retard on AIM claims fetus == shoe


paultard since 2002
Registered Senior Member
shortstakz16: whats up fag?
shortstakz16: you're one ugly mofo, you know that?
Jade4209: sounds like a jealous kid
shortstakz16: jealous of what? you're fat ass?
Jade4209: wah wah wah
Jade4209: as if i care
shortstakz16: you're an idiot who simply likes to make fun of everyone, even thought ur stupid
Jade4209: wah some little baby is crying as if i care
shortstakz16: and you arent very intelligent either. you're repeated that for the 3rd time now
Jade4209: you still seem to think that i care?
shortstakz16: its not my fault I became pregnant. we didnt notice the condom had a tear until it was off, so BACK OFF!
shortstakz16: well, obviously you should, since you took the time to insult me
shortstakz16: you dumb piece of shit!
Jade4209: please learn how to count?
Jade4209: no that just proves that you are an idiot
shortstakz16: what the hell are you talking about?
Jade4209: that you got pregnant from that
shortstakz16: what does that have to do with anything?
Jade4209: then again it isn't like condoms are 100%
Jade4209: but only stupid people such as yourself would think such a thing
shortstakz16: you blatantly accused me for having sex with my boyfriend of 4months
shortstakz16: no, that wasnt the point. I was asking about an abortion and you flammed me you asshole
Jade4209: oh wow 4 months
shortstakz16: yes, I'm sexually active. so what?
Jade4209: you sure know how to keep your pants on
Jade4209: wow how could anyone hope to wait more than 4 months
shortstakz16: just because you'll never get laid for life, there is no need to look down on those who DO like sex...
shortstakz16: its MY decision when I want to have sex, not yours.
shortstakz16: then again, you sound like you're never had a gf regardless, so what the hell right?
Jade4209: yes your decision to be a hoe
shortstakz16: I should be feeling sorry for you instead of trying to prove my point to such an insignificant person
Jade4209: and your decision to get pregnant
shortstakz16: HOW is it my decision you moron?
shortstakz16: I didnt WANT to be pregnant? It JUST happened. I'm getting an abortion.
Jade4209: oh that's right you get babies by magic and not sex
Jade4209: what a loving mother
Jade4209: to murder your children
shortstakz16: I 19years of age for gods sake. By now, I should be able to make my own decisions
Jade4209: yes you did make your own decision
Jade4209: you made your decision to have sex
Jade4209: did you not?
shortstakz16: Sex is a NATURAL part of life, that doesnt always have to revolve around pro-creation.
Jade4209: so now you are attempting to murder your children
Jade4209: why not just give brith and kick your child in the face a few times
Jade4209: just to show it how much you love it
shortstakz16: I'm not. I do not believe its a "child" until the 2nd trimester of development
shortstakz16: I believe its an object... a non living entity...
Jade4209: oh that's right, because it 'magically' changes its DNA?
Jade4209: that's even better
Jade4209: that it can magically change from a non living entity to a living one
shortstakz16: Its a different perspective of what a "living being" is. Please respect my views
Jade4209: what views?
Jade4209: that you love to murder your children?
shortstakz16: Trees grow also.... why do we cut it down? We kill animals dont we?
Jade4209: or the 'view' that a child magically comes 'alive'?
Jade4209: so for a few months the child isn't alive then magically it just becomes alive
Jade4209: wow
Jade4209: you are some funny crap
shortstakz16: they dont "magically" come alive, moron. Its a PROCESS in which the baby is developing, but until a PARTICULAR point, its NOT a baby.
Jade4209: yeah you are right why do we have laws against killing our own children
Jade4209: they don't matter
Jade4209: why shouldn't we murder them?
Jade4209: i mean if we can destroy plants and other animals why not our own children?
shortstakz16: that not what I'm saying. you're not even listioning you asshole
Jade4209: so now we can't kill plants or animals?
shortstakz16: its NOT A CHILD! Please define the term "child" before you proceed any further
Jade4209: please learn what DNA or even biology is before you take another breath
Jade4209: kind of funny how you attempt to justify the murder of your own children by pretending that they aren't 'alive'
Jade4209: kind of funny since things that aren't 'alive' can't devlop
shortstakz16: I know perfectly what it is, as I'm a biology major. Perhaps you should reconsider your argument since you're not exactly DEFINING the term "child"
shortstakz16: a fetus is not capable of thinking until the 2nd trimester
shortstakz16: learn your facts
Jade4209: facts?
shortstakz16: a simple sperm meeting an egg is NOT alive.
Jade4209: you mean like the fact that a child magically comes alive during the 2nd trimester?
Jade4209: oh that's right, zygotes are dead
Jade4209: they have none of the characteristics of life
shortstakz16: Its an on going process of growth, but you hate to realize that there is a difference between a fetus (which isnt alive), and a baby (which IS alive).
Jade4209: still nice to see how much you love your children
Jade4209: oh that's right a fetus is dead
Jade4209: since it obviously isn't alive
shortstakz16: fuck off asshole. you dont even listen
shortstakz16: you're not to the slight bit intelligent what so ever
Jade4209: you are the one claiming that a fetus is dead
Jade4209: that it isn't a living organism
shortstakz16: and you're ugly.... wow your life truly does suck
