Reproductive licenses

Reproductive Licenses

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Tiassa that is great if what your talking about is eugenics or population control but that's not the only reason to license it. As I said compliance with international law with regard to children's rights might be a good motive. Maybe we could require all pregant parents to do a course on child safe environments and the international convention. After all if its mandatory for anyone working, studying or vollenteering in health, education, politics, public service, the police, the law, and religion then why shouldn't parents go through it too?

It might a) make parents seek help early when they need it and b) stop treating children as property
If women are allowed to choose their own mates (no rape, no coercion, no selling of girls by fathers, no prostitution), the birthrate drops and the gene-pool improves. If men and women control their own fertility (accessible safe birth control and the education to use it), the birthrate declines and the babies are healthier. If people are allowed to make a decent living for themselves and their children, they have fewer children of higher quality. In order to control population increase, all government needs to do is its mandated job: to protect the citizens, and distribute opportunity evenly. Never going to happen.
Prosperity is the best contraceptive. In every country where the standard of living has risen, the birth rate has fallen. In some cases the average family size has only fallen from ten children to seven, but still that makes an enormous difference in the future of this planet.

In the Western nations the birth rate among native-born citizens has fallen below replacement level, approximately 2.1 children per woman, accounting for the occasional child who does not live long enough to reproduce. The only thing that's propping up the Ponzi Schemes we call "Social Security" is immigration.

As more-or-less representative governments replace dictators and despots, the global average standard of living has been rising steadily. The UN's goal was to reduce poverty to less than one billion people by 2025, and we have already reached that figure.

It is universally predicted that the worldwide birth rate will drop to replacement level before the end of this century... and keep falling.
Eugenics comes to mind. I think that it was a popular practice about 60 or more years back.