Rennes le Chateau


Registered Senior Member
To all who are familiar with this enigma - I wonder what you guys think about it. What is it that Sauniere may have found? What secret If any do Poussin and Teniers' paintings hide? And what do Cathars have to do with it?
Do you agree with conclusions reached in "Holy Blood Holy Grail" by Baigent, Lee and Lincoln?
I'm not at al familliar with any of this, would you care to attempt giving us a sumarized version of what you're talking about?
Thank you EvilPoet,

In short, in 1885 a certain Berenger Sauniere became a parish priest in a small village of Rennes le Chateau. He started off as a very poor man, but shortly was able to, among other things, completely refurbish the local church. The church itself is very weird - for example, there's a statue of the demon Amadeus guarding the entrance.
It's been assumed that the priest came across some kind of an old secret and was paid to keep quiet.
Nobody really knows what that secret was, the clues, however were left in several paintings (Teniers, Poussin) and the church he redesigned.

The authors of the book I mentioned earlier speculate that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had an offspring - that was supposedly the secret. I do recommend the book although I don't necessarily agree with the conclusion.

Of course, there's more to the story than what I just scribbled here (the Cathars, Templars, old parchments, old graves etc). Take a look here
Rennes le chateau is linked to the Cross of Hendaye and both will become prominent by 2012 Dominic:cool:
The cross of HENDAYE is a sign towards solar disorder, and 2012 is the time of rebirth to a higher level of consciousness and photon belt entry.....find all the data on google
Originally posted by IXL777
The cross of HENDAYE is a sign towards solar disorder, and 2012 is the time of rebirth to a higher level of consciousness and photon belt entry.....find all the data on google

I sincerely hope you don't think Sheldon Noodlehead actually has a shred of truth behind him. No, wait, I'm getting a message coming in from somewhere.

"Hello, hello, who is that. Say again, over".

"This is Semjase channelling to you via the heterodynous upper side band of the 4th density STO state. Please be aware that in 2012 when the Mayan calendar comes to end absolutely nothing will happen whatsoever. The guy who drew the calender died before completing it, nothing more signicant than that. This had nothing to do with me butt probing him at the time. It was purely coincidental. You do not orbit Pleaides, it's a young open star cluster with no life. There is no photon belt and no dead zone. Your astronomers have powerful telescopes able to 'see' such a belt of particles of light.

Please accept the apologies of the Council for Probing Backwards Civilizations for confusing you all. The problem seems to be that one of our younger members was having a psychotic epsiode. Somehow he got into the heterodyne transmitter. You know what teenagers are like for playing pranks.

Any fleet of UFO's you happen to see are purely the figments of our imaginations."
Thed, have you read anything about Hendaye ..before we can even discuss Rennes
Originally posted by IXL777
Thed, have you read anything about Hendaye ..before we can even discuss Rennes

I thought I knew most of the worst kookery out there but this is a new one. So I had a quick look on Google, as you say.

I am certainly aware of Holy Blood, Holy Grail and Rennes Le Chateau. Basic premise is that the Merovingian dynasty was directly descended from Jesus Christ who emigrated to France from Israel with Mary Magdalene, the mother of his children. The Knights Templar are meant to be gaurdians of this secret and the leaders of the order have been led by such luminaries as Isaac Newton.

Some sites link the Cyclical Cross with Rennes Le Chateau. But one caught my eye. The redoubtable Kent Steadman has this to say,

According to ZetaTalk; Planet X will make it's
first pass through our solar system in the spring of 2003 which closely corresponds with the Cyclic Cross of Hendaye.

What have you to say about that?

Or maybe this site is more accurate.
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According to ZetaTalk; Planet X will make it's
first pass through our solar system in the spring of 2003 which closely corresponds with the Cyclic Cross of Hendaye.

It is more likely to be 2012.
I have been trying to make the deaf hear and the blind see

A fiery Dragon will cross the sky
Six times before this earth shall die
Mankind will tremble and frightened be
For the sixth heralds in this prophecy.
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Originally posted by IXL777
According to ZetaTalk; Planet X will make it's
first pass through our solar system in the spring of 2003 which closely corresponds with the Cyclic Cross of Hendaye.

