Right and wrong is determined by God


"Like I'd know! Like I'd have any chance of forming an independent basis of right and wrong outside the instructions of some supervisory being. No lord, I am your BITCH!"

It's classic comedy like this that really gives me hope for humanity :)
Making fun of people's religious beliefs again, James?

You do know, don't you, that making fun of people's beleifs is usually associated with bullying, and is generally considered not a nice thing to do? You knew that, right?

Baron Max
You do know, don't you, that making fun of people's beleifs is usually associated with bullying, and is generally considered not a nice thing to do? You knew that, right?

Using that logic, one would be able to say precisely the same thing about those who make fun of political beliefs. Or economic. Or sports. Or their beliefs about what constitutes art. etc.

One is, then, left to wonder what hypocrisy one might find by reviewing your posts on SF given your trolling above. Which, by the way, is just a form of bullying -a fallacious pressure to discourage criticism of religious superstition.
If your God is right then why all this pain and suffering in the world ?. Why all these senseless wars and millions of people killed and made refugees ?. Why do some folks get painful illnesses from day one of their births....etc...etc.
Like I'd know! Like I'd have any chance of forming an independent basis of right and wrong outside the instructions of some supervisory being. No lord, I am your BITCH!

What frame of mind is the human in when he makes his decision about what is right or wrong? Why is there a "rage" clause in law?

Heat of Passion. A phrase used in criminal law to describe an intensely emotional state of mind induced by a type of provocation that would cause a reasonable person to act on impulse or without reflection.

Is everybody born happy and lucky as you James R? Maybe you need to put some more reflection into what you find funny and why. Can someone say, nescience? :xctd:

Some ignorant men would claim that you would a bitch for not retaliating after your daughter was raped when the rapist was acquitted. But you're a cool headed intellectual who knows what is right or wrong independent of God. And the hell with rage, because you never get pissed.

Hmm. I guess it's just different circles we hang around. :cool:
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What frame of mind is the human in when he makes his decision about what is right or wrong?

I would like to think he is applying his intellect, but unfortunately that is not always the case.

Why is there a "rage" clause in law?

Heat of Passion. A phrase used in criminal law to describe an intensely emotional state of mind induced by a type of provocation that would cause a reasonable person to act on impulse or without reflection.

How is this relevant to anything?

Is everybody born happy and lucky as you James R?

How is this relevant to anything?

Maybe you need to put some more reflection into what you find funny and why.

Maybe you need to reflect on why you don't find this funny. Nescience anybody?

Some ignorant men would claim that you would a bitch for not retaliating after your daughter was raped when the rapist was acquitted. But you're a cool headed intellectual who knows what is right or wrong independent of God. And the hell with rage, because you never get pissed.

Hmm. I guess it's just different circles we hang around. :cool:

Is this directed at anybody in particular? Are you trying to make some kind of point?

What did you think of the video?
I would like to think he is applying his intellect, but unfortunately that is not always the case.

Well, it is not the case the majority of the time.

How is this relevant to anything?

How can you not see why it is relevant. If human beings are so adept at determining right from wrong, why does there exist an exception in law that diminishes the extent of a crime based upon mental capacity at time the crime is committed. It is you who is interpreting from the video that mankind's mental capacity is so evolved to where good and evil are completely obvious choices, and that every man sees and can decide their actions accordingly. Don't reply back with some mindless response such as, Ah didunt say or think dat. Because you know better.

How is this relevant to anything?

To pose relevance when at a lack of words.

What did you think of the video?

Watched it halfway through. I found it funny until the long bit of sarcastic dialogue. I would have continued to find it funny, but it disappointingly delved into blatant propaganda.
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You should know by now how it works. When James is offended we get irrational warnings and bans. When we are offended its because there is something wrong with our beliefs.

Do you find the clip offensive, SAM?

If so, please tell me what offends you about it.

I asked the same question of Baron Max, but have had no reply.


If human beings are so adept at determining right from wrong, why does there exist an exception in law that diminishes the extent of a crime based upon mental capacity at time the crime is committed.

Well, where I live that particular law has been abolished due to its overuse and abuse. But never mind.

Another example would be the insanity plea, I suppose. The general principle is that you can't be held criminally responsible for actions that you do not consciously intend, or actions done when you are mentally ill. The presumption is that under such circumstances you do not have the capacity for normal moral reasoning.

Remind me again about how this has any relation to the film clip I posted.

It is you who is interpreting from the video that mankind's mental capacity is so evolved to where good and evil are completely obvious choices, and that every man sees and can decide their actions accordingly. Don't reply back with some mindless response such as, Ah didunt say or think dat. Because you know better.

I didn't actually comment on the clip at all, apart from to ask the question of whether right and wrong are determined by God. What do you think about that?

I'll thank you not to tell me what I think, too. If you want to know what I think about something, try asking me.

What did you think of the video?

Watched it halfway through. I found it funny until the long bit of sarcastic dialogue. I would have continued to find it funny, but it disappointingly delved into blatant propaganda.

Did it offend your religious beliefs?
The clip was extremely poignant. Comedy is often the best way to see the right of things. :)

I LOVED it. I'm watching it again and laughing AGAIN.
Thats pathetic. I couldn't finish it. At least the other one is slightly amusing before the propaganda kicks in.

To atheist hell. Its where they send posts that offend atheists.

sheesh, you called it. you even said it was going to get the axe. I can't believe that. stuff is off topic here all the time. Unbelievable. Apparently no, right and wrong is not determined by god, it's determined by SciForum moderators. :shrug:
Oh never mind
