Response to Aliens


Registered Member
Well, I have seen strange things in the sky but that doesn't mean I think it's an alien ship come across the galaxy to stick probes inside human beings. In fact, that's a rather large and arrogant assumption, but not surprising, for humans over the millenia have longed to believe in otherworldly beings to help explain the mysteries in their lives.

There's nothing wrong with this, but if we really want to be serious and objective and rational beings, then we need to examine the evidence of UFO contact, and frankly, there is none. No evidence of alien bodies, or crashed ships, or tools, or any other strange, exotic matter not of this world.

What we do have is a long cultural, historical, and psychological undercurrent of fear, mistrust and superstition of things WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND. My own feeling is that most so-called "abductions" are nothing more than memory/sleep manifestations brought on by stress, mental illness or other psychological trauma.

Does that make it wrong to believe that aliens are trying to contact us? Of course not. But we should try to keep in mind the distinctions between science and fanstasy, and address these issues accordingly.

[This message has been edited by einsteinsdream (edited November 25, 2000).]
Just becouse you've never met one doesn't mean they dont' exist. I think it is becouse of sceptics like yourself that we are still arguing weather they are here or not, instead of concentrating of why they are here and what they want.

Skepticism is the foundation of science. Without proof, without evidence, without peer review in respected scientific journals, then anyone with the most outlandish claims could publish and disseminate falsehoods and lies--not that it doesn't happen--it does, all the time.

But a healthy dose of doubt keeps us out of the Dark Ages, where superstition and pseudoscience rules. Is that what we really want in the 21st century?

I've never met a Devil with red horns and a tail, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't exist. Now I have seen a strange boomerang-shaped ship in the sky, with witnesses, and no one could explain it. Do I think it was aliens? No? A secret military spy plane? Maybe. The point is, I don't know, and I think it's irrational to subscribe the notion that alien belings just happen to be floating in the sky easily in sight of dozens of people. Or that the technology it takes to traverse the galaxy would be put to examining humans with primitive tools. Why? No one has been able to explain this to my satisfaction, and until there is absolute evidence of alien ships and abductions, I will remain a skeptic.

In the meantime, I welcome proof that can be presented in the light of objectivity and reviewed without prejudice. Believe me, I think the universe is brimming with life, I just don't think we've found it yet--or they us.
Now, please, just for a minute, try to see it from my point of view. It has already been proven to me that they exist. I know for sure, but it is not something I can prove to you. Now I have two options - I can spend all my time trying to convince people like yourself, that they indeed do exist, which would be very hard, or I can spend my energy on trying to find out what the hell they actualy want here. That's why most people don't speak about it, it's just no worth the trouble
einsteinsdream, If you feel you have the right to tell me and the rest of the "believers" that we suffer from a mental illness.

I say to you, and your fellow debunkers, you are all idiots.

You say we should be objective. Why don't you post on a subject you know something about ???

You know what, with a closed mind an alien could slap you in the face and say, "take me to your leader" and you would probably say it was all in your head. You may wake up one day but hope its not too late by then. Anyone been keeping up with Nibiru approach? Ufo's are old news if you watch the ancient writings even in the bible as well, all the photos though some are faked yes but not all. Watch the video footage, even nasa has evidence, the vatican even, but little skeptics and debunkers who dispute all of this are a waste of breath. Dolphin and others, keep your heads up and know there are those of us who do know what you speak of, no its not mental illness its real, those who have been through it know go to Caus and you will see all the others that have 'mental illness' and the hundreds of others of us who suffer in silence for fear of ridicule such as by those others on this board and everywhere. The govt has known as has the govts of many others for years but will always sell-out its own people on this planet. I have given up posting on this board but do monitor it. Am tired of reading the ridicule by those who think they know it all. By all means noone will ever know all and even if they had undisputed proof would debunk or disprove it in their own little human minds. Don't get know what you know.

