Request for Input - SubForums and Mission Statement

Should the non-science sub-forums be rearranged / changed?

  • Yes - Condense The Fringe to one sub-forum, including Religion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - Eliminate The Fringe entirely (combine with The Cesspool), this is a Science site

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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We already have a largely non-scientific Fringe area. It hasn't resulted in a reduced workload for the moderators. Somewhat the opposite, in fact, if I had to estimate it.

Well sure the way its set up now... but the not-scientific Fringe im proposin woudnt make it a rule-brakin/bannable offence if a poster coudnt provide scientific evidence... an that alone woud eliminate most of the curent moderation time used for the fringe.

We already move a lot of threads from Science to Fringe.

Yes an thats a good thang... but a farily common complaint from science posters is that its not done soon enuff which results in reports/complaints to moderation.!!!

Just move non science posts/people from science to Fringe wit-out long winded explanations/discussions... an people who realy want to post in the science area will catch on real quick that ther only recourse is to comply... be content wit postin in the Fringe... or be baned.!!!

From an ease-of-moderation point of view, one catch-up pseudoscience dumping ground is easier to manage. If a thread needs moving out of Science, a mod doesn't have to make as nuanced a decision as to where to put it, for starters.

Yes which ever way makes it easier for the mods is the way to go cause i dont thank it woud be a big deal to most posters who want to post in the Fringe.!!!

As far as civility goes... whatever level managment wants is fine wit me an of course woud apply the same to the science an fringe areas.!!!
Just make this a general discussion board and quit trying to tie everything to "science". Let's it be largest peer regulated.
Are you serious? I am sure that would be a disaster. It seems to me that finding valuable information on the internet is all to do with how it is edited or filtered, to get rid of the crap. Without the label " science" on the site, every numbskull on the internet would turn up, spouting inconsequential nonsense on everything under the sun. At least if it is a science site we are spared cat videos and people looking for a date.
Are you serious? I am sure that would be a disaster. It seems to me that finding valuable information on the internet is all to do with how it is edited or filtered, to get rid of the crap. Without the label " science" on the site, every numbskull on the internet would turn up, spouting inconsequential nonsense on everything under the sun. At least if it is a science site we are spared cat videos and people looking for a date.
I've only been involved in a few different forums and this one has, by far, the most numbskulls. Calling it a Sciforum clearly isn't doing anything positive. Calling it, what it is, a discussion forum and not including "fringe forums" would likely be a big improvement.

There aren't many forums, of any kind, with sub-forums about all the non-sense included here under "Fringe". Of course it draws the nut job crowd. How could it not?
I've only been involved in a few different forums and this one has, by far, the most numbskulls. Calling it a Sciforum clearly isn't doing anything positive. Calling it, what it is, a discussion forum and not including "fringe forums" would likely be a big improvement.

There aren't many forums, of any kind, with sub-forums about all the non-sense included here under "Fringe". Of course it draws the nut job crowd. How could it not?
Yes I agree Fringe will draw the nutters, esp. with a lot of subcategories. But I'm intrigued you can have a general forum and not have it overrun with plonkers.
Yes I agree Fringe will draw the nutters, esp. with a lot of subcategories. But I'm intrigued you can have a general forum and not have it overrun with plonkers.
Just don't have a byzantine system of increasing warnings before you get tossed and it's easy. It will largely be self-regulated (peer regulated).

If you aren't overwhelmed by nutters in the first place, the first time someone posts "why are blacks so lazy" and everyone either reports them or jumps on them and they are either out of there or they learn that that kind of post isn't what that forum is about.

Just like you would do with groups you find yourself in, in your real life. Do any of us have Timojin types (for long) in any of your personal (real life) groups? No.

Does anyone hang out with a Jan Arden type who just wants to game the conversation? Again, no.
I've only been involved in a few different forums and this one has, by far, the most numbskulls. Calling it a Sciforum clearly isn't doing anything positive. Calling it, what it is, a discussion forum and not including "fringe forums" would likely be a big improvement.

