheist, there is no mystery regarding any god. They don't exist.

Nonsense. Atheists know as much about God as anyone else. They only claim to know better - out of intellectual arrogance, as far as I can tell from the conceit and prejudice displayed in their posts. Certainly it's not out of knowledge, as they are not privy to anything anyone else is not already tired of knowing.
Confutatis said:
So you think wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics is not a mystery, or you think it does not explain the truth?

You will always fail miserably when attempting to compare physics with blind faith. Surely, an intellectual like you can come up with something better than that.

It's OK not to believe in mysteries, but that doesn't make them disappear.

Believing in the mysteries of blind faith will not make gods appear!

Nonsense. Atheists know as much about God as anyone else. They only claim to know better - out of intellectual arrogance, as far as I can tell from the conceit and prejudice displayed in their posts. Certainly it's not out of knowledge, as they are not privy to anything anyone else is not already tired of knowing.

Atheists CAN know more about gods, especially if they have lively and vivid imaginations - the difference is that atheists know it's their imaginations.
(Q) said:
You will always fail miserably when attempting to compare physics with blind faith. Surely, an intellectual like you can come up with something better than that.

Believing in the mysteries of blind faith will not make gods appear!

Atheists CAN know more about gods, especially if they have lively and vivid imaginations - the difference is that atheists know it's their imaginations.

correction: the difference is that atheists believe it's their imaginations
You know what you believe and you believe what you know.

What can such quibbling over the substance of faith and knowledge amount to if all sides subscribe to this same postulate?
How can u know God exists and how can u know God doesnt exist? You cant. (Unless God came down and said "here i am!" ... but no thats not going to happen)
She would probably have a voice-translator-thingy-mabob from star trek or star wars or something of the sort!! unless she lost it again... just like car keys... dangit :rolleyes:
§outh§tar said:
You know what you believe and you believe what you know.

What can such quibbling over the substance of faith and knowledge amount to if all sides subscribe to this same postulate?

M*W: SouthStar, can you believe that certain members think we are one and the same?