Research Year 11 Biology IMPORTANT PLZ READ

WellCookedFetus said:
Really what if this hypothetical micro-mammal lived under the skin of other endotherms? What if it lived in hot tropical environments or in places were temperatures don't vary much? Being warm blooded is not a anatomical trait by the way.

mammalian metabolism constrains them to endothermy no matter where they live, thus it constrains their size due to the surface area to volume ratio I mentioned.

I'm glad I could teach you something no matter how reluctant a student you are.

Look at question 2 in the original post thread starter, then answer it with what you know and what i've taught you.
No it doesn't: they would not be losing heat if the environment matches their body temperature, no matter how little volume they have. You have yet to prove that a mammal at the size of mosquito would not be able to maintain it metabolism. Also who said they need to remain endotherms? We could say it hibernates in low temperatures for example.

your a pretty bad teacher, haven't tought me anything, your also delusion for beleive you have.
WellCookedFetus said:
No it doesn't: they would not be losing heat if the environment matches their body temperature, no matter how little volume they have. You have yet to prove that a mammal at the size of mosquito would not be able to maintain it metabolism. Also who said they need to remain endotherms? We could say it hibernates in low temperatures for example.

your a pretty bad teacher, haven't tought me anything, your also delusion for beleive you have.
well, it's obvious that english is not your first language. what is your native tongue?

there's obviously a communication breakdown that is limited by your ability to speak and understand english.

you have yet to answer question number 2. do your research there, and i'll have done my job in teaching you, the reluctant student.
I have answered question two, it you that seem to have the mental laps in noticing.
WellCookedFetus said:
I have answered question two, it you that seem to have the mental laps in noticing.
i know you think you did, but you didn't.

but allow me to kick your ass once again.

PNAS said:
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.*1995 August 1;*92 (16): 7317–7321
Bioenergetic Scaling: Metabolic Design and Body-Size Constraints in Mammals
GP*Dobson and JP*Headrick
Department of Molecular Sciences, James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, Australia.

The cytosolic phosphorylation ratio ([ATP][ADP][Pi]) in the mammalian heart was found to be inversely related to body mass with an exponent of -0.30 (r = 0.999). This exponent is similar to -0.25 calculated for the mass-specific O2 consumption. The inverse of cytosolic free [ADP], the Gibbs energy of ATP hydrolysis (DG'ATP), and the efficiency of ATP production (energy captured in forming 3 mol of ATP per cycle along the mitochondrial respiratory chain from NADH to 1/2 O2) were all found to scale with body mass with a negative exponent. On the basis of scaling of the phosphorylation ration and free cytosolic [ADP], we propose that the myocardium and other tissues of small mammals represent a metabolic system with a higher driving potential (a higher DG'ATP from the higher [ATP/[ADP][Pi]) and a higher kinetic gain {(DV/Vmax)/D[ADP]} where small changes in free [ADP] produce large changes in steady-state rates of O2 consumption. From the inverse relationship between mitochondrial efficiency and body size we calculate that tissues of small mammals are more efficient than those of large mammals in converting energy from the oxidation of foodstuffs to the bond energy of ATP. A higher efficiency also indicates that mitochondrial electron transport is not the major site for higher heat production in small mammals. We further propose that the lower limit of about 2 g for adult endotherm body size (bumblebee-bat, Estrucan shrew, and hummingbird) may be set by the thermodynamics of the electron transport chain. The upper limit for body size (100,000-kg adult blue whale) may relate to a minimum D¢ATP of ?55 kJ/mol for a cytoplasmic phosphorylation ratio of 12,000 M-1.
That still does not stop it from living in a suitable environment. Nor does that stop a semi-endothermic or exothermic organism evolving from a mammal. And to top it of your article does not prove that mammals can not go below 2g.
WellCookedFetus said:
That still does not stop it from living in a suitable environment. Nor does that stop a semi-endothermic or exothermic organism evolving from a mammal. And to top it of your article does not prove that mammals can not go below 2g.

Ha Ha!! I kicked your butt AGAIN!!!!!!!

You just too cowardly to admit it. But don't worry about it. I'm much more educated than you. Of course I'll know more about biology. The only thing is that now you have to admit it.

You really have a childish superiority complex there, what not enough respect at work? Students laughing at you? small penis? Had to call in sick today to get away from it all to go and hagel me on sciforums? Sorry but I don’t pity your immaturity enough to give you the satisfaction you so crave. You have also not made a valid argument to my previous post, running out of bullet are you? :rolleyes: I already have you reduced to a childish "I win, you lose" thats enough to make my cry with laughter.
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WellCookedFetus said:

You really have a childish superiority complex there, what not enough respect at work? Students laughing at you? small penis? Had to call in sick today to get away from it all to go and hagel me on sciforums? Sorry but I don’t pity your immaturity enough to give you the satisfaction you so crave. You have also not made a valid argument to my previous post, running out of bullet are you? :rolleyes: I already have you reduced to a childish "I win, you lose" thats enough to make my cry with laughter.
this is the very reason you should not be allowed to moderate. i.e. you can't admit when you're wrong, and you'll abuse your power to silence those who expose the crap you spread around here.

fortunately most people see you for who you are, a fraud who pretends to be educated
and when did I abuse my power to silence people? paulsamuel I think your changing this thread from what it was about (you remember what it was about don't you?) to this endless arguing about how much you hate me. You seem to do that to a lot of threads. and a “fraud who pretends to be educated”, perhaps you should look in the mirror: I'm not the one going around trying to prove people wrong with my superiority complex. I’m not saying “hey I’m a phd I must be right, your wrong” with this appeal to authority fallacy. Your attempts to gain authority here make you look like a very little man with deep problems.
WellCookedFetus said:
and when did I abuse my power to silence people? paulsamuel I think your changing this thread from what it was about (you remember what it was about don't you?) to this endless arguing about how much you hate me. You seem to do that to a lot of threads. and a “fraud who pretends to be educated”, perhaps you should look in the mirror: I'm not the one going around trying to prove people wrong with my superiority complex. I’m not saying “hey I’m a phd I must be right, your wrong” with this appeal to authority fallacy. Your attempts to gain authority here make you look like a very little man with deep problems.
i made a statement, a very simple statement, but your ego could not accept that anyone could know more than you or that you could be wrong
i made a statement, a very simple statement, but your ego could not accept that anyone could know more than you or that you could be wrong

Heck I was going to say the very same thing about you. :D