There aren't many forums, of any kind, with sub-forums about all the non-sense included here under "Fringe". Of course it draws the nut job crowd. How could it not?

and you think members like you are so much more intelligent because they snub their noses at fringe? you actually think you are more intelligent, than say MR or GIA, just because they have different interests or point of view?

you, like many here. are obnoxious enough to equate conformity or traditionalism with intelligence. that's like saying all members of citydata forum cannot be numbskulls because discussing knitting is at least not involved with ufo sightings etc.

there are several members here who have been here for years who contribute nothing really thoughtful that makes you even remotely think except what's conventionally known. often they are one or two liners too and they are never recognized for the deadbeat posters they are actually. but simply because they have the average or typical views, that is construed as better. there is nothing wrong with that actually but it is when they are valued above others who are actually more interesting.

just wanted to let you know since you seem to have a desensitized view.


i do agree though that this forum would be better off if the fringe was deleted altogether. this is because the majority of the members either are traditional or boring and if it's not deleted, they will be continue to be upset and moan and complain just like people who don't like any spicy food.
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To All: What are the actual "parameters" of this thread? Really?

Are there any intervals, in the first place?


and you think members like you are so much more intelligent because they snub their noses at fringe? you actually think you are more intelligent, than say MR or GIA, just because they have different interests or point of view?

you, like many here. are obnoxious enough to equate conformity or traditionalism with intelligence. that's like saying all members of citydata forum cannot be numbskulls because discussing knitting is at least not involved with ufo sightings etc.

there are several members here who have been here for years who contribute nothing really thoughtful that makes you even remotely think except what's conventionally known. often they are one or two liners too and they are never recognized for the deadbeat posters they are actually. but simply because they have the average or typical views, that is construed as better. there is nothing wrong with that actually but it is when they are valued above others who are actually more interesting.

just wanted to let you know since you seem to have a desensitized view.


i do agree though that this forum would be better off if the fringe was deleted altogether. this is because the majority of the members either are traditional or boring and if it's not deleted, they will be continue to be upset and moan and complain just like people who don't like any spicy food.
I have said nothing about intelligence. Numbskull to me means poor judgement or discernment.

There are plenty of street people talking to themselves who are technically "intelligent" but they have other issues such as sanity. :)

In general though, it's easier to read a science fiction book than to read a physics textbook. :) Not that that was my point. Now, lets get back to discussing ghosts, goblins, paranormal behavior, alternative theories, Big Foot, UFO's and other subjects of the day.

May I ask what attracts you to post at sciforums? What do you like about the forum? You seem to have many complaints, yet you regularly post here.
To All: What are the actual "parameters" of this thread? Really?

Are there any intervals, in the first place?


The "parameters" of the thread were set out in the opening post. We want to hear what our membership thinks about the site aims, and about the subforum structure.

I don't understand what you're talking about with "intervals".

May I ask what attracts you to post at sciforums? What do you like about the forum? You seem to have many complaints, yet you regularly post here.

I like discussion forums. I am away more than I am here. I come back to see if things have improved or if there is currently an interesting topic. Sometimes there is. Sometimes I try to post some non-crazy topic to see if there is some interest in that.

The fact of the matter is that there could be a lot more activity here if some of the nonsense was reigned in. There aren't actually that many members who actually post.

What is it that you like about this forum?
Okay. To clarify, James R, I am asking: For what 'duration' is this thread open? Indefinitely?

It wasn't delineated, AFAIK. I could well be wrong, though.
It wasn't delineated. I'd like to let it run long enough to gather a reasonable cross-section of input from the membership (those who are motivated enough to respond, anyway).

