
It seems that the l.c.d. s have taken over.

That didn't just happen. It's kind of the way of the walk around here, as I'm sure you've noticed over the years.

(To the other, I'm in a mood on that point, and not just about Sciforums. There was a great moment just a few minutes ago that had an Obama Justice Department spokesman and a former RNC chairman agreeing on the brilliant realization that when Republicans go about this weird mockery of everything, they actually believe it. And all I could think, standing there staring at my television, was that they're both professionals who get paid for this sort of stuff, so how is it they seem to only get around to figuring this part out now. That is, it seems to be the way of the walk around today itself.)
who get paid
by the working class poor majority to represent them and their morality.
yet seem to take the money then betray them and oppose their employers.
and still they dont get sacked

the air of "untouchability" via superiority of those in such positions is a mockery of democracy and a mockery of capitalism.

this is the classicist elitism(extreme minority special interest marketeers) that the right wing lust after like starving dogs.

this is behind the alt-right movement to prevent free speech by democrat party supporting celebrity's and artists.
OK well, these reparations should have been taken up after the war
They were. Congress voted to provide freed slaves with "40 acres and a mule". The 40 acres to be taken from the very large landowners and abandoned state owned lands.
The mule to provide the means for tilling the ground and other mobile chores.

The phrase “forty acres and a mule” evokes the Federal government’s failure to redistribute land after the Civil War and the economic hardship that African Americans suffered as a result. As Northern armies moved through the South at the end of the war, blacks began cultivating land abandoned by whites. Rumors developed that land would be seized from Confederates, and given or sold to freedmen.
These rumors rested on solid foundations: abolitionists had discussed land redistribution at the beginning of the war, and in 1863 President Abraham Lincoln ordered 20,000 acres of land confiscated in South Carolina sold to freedmen in twenty-acre plots. Secretary of the Treasury Salmon Chase expanded the offering to forty acres per family.]

This reparation was promptly rescinded by president Andrew Johnson. Insult on injury.
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It's a talking point to buy votes, nothing more.
Last I heard is that money equals free speech, no?

Why do we make constant tax reparations (cuts) to Big Business? Have they suffered insult on injury or will they use that money for talking points, perhaps buying less regulations from a few representatives?
Free speech carries no content unless words have meanings.
Money does. It is specifically defined as a "means of exchange" or "quid pro quo"

The free speech thing came much later with the "citizen united " supreme curt case.
Money does. It is specifically defined as a "means of exchange" or "quid pro quo"
No, it isn't. It is a medium of exchange. One of many media of exchange.

The free speech thing came much later with the "citizen united " supreme curt case.
How is that relevant to the meaning of words or the content of speech?
No, it isn't. It is a medium of exchange. One of many media of exchange.
The term "means" is a perfectly acceptable synonym.
How is that relevant to the meaning of words or the content of speech?
Ever heard a dollar bill utter a single word?

Yes, you can buy speech, even lies. After all it's based on "quid pro quo".
I'll pay you a million dollars if you lie for me. What's you gonna do, call ghost busters?
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Technically under our constitution if spying on people fails to provide conclusive evidence of that individual taking liberty from another, We as taxpayers are required to repatriate them on their terms of freedom.
Oobviously our education system has failed. So we should probably place gun safety teachers, plant biologists, beer makers, and other forms of information in apartment complexes with low crime rates.

You know... really play to what disheartened people are interested in.

And call that fair.

That or give the average income of every white man to every homeless person.
if POTUS doesnt have to file tax returns then why should other white men have to file tax returns ?
thats racist !
You just give the right amount of money to ... .... I'm trying to translate the words for gay "naturalists" ,"antiracist" to understand. Actually good causes. Yeah that's the word for it. Money not wasted.

I mean how much more does it cost an artist for paint. Than an ear.