Response to Aliens

If I saw your Mother get shot by some low-life in broad daylight, my testimony in court would put the accused away for life. That is how much my testimony would weigh. If I AND my friend BOTH witnessed the murder, you would have an incredibly strong case against the accused that would be hard to contest. Verdict - Guilty.

BUT, if the two of us BOTH saw a little silver ship doing somersualts in the sky the next day and reported it - we would be labeled as loonies!......

This is exactly what you are doing. People of ordinary backgrounds here have been witness to strange phenomena and you are STILL busy de-bunking.... saying normal people CAN hallucinate, mis-interpret etc.

So, in closing I hope for your sake and your mothers that a believer in ET's doesn't pay witness to a crime against your family, because I know you wouldn't want that nut-job's word for it that "he knows what he saw and he knows who he saw commit the crime".

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You don't think the U.S. Government
documents interaction between disked shaped craft? There is all kinds of cases on record which have been declassified.
So, many pilots, who happen to be one of the most credible people to observe these vehicles, are all hallucinating? Yes, normal people can hallucinate. Did I. No.
It's easier for you to think that way so
you do not have to try to understand something that may shatter your beliefs.
The first step and I now this is hard is to do a little research you will be amazed at the good evidence out there.I
can't possibly post everything I've seen on this board.

You really think the government cannot keep a secret? Thats a joke right?
I'm glad you brought that up. Many People who witness the same craft and beings are from all walks of life. Some are very educated. Let me give an example many witnesses see an object from different points. They testify under oath in a court of law about what they saw.
Radar also confirms their testimony. The Airforce says nothing happened case closed.This happens all the time. Witnesses have even seen jets chasing strange objects. New polls show over half of americans believe in alien craft and that the government is hidding knowledge.
These same people are on juries putting people away for murder etc. Think about it. The very definition of science is to study, explore our surroundings and learn. Unfortunatey when it comes to UFO's something else happens.


Sure, the government has kept secrets before--the Manhattan Project, the Stealth Bomber, but consider the level of media scruity involved in the Manhattan Project verses the Stealth Bomber. In today's environment, the development of a secret bomb--or anything else for that matter--would come under an umbrella of attention unheard of forty years ago. Sure, secrets are kept, but it's harder to maintain the veil.

The discovey of alien evidence would be the story of all-time, and no "conspiracy," regardless of the forces behind it, could in my opinion keep this info from leaking out.

Your faith in government control is fixated on the erroneous assumption that all the vested interests involved could be trusted to keep silent. You're joking, right?
No I'm not. The fact is there have been leaks but how do you distinguish them from disinformation? The secret has not been kept. To most people it's unbelievable so it's fake right? Then why does the government have a classification for this subject?

Secrets are still kept by all branches of the military to this day about a variety of issues.

[This message has been edited by Alien (edited December 13, 2000).]
Alien: First off, I never said Jesus, so that is your addition.

Secondly, I can show you about a hundred documents in which Jesus was pursued by Roman soldiers and Jewish political leaders, who then saw him perform a miracle and believed in his message.

And if you dont want to accept that, I can give you other examples. Muhammad would go into deep trances when he recieved his revelations, and an aura was said to come over him. This was recorded in numerous documents.

The Bab performed many, many miracles, which were recored by people who didnt even believe in him, members of the Persian government who were actively pursuing him. The same goes for Bahaullah, who performed many more miracles. This information is all probably available in your local library. At least my faith (yes, unlike the alien believers out there, I admit it is faith, not fact) is based on historical phenomenon that was recorded by disbelievers.

Spadge: Why do you come here if you dont want to debate?
Yes, I did add that to prove a point.
What you speak of is seen by a relative few in history. Documented and pased on as stories throughout the years. I'm not saying it may or may not have happened.
The UFO phenomenon is bigger much bigger.
To understand the evidence you must be willing to look at it right. Now, to me when a pilot is flying along and sees a silver shiny disk along side of him and his power fails or the jet flys under the conrol of that disk then thats proof enough for me. This has happened many times. Or when at a nuclear installation
(Great Falls, Montana) officials track objects doing unconventional manuevers
and for quite some time nuclear warheads
were being armed and disarmed by these objects, the base was in their control.
This is well documented and declassified!! All the personel on that base experienced it in the mid 70's.
And if you don't believe this case what about literally hundreds of others in recent years? Objects seen on the ground
by not one but several people you could trust to be sane rational individuals.
The National Institute for Discovery Sciences has analyzed material taken from people that could not be explained as far as its properties and how it was constructed.Don't take my word for it it's in science journals. A lot of people are just going to believe what they want despite of the evidence. All so most can sleep well at night.

P.S. A noted researcher has said concerning debunkers "Why attack the evidence when you can attack the people it's much easier." Over the years I've seen how true this is. This is why the debunkers do not even try attacking the people is easier and they don't have to deal with the evidence.
[This message has been edited by Alien (edited December 14, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Alien (edited December 14, 2000).]
Okay... Just assuming that aliens really do exist, just leaving out the possibilty that they do not,

What do they supposedly want? Maybe I have not been re-reading people's posts enough, but I get a hint of people saying that we know these aliens' plans for involvement in the human race.
Just curious, what are their plans? I suspect that there is at least as much controversy over their purpose as their existence.
Would someone enlighten me on this? Maybe I already know some theories, but what exactly is the story with these "grays"?

[This message has been edited by DataBob (edited December 14, 2000).]
I believe there are many races of aliens coming to earth from who knows where. They obviously want their identity kept secret or this mystery would have been solved. If you look at the research of Dr. Tim Jacobs, Dr. John Mack,and Dr. Bud Hopkins, among others, there is a distinct pattern in all the hundreds of cases they have studied. These aliens take samples, both fluid and tissue, and sometimes terrify abductees with images of a dying earth. Abductees often are shown hybrids and the aliens seem to be interested in watching us love and care for them. It seems as if other races just talk with us interact and then leave maybe giving he or she a message.
A family member along with a friend was abducted last year. They saw four different races during their abduction. They both have physical scares from the experience. They watched the craft land and aliens approach them from across a field. Now they both would have thought this was science fiction for neither were a believer. They do not remember four hours of the experience the last thing they do is the aliens approaching their craft and leaving. Within the last two years others have had the same encounter in the area.It seems as if the aliens took samples from both of them. Strange triangular marks were left along with needle marks in a triangular pattern.
Other than this, there seems to be no clear motive. They have problems dealing with the encounter such as nightmares from the event. I want to stress they were both awake when this happened. Maybe they want to watch us to see if we advance into space or destroy orselves.
The best theory I have heard is that they forsee a war or cataclysm of some kind in which life on earth becomes extinct... They take samples and things in hope of preserving our genetic diversity or perhaps cloning several earth-bound species if their fears are ever realized.
Or, they are in fact a future evolution of mankind, and they come back in time because they need to prevent us from destroying ourselves, because if we do so we will destroy them as well.

A few good theories out there, but it's still hard to make a universally satisfying idea.