In light of this, I would envisage a discussion among the moderators to collate the data we have gathered, then we will implement changes if we decide they are appropriate. If we can't decide, or we think we need to poll the membership, we might organise an open vote on certain proposed changes.
i already know why you don't have traffic. the staff micromanages to an extreme extent. also, the wrong way with certain subforums. it is essentially CONTROVERSY which is letting different points of view flourish on an even playing ground is what keeps any discussion board alive and attracts others to weigh in on either side, eventually attracting more members and within it the members you also seek.

the truth is you attract or lose members by how stifling or not the forum is, not the complaints that there is not enough science. the moderators are being fooled by some members who are trying to convince them that is the case. you can look back on the past and see it had more traffic and why. i guarantee, if those petty complaints which are blown up are ignored and this forum loosens it's reins a bit and attracts more traffic, they will be attracted like bees to honey and come back to participate even more, whether they admit it or not.

also, this forum bans way too many members. that's a mistake because they represent or bring up points to consider as well as to debate. what is there to debate or discuss if everyone is always on the same page or has the same pov or the same opinion? nothing really.
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and you think members like you are so much more intelligent because they snub their noses at fringe? you actually think you are more intelligent, than say MR or GIA, just because they have different interests or point of view?
I can't speak for Seattle but it seems to me it is only you that is raising the issue of intelligence. Nobody else has mentioned it.

I most certainly do think that the scientific approach to understanding physical phenomena is superior to superstition, folklore and the circulating of undocumented anecdotes among credulous people. All the achievements of science since the Renaissance have stemmed from that intrinsic superiority. It comes from the power of what often called the scientific method and nothing else comes remotely close if you want to acquire useful knowledge of the natural world. My degree was in physical science, it has formed a large part of my worldview since I was about 8 yrs old and you must expect that I will defend its value with vigour. And, since this a science site, you must expect to find people with a similar outlook here.
I do agree that way too many people are banned. I've never seen another site that has a "banned" tab at the top. Most sites do have hidden moderation that removes the nightly spam bots of course.

It is probably true that most people banned from this site deserve it. My point is just that too many of these people have been drawn here in the first place and that's why there is so much banning needed.

I think the balance for the site (science vs fringe) would be better served to get rid of the fringe but make the rest of the site a little more balanced in the general discussion direction. The word science doesn't have to be worked into every conversation.

River would be an example. He (?) posts in the Physics and Math section (for example) but it's never about mainstream Physics or Math (never). That's not what should be encouraged. This is supposed to be basically a mainstream site with a "fringe" section. Many posters who post in the mainstream sections never post mainstream articles. That's not why they are here.

Therefore, they shouldn't be here. :)
it is very clear that it's really me and MR at this point who had any real interest in the fringe. that is not enough members to warrant a subforum. additionally, it receives an inordinate amount of disrespect because of the subject/topics. this is not something that can be fixed with moderation. the majority should rule in this instance and those just for the gratuitous entertainment value are not real contributors, therefore not genuine participants in that subforum category. that low number of actual participants does not warrant the existence of that category as either a topic will be flamed or trolled or feigned interest. for these reasons, there is nothing productive that can result from the fringe in this forum.

Please delete the fringe subforum altogether.
Thank you, James R, for your reply.

And, I should add, in light of the above, that I genuinely like the structure of this sub-forum, laid-out the way it is right now. That's all I've got to say, at least for this particular thread.
And, since this a science site, you must expect to find people with a similar outlook here.

you are absolutely right but even though, i've assessed one would have to be a generally mean hearted, disgusting or evil human being to not like the topics in the fringe subforum. its not just the lack of scientific evidence bs that's been the mantra, it's more than that. you can tell it's also because it's not mainstream interest. in other words, it's like your typical oprah watching suburban housewife or schmo who thinks he's better because his interests are never 'wacky' as in out there, so not weird. so that means you and the majority of the members here are pretty much the real nasty jerks, no matter how polite you may try to appear online.

it's like most of my neighbors in this middle to upper-middle class condominum complex and how they discuss bonnie raitt or mariah carey or what concert they went to, how many margaritas they drank or their job or what mainstream tv show they watched etc and think they are so interesting but are obnoxiously boring as hell as they are crass too, even though they are your typical conventional nod to some fundamental religion such as raised catholic etc in their level of assuming that shit is the bomb as well as their shit don't stink. nothing 'out there' or you are the fringe or wacky. they are the important ones that count. they are shit and no better!
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