Eric Cooper
Same topic - same bullshit two sides to the argument - ...This is the same crap that was going on here at the start of this year and the year before that...could it be any more brain-numbingly mundane on this board.
Too bad you newcomers have missed the type of intellectual input this board used to receive until topics with this response thread started to appear with dis-concerting frequency.
Nothing has changed here - the smart ones have moved on to more productive places ( I keep in contact with a few of them ) and the ones that remain still spew forth the same regurgitated garbage they did from 250 posts ago!
If it weren't for Dave Watanbe's other forums this board would have died a long time ago. By the amount of posters and frequency of new 'constructive' posts, it can be seen that this forum area is dying a slow and painfull death.
The only decent post here on aliens of late was a close encounter by my own family member and it didnt even stir the dust here! A daylight sighting by two credible witnesses in broad daylight - right above their heads!!.... but in this thread you guys are slinging shit around like it's a pie fight!
This topic forum is about "aliens and extraterrestrials" - for those of us who want to discuss about "aliens and extraterrestrials" - not to get sidetracked consistantly by those who have nothing better to do but slander the posts on the subject.
I said it earlier this year and the year before that - 'What the hell are you guys doing here stirring up tempers if you dont believe in it?' - 'Why aren't you interacting with people who share your interests?' 'What possible reason could one have for hanging around a forum topic that you have no interest in ( other than to ridicule ), - dont share the views of others and have never had an experience such as some here have?'
I simply cannot fathom your motive!
Don't mis-interpret this comment as not wanting objective comment, if you did you have read wrong. Objective comment to the likes of ' Perhaps it was...., mayhap it was really a saw' etc.
Not this blind child-like retort 'You're an idiot if you believe in spacemen, so there! '
Let's once again return to the friendly thread responses we used to enjoy.


[This message has been edited by Dave (edited December 04, 2000).]
Einsteindream / Corporal Hudson & you other debunkers.

I would happily debate the issue with you if I thought it would do any good. However, it is clear to me that you know nothing about the subject so what's the point.

I'm sick to death of the smug self satisfied people on this forum who debunk everythihng without any understanding at all.

If you want to go on living your lives with blinkers on and not seeing or learning anything then that's fine. If your too dumb to see that there is something to this subject, a subject that is undisputedly the greatest mystery of the 20th Century, then I for one don't care.

I'm sick to death of people spouting the same crap about there not being any evidence for UFOs or about mental illness, sleep paralysis, weather balloons, Venus, swamp gas, untrained observers or any other stupid exuses that you people consistantly put forward to disprove UFO incidents.

As far as I'm concerned, you're all blind and I will not allow you to waste my time with your stupid reasoning.
I would happily debate the issue with you if I thought it would do any good. However, it is clear to me that you know nothing about the subject so what's the point.

Well, Spadge, I would like to learn more about this evidence. I don’t consider, for an example, qualifying an Unidentified Flying Object as unexplainable to be evidence of aliens. If a phenomena is unexplainable, by definition, it is not an alien. I would be most intersted in seeing this plethora of evidence I hear so much about.

I'm sick to death of the smug self satisfied people on this forum who debunk everythihng without any understanding at all.

If you want to go on living your lives with blinkers on and not seeing or learning anything then that's fine. If your too dumb to see that there is something to this subject, a subject that is undisputedly the greatest mystery of the 20thCentury, then I for one don't care.

I’m afraid that you’ll have to take my word on it that I’m not too stupid to understand what many people have no problem believing. If I do not understand, perhaps it is because I am ill informed. If you would be so kind direct me to some information that I have not yet seen (or details which cast new light on information which I already have), perhaps I’ll come around to your way of thinking. Since it’s so blindingly apparent to you, I figure that I must be missing something.

I'm sick to death of people spouting the same crap about there not being any evidence for UFOs or about mental illness, sleep paralysis, weather balloons, Venus, swamp gas, untrained observers or any other stupid exuses that you people consistantly put forward to disprove UFO incidents.

As far as I'm concerned, you're all blind and I will not allow you to waste my time with your stupid reasoning.

