Remove "In God we Trust" from US currency.


pubic diorama
Valued Senior Member
I think it's about time we removed the phrase from our money. It's a violation of the separation between church and state. Many people point to it as proof we are a Christian nation, and that's wrong.
Im for that but im also for them removing that god damn owl hidden in the dollar bill.
which symbolizes the mason and theo. religion.

and take out the damn pyramid with one eye allready....
[img] We all know what that means by now.

Take this stuff out before they take out "in god we trust" which could be a very subjective and invokating message given to power the peoples of the county. I'm sure in god we trust isnt really a bad intention
I'm sure in god we trust isnt really a bad intention

The intention there was to send a strong "fuck you" to Communists and any type of atheist or other "subversive." It's a relic of the McCarthy witch trials. It is pointedly not some benign expression of generic faith or beneficence. Its inclusion is overtly politicized.
I think it's about time we removed the phrase from our money. It's a violation of the separation between church and state. Many people point to it as proof we are a Christian nation, and that's wrong.

No . You no trust Me yet Spidey . I trust you . Just let the capstone be placed first an then maybe we will think about removing it
Im for that but im also for them removing that god damn owl hidden in the dollar bill.
which symbolizes the mason and theo. religion.

and take out the damn pyramid with one eye allready....
[img] We all know what that means by now.

Take this stuff out before they take out "in god we trust" which could be a very subjective and invokating message given to power the peoples of the county. I'm sure in god we trust isnt really a bad intention

You guys still don't get it . I am the f--cking Owl you want to throw in the trash . Gees lawees . I represent all peoples . You too !! You think I don't listen to you . I do . Let the capstone be placed already then if you want to trample the dream of a thousand generation you can . Can you count to ten " I have Dreams "
I think that IGWT on currency is a problem. However, I think that the mandatory pledge of allegiance for public schools is worse. The first is a holdover from McCarthyism, but it's debatable on how actual damaging it is to anyone. No one even pays attention to it until the issue is brought up.

The pledge is damaging. It forces children to think a certain way and persecutes the ones who refuse through peer pressure (even though it's legal for them to do so). Even a pledge without the "under God" I think reeks too much of control. You don't have to state an oath to respect and follow a country's ideals, or support those who fight for those rights. But children don't know better. How often have you seen late night shows with video of kids messing up the's cute, sure, but it's proof that they haven't a clue what they're saying, so why do it?

Didn't want to sidetrack the OP, but if it comes to choosing battles, the money thing is low on my list.
Why is the US suffering much more from this religionism than a lot of other western nations?

I'm from a nation that is officially christian (no seperation between church and state) but the number of atheists is much higher. Almost one third of the population. How many atheists in the US? like 10-15% now?
The US is officially secular, so how come this low number of atheists in US?
That's why. If you want lots of atheists, make religion official.

Our national motto is E Pluribus Unum!
I'm not sure that's the reason.

I think there are several reasons actually.

Maybe one of them is that the US was "created" by immigrants. Maybe these immigrants need to gather around something familiar to them in a foreign country. A religion is a good way to get that safe familiarity.

If your statement: "That's why. If you want lots of atheists, make religion official."
is correct, then you should be fighting FOR making christianity the official state religion :)
Maybe many of them came to America in search of religious freedom.

That is exactly why Spidey . You think William Penn had something else in mind when he was doling out land to enlightened Men of his time. It was all about Protestants and there big loss at the Peace of Westphalia . That whole thing was about you and a personal God verses the Organized Church dictating scripture to you through a one man connection with supreme power . It was called Williams Penn"s experiment. Yes and Masons were involved for Masons were the Men of science that dared to think the unthinkable just like you are today. They were bound by the sign of the times though and for them the thought of freedom was bound by more rigidity than it is now . There individual minds were bound by the conditioning of the times , but they were seeking freedom still the same . Freedom for the common Man . To brake the bonds of human conditioning pressed upon there generation and to escape the oppression put on working class. It gave the common Man opportunity to rise above his station in life and brake the bonds of class warfare . They put there trust in this new idea of a personal god . It is a legacy of past strife . A symbol of how Monarch's no longer control the masses . You all want to take it away. Why not just take your Grandma out in the back yard and shoot her for it is the equivalence of denying the roots of freedom in America. You don't have to believe there is a god . Who gives a craps ass, but to deny our roots of how we got here is a different story all together . Might as well say there is no past and no one comes before Me
How does it help explaining the higher degree of religiousity in the US though? I'll try and find some material on this.
I'm not sure that's the reason.

I think there are several reasons actually.

Maybe one of them is that the US was "created" by immigrants. Maybe these immigrants need to gather around something familiar to them in a foreign country. A religion is a good way to get that safe familiarity.

If your statement: "That's why. If you want lots of atheists, make religion official."
is correct, then you should be fighting FOR making christianity the official state religion :)

No , we believed in The Magna Carta ways of government and we put it to practice. Those first Immigrants that started down the road of braking free of the old world were not your average country bumpkins. They were immersed in law of the times and cutting edge Ideas of freedom . Now a lot of Americans don't realize this , but they called upon the the Latest and greatest of ideas of the old countries and used the Ideas to form the new government . It is not like they came up with the shit all on there own . They had working models to build from and were well educated in worldly views of the day.
I think it's about time we removed the phrase from our money. It's a violation of the separation between church and state. Many people point to it as proof we are a Christian nation, and that's wrong.

You're missing the obvious, Spidey. That phrase wasn't put on the currency in order to promote state religion, it's a reminder that mortal politicians aren't to blame when the currency tanks.