Restricted Access?

Is the quoted thread attempting to restrict free speech?

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spidergoat, for such personal interactions, PMs are available.
It just seems, to me, a little rude to request in a public space that everyone else avoids the discussion. It is self defacing.
It's like whispering in a crowded room. It invites queries as to the nature of the whisper.

spidergoat wrote...
They are experimental in nature.
What... the members or the rules? ;)

Good arguments though.

spidergoat wrote...
If I wanted to know about sun spots, I wouldn't include data about campaign finance reform, would I?

But if I wanted to know what people thought of toffee, I wouldn't ban those who didn't like toffee from my enquiry.
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Meanwhile the Thread Starter has collapsed in fits of hysteria stroking his mental image of the eternally damned being seperated from his thread foreveeeeeeeerrrrrrrr.....


What's so personal, ESP? I don't like to PM.

It may seem rude, but there could be a purpose to it. They might learn something that they want to discuss in another thread.

It invites queries as to the nature of the whisper.
I guess it does, and I respect your inquiry. It's like someone who has a magic button that no one is supposed to press. You wanna press it, don'tcha? I say let them have their secret club, and you can start your own, OK? And then we can have milk and cookies.
The creator loves me?
Did the creator Not make Mormons?
Did the creators doctrines state "you may look but not speak?"
As I understand it 'GOD' as in the christian version (OH so many!) created the world
'GOD' is the beginning, the end, the ALMIGHTY!
The exclusion of those who do not fit into the doctrines of this particular higher power defy the very teachings of Chritianity as a whole.
"You may", "You may not..."
Hitler 1938!
I agree with ESP
If this is the way such religious, caring, biblically motivated individuals wish to segment their conversation, then they should do so on sites particular to this acceptance of exclusion.
And possibly take time out to question the motivation behind such 'rules'
It's only talking! What's to be afraid of?
If I opened a thread saying "Only white people can post here" because I want to discuss the trials and tribulations of being born a redhead I'd be wiped off the boards so fast it'd be painful!!
By the way, I'm a brunette D:
Did you read this note?

Moderator note - since the forum is open to everyone then so is this thread, despite the originator's hope for exclusivity.

Can we learn anything be observing what Christians say to each other?
Did we learn anything about Christians from this, like maybe they don't appreciate dissent, or points of view outside of their world?
Is it possible that discussion about Christianity is made more difficult when so many people post the equivalent of "you're stupid, christianity is stupid, there is no God, you're living in a fantasy", ect...?
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Go moderator, Go moderator, Go moderator D:
However the principle IS that their involvment should be moot!
I mean, let the God botherers discuss all those god things as much as they like! (Hey two thousand years and we're still not sure Herod was a good guy or not.)
The CHRISTIAN thing to do would be to welcome ALL!!
At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I must point out that this is an ethical and not a religious thread, and while your support is happily received, perhaps your comments would be better directed at the poster of the initial statement in this thread.

spidergoat wrote...
Did you read this note?

Moderator note - since the forum is open to everyone then so is this thread, despite the originator's hope for exclusivity.

Can we learn anything be observing what Christians say to each other?

Well, no.
I hadn't read this far into that thread.
But then, I'd been restricted, hadn't I?

And if the originators wishes had come to fruition, then, no. We wouldn't be allowed to learn anything! ;)
I suppose that this exemplifies my point.

LSD? Curious.

Yes, it's an attempt to restrict free speech. Not a very successful one, though, since the thread starter has no power to enforce who can or cannot view or contribute to the thread in question.

It is a religion forum, and the topic is a religious one, so I don't have a problem with the thread starter posting a wish-list of desired contributors. spidergoat has a point that a lot of religious threads are derailed by the usual boring people saying "All religion is a fantasy. You must be mad to be religious. etc. etc." Maybe the thread starter in this case hoped for something more constructive.
James R wrote...
Maybe the thread starter in this case hoped for something more constructive.



But more likely realised that all the 'naysayers' would be attracted like flies round shit. What better way to start and maintain a contentious thread?

Why not opt for a less combustable thread title? Something more subtle?

Why try to say 'Iv'e got the right to do this?

Tell me it was naivity and I'll call you naive.
They should be able to talk about their religious propaganda in a group with out the interferance of others.

So if you feel the need to discuss something these people have said... Say it else where. To put it into perspective... People talking about baseball - don't want to be sidetracked by irrelevant comments about womens volleyball.

In response to your original question... No, because you can have your say else where.

- Shifty Russian
if you don't like their rules... post it on ;)