I have heard many people bash skeptical reasoning but have yet to hear a coherent criticism of the logical processes employed by the empirical method. If you can dismiss, out of hand, all forms of human error(mental illness, dreams, imagination etc.), it’s difficult to see how you can disbelieve anything at all. Again, I would like to see some resources which lay out the evidence without saturating it with rhetoric.

"No government ought to exist for the purpose of checking the prosperity of its people or to allow such a principle in its policy."
- Edmund Burke
i agree with dave, this board has gone too hell. i rarley evan post, if topics were as good as they re, perhaps a year agop, i would still be a active poster. though i have nt encountered any of the unusual lately, that doesnt mean all of you havent either. jsut open your eyes and look around, tell what you see, and yes, i know that i will get some rude comments like "i see.. umm, a computer... and tehmn a nother computer, and look.. ewwweehhhh a pretty flower" and i would like it if someone started another topic that would reach the high numebrs in posts again, acuse i love the excitement of spening my lunch period in the library looking blankly into a compuputer.. learneng every second...

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages!

voice mail: 1-800-222-6000
pin#- 2442235
There is no question these craft are real
and there IS a lot of evidence from the governments own files and their panel of scientist (conventional) who even said these craft are real and not from another country. I've seen a couple myself up close and personal. A family member was abducted and did not believe in them before the incident. People in high places are speaking of what they know but unfortunately no one is listening. Most I think are to scared to believe.
Dave, I was fascinated by your post I found it very interesting. Why would normal people by the thousands be making this up over many years? People who never spoke of it before or believed it? There's two things scientists will agree on the government is hiding a lot it's been proven in court and the technology is far beyond ours. I like to discuss the possibilities but find it hard on this forum Dave brought up some very good points and is why I don't post much any more.
" You cannot teach a man anything; You can only help him find it within himself " Galileo
Alien: The same arguments can be made about (insert religion of your choice). There are vast numbers of people who have seen (insert miracle here) and many scientists testify to the validity of this event. There are thousands of documents proclaiming the existence of (insert item(s) here), and many have been hidden in the past by (insert opposing religion). Also, why would normal people, not by the thousands, but by the billions be making this up? Why would people convert to (insert religion of your choice) by the millions? Call me crazy, but neither argument convinces me.

Where can I find these vast archives of documents? I dont mean to sound sarcastic, by inquiry is genuine. And in what court cases has it been proven that the government is hiding evidence of the existence of aliens?
Corporal Hudson,

You're talking a complete load of rubbish.

You know nothing whatsoever about this subject so why do you even bother posting about it?
The UFO Phenomenon is a little different than ghosts or religions. Religion gives people hope and something to look forward to when they pass on. I believe in ghosts, there is much evidence of their existance and I also believe in craft not from here. Why you ask? I can literally spend days showing you but here is briefly why I believe.
1) Declassified top secret documents about PHYSICAL OBJECTS doing impossible manuevers.
2) Many occassions military pilots pursued these objects and viewed them up close, guess what, it wasn't swamp gas!!
3) Former retired military personel tell
what they know sometimes only on their death beds.These are highly distinguished people as was Jessie Marcel.
4) Too many cases where there's interaction with the environment and studied scientifically.
5) Too many debunkers who turn out not knowing anything about the phenomenon. Take them out of the equation and there's not to many who disbelieve.
6) I saw a few objects up close do things
I thought were impossible.No it wasn't a dream or hallucination.Yes I have been evaluated by a doctor and fall within the normal range.
7) Material studied by a top material scientist who goes on record saying no country has the technology to produce the material.Where did it come from you ask?
The crazy people who believe in alien craft and took samples from crash sites such as Roswell. Also objects taken out of people which have demonstrated extraordinary properties.

P.S. Show me a document where Jesus was pursued by military aircraft and I'll give you're recent reply more thought.