Jade4209: yep that's me, ugly woo you got me i'm going to cry now boo hoo
Jade4209: some loser that pretents that a fetus is dead called me ugly
Jade4209: boo hoo
shortstakz16: you're arguments are a waste of time
Jade4209: don't you mean your?
shortstakz16: A fetus is an OBJECT. Its neither dead NOR alive.
Jade4209: as you are arguments are a waste of time doesn't really make sense
shortstakz16: Its comparable to a pen, or my shoe
Jade4209: but then again comming from someone who doesn't understand the concept of life it makes sense
shortstakz16: dont you mean coming?
shortstakz16: fine, explain to me what the 'concept of life' is.
Jade4209: yes just tell your children that they are on the same level as your shoe
Jade4209: that is how much you love your children
Jade4209: to keep them in the same regard as your shoe
shortstakz16: will you stop avoiding my question?
Jade4209: a biology major should know what the defination of a living organism is
Jade4209: or are you really a biology major and not just some dumb slut
Jade4209: that doesn't have a clue as to how biologic processes work?
shortstakz16: 1st of all, define the exact moment when a baby is formed. do you feel that a life emerges from penetration, or on the 2nd trimester?
Jade4209: you don't even know what the hell a living organism is
Jade4209: yet you are trying to talk crap
Jade4209: also life doesn't start at 'penetration'
Jade4209: do you even understand how sex works?
shortstakz16: there are arguments to show a fetuses brain doesnt circulate any blood, therefore its not capable of comprehending its surroundings
Jade4209: neither are you capeable of understanding your surroundings
shortstakz16: penetration of the egg by the sperm, i meant
Jade4209: thus i should kill you
Jade4209: i mean you aren't worth any more than my shoe
shortstakz16: too bad you cant, since you're physically less superior to me
Jade4209: you aren't alive
shortstakz16: I'm a hell of a lot more alive that you, asshole
Jade4209: keep dreaming retard
Jade4209: try learning what dna is
shortstakz16: dreaming WHAT? I AM seperior to you
Jade4209: then you can work on learning what the definations of a living organism are
Jade4209: since you obviously have no clue
shortstakz16: You're GAY!!!
Jade4209: oh no i'm going to cry now boo hoo
shortstakz16: i have it all figured out now
Jade4209: you attempted to call me gay
Jade4209: i mean obviously if i understand how biology works, then i have to be gay
shortstakz16: you're jealous of the fact that I have a lovely partner to have sex with, and you're incapable to common logic and reasoning
Jade4209: only gay people understand how dna works and what a living organism is
shortstakz16: my point is that you NEITHER have an understanding of biology, nor is it possible for you to be straight
shortstakz16: and YOU'RE REPETATIVE!!!!!
Jade4209: takes a true heterosexual to understand that a child is created through magic and not biological processes
shortstakz16: you repeat the same sentences over and over, since you arent capable of an intelligent conversation
Jade4209: oh yes to truly be intelligent you have to refer to magic and not biological processes
Jade4209: but you are obviously ready for sex, since you are fully capeable of loving your children
Jade4209: fully capeable of being held accountable for your sexual actions
shortstakz16: as a legal adult, I hate full rights to getting an abortion. Do you understand? The state of California makes it perfectly legal for me to "kill my child", and I have absolutely no problem doing it. So fuck off! Fine, what ever, I decided to have sex, and a mistake happened, so I'm planning to kill my baby, simply because I will not be about to support it. What now?
Jade4209: just nice to know that you admit to murder
shortstakz16: yep, and it legal too. what now?
Jade4209: but it is also funny that you aren't able to understand what a living organism is
shortstakz16: I figured that the only way I could get across to you was to simply admit "murder"
Jade4209: or what dna is
Jade4209: you should tell all your children how much you love them by brutally murdering them
shortstakz16: again, you're repeating the same thing over and over. You have ABSOLUTELY no arguement.
shortstakz16: I will....;-)
Jade4209: yes just pop them out and kick them in the face
Jade4209: show them how much you really love them
shortstakz16: on the contrary, I plan to suck those critters out WHILE they are still developing.
shortstakz16: again, these words will have more of an impact on you, rather than me trying to explain to you how an abortion truly works.
Jade4209: oh that's right, because once you pass the birth canal you stop all biological development
Jade4209: i mean by then you are a fully developed human
shortstakz16: but you have to admit though. you're not very intelligent
Jade4209: coming from the person who attempts to claim that a fetus isn't a living organism?
shortstakz16: exactly. Does that show you how pathetic you are? even a 'person who attempts to claim that a fetus isn't a living organism' has no respect for your intelligence..... how pathetic
shortstakz16: good bye.
shortstakz16: and you're dumb
Jade4209: oh noes retard that thinks all biological development ends upon passage of the birth canal called me dumb
Jade4209: how will i ever hope to live another day boo hoo
Previous message was not received by shortstakz16 because of error: User shortstakz16 is not available.
I seriously wonder if anyone is going to read that post in full?