It is more likely to be 2012.
I have been trying to make the deaf hear and the blind see

So your saying that these other seekers of truth and enlightenment are wrong? That only you have the depth and breadth of vision to see the real truth? Why should I believe you and not Kent Steadman. Kent does have an impressive list of sources to back him.
Originally posted by thed
It is more likely to be 2012.
I have been trying to make the deaf hear and the blind see

So your saying that these other seekers of truth and enlightenment are wrong? That only you have the depth and breadth of vision to see the real truth? Why should I believe you and not Kent Steadman. Kent does have an impressive list of sources to back him.
I have researched this subject for over 20 years..
2012 is symbolic of rebirth..a higher level of consciousness.
There will be Solar disorder before this happens, and the entry into the Photon -Belt,,light is the cleansing process..the dragon's tail will cause the solar disorder....this is linked to the 52 Crystal skulls of the Maya..and the 4 major pyramids..
If you have not negated your alter ego..negativism....when we enter the light ..pos/neg attracts...massive numbers of death will occur...The red man is already preparing .......the white man is in darkness
I think you really, really need to get help from a professional psychiatrist/psychologist. There is no Photon Belt. People will not die due to density changes or any of that bull.
So you believe the world will end in 2012 pretty much as Nancy Leider believes it will end this May. Nancies crew are in for a big shock in June, you are in 2013.

I seriously suggest you read It describes the effects of a true believer becoming a skeptic.
hang on Thed, I didn't say that the world will end in 2012..I said it was the beginning of a new consciousness.
There I go again making the deaf hear and the blind see....:cool:
p.s..the web-site you recommended, I could not get into it can you re-check it please .thanks
Originally posted by IXL777
hang on Thed, I didn't say that the world will end in 2012..I said it was the beginning of a new consciousness.

From previous,

If you have not negated your alter ego..negativism....when we enter the light ..pos/neg attracts...massive numbers of death will occur

Massive number of deaths = new consciousness, I see. Obviously

There I go again making the deaf hear and the blind see.

Blind leading the blind more like.

p.s..the web-site you recommended, I could not get into it can you re-check it please .thanks
Originally posted by thed
From previous,

Massive number of deaths = new consciousness, I see. Obviously

Blind leading the blind more like.
Thed you seem like an Intelligent chap.
am certainly aware of Holy Blood, Holy Grail and Rennes Le Chateau. Basic premise is that the Merovingian dynasty was directly descended from Jesus Christ who emigrated to France from Israel with Mary Magdalene, the mother of his children. The Knights Templar are meant to be gaurdians of this secret and the leaders of the order have been led by such luminaries as Isaac Newton.
1. who was the christ?

2. If you only believe in are in darkness what is the correct response?

3.rennes le chateau ..will be used for a particular purpose..what is it?

4. What will the skulls be used for ?

5. what is the Umbillicus Telluris?

6.what happens if the Roche limit is crossed?

7.who has the skulls and where are they kept!

Answer some of these questions THED,, and then we may start to consider Rennes le Chateau.

:cool: :cool:
Originally posted by IXL777

1. who was the christ?

Jesus, the son of the Carpenter Joseph. Some would say he was the fulfilment of prophecy and the Son of God. Some say he was an alien. YMMV.

2. If you only believe in are in darkness what is the correct response?

Some one please illuminate me.

3.rennes le chateau ..will be used for a particular purpose..what is it?

The summoning of the Great Ones.

4. What will the skulls be used for ?

According to the Necronomicon they are the doorways between the dimensions where the Great Ones rest listening to the sounds of the mad piper.

have you read the Necronomicon? It's full of wonderful stuff.

5. what is the Umbillicus Telluris?

The umbilical cord of Tellur. When in isotropic equilibrium the EM field quiesces allowing fourth density be attained.

Only one problem though, there is no EM field about the Earth. It is the mad ramblings of a New Age mystic.

6.what happens if the Roche limit is crossed?

The Eschaton is Immanentised.

Alternatively, if you are large mass, tidel forces will rip you apart.

Pray tell, do you know what a Lagrange Point is.

7.who has the skulls and where are they kept!

Not telling you. You obviously want them for yourslf to summon the Great Old Ones.

Answer some of these questions THED,, and then we may start to consider Rennes le Chateau.

Tell you what, let's talk about breaking through the interdimensional interstices to reach De Sitter space where the Yog Sothoth dances.