[This message has been edited by Alien (edited December 11, 2000).]
Hey einstiensdream!
I can give you one good reason why aliens, with there technology to fly through the galaxy, would spend there time here.You said Why would they spend time here looking at us humans with primitve tools?! Well NASA is in search of life all the time and if we found it, I don't care if it was a Bug with a pick axe, or a bacteria that didnt do anything but sit around and play dead,WE WOULD BE STUDING THEM LIKE NO OTHER. It would prove that life could exist, intelligantly, some where else in the universe!
Leaving aside the grammatically challenged and rather simple-minded retorts of the alien wanabees, I had hoped to find some stimulating and thought-provoking posts on the UFO question. Sadly, this has not been the case.

The level of discussion, aside from a few informed souls, has been adolescent at best, more suited to a 7th grade X-Files sleep-over at Stan's house during a blackout.

If anyone thinks that the evidence of alien visitation could possible be kept secret in this parasitic-media-information-crazy-government-leaking-post-Watergate--investigative-journalism-blathering-24 hour news cycle society, then you are indeed a sad specimen.

And if there was evidence, and the person or persons wanted to convince the world that it was indeed real, the best way to do this would be to publish the information in PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS, period.

Oh, I forgot, there's a vast conspiracy and all the pictures and bodies and crashed Roswell ships are being kept secret. In fact, I'm hiding a Klingon war ship in my backyard. It's covered with tarp so no one will see it. Don't tell anyone, okay.
"1) Declassified top secret documents about PHYSICAL OBJECTS doing impossible manuevers."

I would be interested in seeing these papers. If a physical object is observed to perform actions which were previously thought to be impossible, one of two things occurs:

a)What we define as impossible is changed.
b)The observation is concluded to be flawed.

Which has happened?

“2) Many occassions military pilots pursued these objects and viewed them up close, guess what, it wasn't swamp gas!!”

What did it appear to be?

“3) Former retired military personel tell what they know sometimes only on their death beds. These are highly distinguished people as was Jessie Marcel.”

What do they know? Have they any substantiating evidence?

“4) Too many cases where there's interaction with the environment and studied scientifically.”

Oh, you mean crop circles?

“5) Too many debunkers who turn out not knowing anything about the phenomenon. Take them out of the equation and there's not to many who disbelieve.”

Ok, credulous people tend to believe in popular myths. What does that prove other then the value you place on opinions which coincide with your own?

You’re right by the way. I don’t know anything about aliens from outer space. No one seems to want to give me this irrefutable evidence that I hear SO much about. Please don’t just call me something horrible like a “debunker” and refuse. You’ll make me think you’re trying to hide something.

“6) I saw a few objects up close do things I thought were impossible.No it wasn't a dream or hallucination.Yes I have been evaluated by a doctor and fall within the normal range.”

News: A “normal” person can hallucinate.
News: A “normal” person can misinterpret.
News: Anyone can be wrong. Yes, that includes “normal” people.

“7) Material studied by a top material scientist who goes on record saying no country has the technology to produce the material.Where did it come from you ask?
The crazy people who believe in alien craft and took samples from crash sites such as Roswell. Also objects taken out of people which have demonstrated extraordinary properties.

P.S. Show me a document where Jesus was pursued by military aircraft and I'll give you're recent reply more thought.”

Oh, I’m so glad you asked that person for references. I was afraid you too would be hesitant to provide me with the evidence for these claims. Well, direct me to the references. Since you are a “normal” person just like me I’m sure I’ll be convinced by this overwhelming body of evidence.

In eagerness to learn the truth and discard preconceptions,
is anybody at all trying to organize any resistance to grays from andromeda?

did you see ?

why there is no any "contact me" possibility on this web-site? whoever is maintaining this web-site appears to be very world-weary and worried about what grays are doing, but he doesn't seem to be willing to do anything against them, other then reviel the facts. why? do anyone else do anything more then uncovering the truth? that's surely not enough to save us from enslavement. if all pigs suddenly become aware of the fact that people are using them for food this will not automatically save them from being eaten. reply to