I also wonder if Angrybellsprout actually, seriously, thought that everyone would actually read it and comment on it?

Hey, I have a 9,000 page document that I wnat everyone to read ....should I post it in full? :)

Baron Max
she claims to be 19 years old and a biology major in university, yet has no clue as to what the basic qualifications for life are
I think her only mistake was to have a conversation with a complet idiot who starts off a discussion with 'whats up fag? ', to be followed up by 'you're one ugly mofo, you know that?'. That makes her stupid. But the person actually sending that crap is a complete retard. No doubt about that.
spuriousmonkey said:
I think her only mistake was to have a conversation with a complet idiot who starts off a discussion with 'whats up fag? ', to be followed up by 'you're one ugly mofo, you know that?'. That makes her stupid. But the person actually sending that crap is a complete retard. No doubt about that.

shortstakz16: whats up fag?
shortstakz16: you're one ugly mofo, you know that?

Yeah I know how dare she talk to someone who would say whats up fag...
I, for one, am glad to see modern social outreach programs reaching the retarded and teaching them keyboarding and internet skills such as evident with the two above. Bravo angrybellsprout, it makes my heart glad to see retarded teens interacting and building their social interaction skills.

I'm not sure which of the two in the conversation you posted are more mentally challenged than the other, however. Did you interact with them at all?
try looking at my profile, i have my aim name in it...

still can't expect an inferior being to be able to come up with such an idea on their own...
angry-something-or-others profile said:
Eh when I graduate from uni next year I plan on teaching.

Poor kids. I expect Texas will continue to be one of the states of below average educational standards... they'll have an admitted bigot to "educate" them. Joy.
try clicking the link in my profile to get the joke behind it

oh but we couldn't expect a dipshit to figure that one out...

wonder why there could be a link in my profile omg...
Problem with the conversation, is that you are applying the term murder to someone who aborts a fetus. However, the law and the Supreme Court don't support your claim.

What is clear in the entire conversation is that you two aren't mature enough to be discussing the subject. Your further hurling insults at the posters here, doesn't strengthen your case any.

People make mistakes. Who are you to judge? What makes you think you have the right to judge other people? If you are Christian, you know that It is God that judges, and that Jesus died for our sins. If you are not, then you are probably just a self-righteous prick who has no business discussing a woman's health issue with her in such a mean and demeaning way.
Since I'm pretty sure you are beyond the point of functional illiteracy to figure it out.

Some racist spammers on this other forum that I post on would try and spout zionist propaganda. I also hear that they plaged this place for a while as well. All day long they would post dozens of threads about how evil all muslims arabs and whatever were.

So I started standing up to them and shutting their propaganda down. Because I dared to do that they started calling me an arab muslim, even after we assured them that I was a Christian who was mostly white. Then later on they started throwing around kkk and nazi for shutting down their propaganda. They even got to the point where they'd start spamming up threads trying to call me a kkknaziarabmuslimhater and other goofy crap like that.

Eventually we got them banned off our forum and so they started up that blog about me, one of the mods and a couple others who told them off.