Richard Dawkins Again Refuses Debate With Christian Apologist William Craig

Right. And if the Jews had simply left Europe, then Hitler wouldn't have had to kill six million of them. The deaths weren't Hitler's responsibility and their blood isn't on his hands.

And if the Catholics had simply converted to Protestantism, the Protestants would not have to persecute them.
And if the Protestants had simply converted to Catholicism, the Catholics would not have to persecute them.

I think that this stuff is extremely problematic for those modern Jews and Christians who simultaneously want to condemn practices like these as savage and barbaric, but still hold tightly to the doctrines of Biblical authority and inerrancy, and to the idea that the Bible is somehow the ultimate "Good Book".

The cognitive dissonance is palpable and there's a tremendous amount of selective attention and denial going on.

But perhaps they don't experience any cognitive dissonance.

I think it is possible that they genuinely believe they are God's chosen people - and that thus, others have to bow to them (or flee from them, or let themselves be killed by them).

There is a segment of the Western population who grew up to believe that all humans are really vulnerable, that anger is an expression of insecurity, that the desire to control others is also an expression of insecurity and such.

But perhaps these beliefs are unrealistic. Perhaps some people do not feel vulnerable at all. Perhaps some people are angry - but not insecure. Perhaps some people make an effort to control others, and it is not out of their own insecurity, but out of a conviction that they are entitled to control others.

Naturalist science teaches that life is a struggle for survival. Why wouldn't the same struggle for survival take place among humans, on a daily basis?