Rick Thielens theory on black holes,big bang&gravity

AN Post #20: . . . You actually GET PAID for such work??? . . . . I, and most others who TRY to post original ideas on Sciforums, do so freely, and receive no remuneration for our efforts to assist the human condition of yearning for new knowledge! . . . the term altruism comes to mind . . . . try it some time!
I, and most others who TRY to post original ideas on Sciforums, do so freely, and receive no remuneration for our efforts to assist the human condition of yearning for new knowledge!

Are you that big an idiot clueless? AN is an actual working physicst. It's his profession. He's not talking about moderating this forum. He does acutal work and get's paid for it. That's what his PhD has gotten him.

As far as your posting original ideas, an original idea that's full of shit is an idea that's full of shit. It's originality doesn't mean anything if the idea means nothing.

Although my previous query was not directed to YOU, I knew you could not pass on the opportunity to interject more assnine comments. BTW, I accept your compliment that my thinking is OOB! And yes . . . I readily admit that my memories of antiquated knowledge and thinking DO need refreshing from time-to-time.

Since you promote yourself as 'all-knowing', I'll ask YOU . . . . just what constituents comprise this "space" that is (still?) being 'created', what is the ongoing 'creation-of-new space' process?, and just what is the 'mechanism' by which it (space) is continuing to expand - at a 'still-accelerating' rate that has been estimated to currently be ca. 3 x c?
Rick: GREAT Out-Of-the-Box (OOB) thinking!! . . . . we need more of such . . . . but get ready for a deriding onslaught from those Standard Model Sciforums enthusiasts who feel threatened by OOB and are bent on preserving their way of thinking!

Out of the box thinking without a foundation in reality doesn't actually get us anything closer to truth. It simply results in creative writing.
Out of the box thinking without a foundation in reality doesn't actually get us anything closer to truth. It simply results in creative writing.

Most OOB thinking IS without theoretical foundation, but is based on one's individual interpretations of one's observation(s) . . . albeit, very few OOB ideas pan-out . . . . but some do . . . foundation comes when the scientific method (SM) is rigorously applied . . . . and IF the idea passes SM muster . . . . it then becomes the prevailing "in-the-box" reality . . . . h-m-m-m-m . . . . until a better (OOB?) idea comes along. This is how scientific truths evolve - via long and convoluted paths.
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Postscript: Would we have gotten to the moon without J. Verne's creative writing . . . probably so. . . but much later! How about cell phones vs Star Trek communicators? . . . or computers?. . . . or light bulbs? . . .etc. Even the Wright brothers would have come much later if it weren't for the OOB thinking of Leonardo Davinci!