remember, there will always be atheists in this world


just to assert, despite the evidence you can put in the face of an atheists, there will always be an atheists in this world....Not all believe in facts and truth...some only believe in what they want to believe....
Hell exist for a reason....And the bible is the word of God and the truth, and it did mention "They have ears but cant hear, have eyes but cant see.." You dont think the bible is lying do you?
So if your a theists and your frustrated and amazed how stupid some people are (like me) calm yourself down, and learn that atheists will always exist in this world.........
I have asked many times in many threads... Please show me the evidence. Forget your feeble sophistry, just bring on the evidence.
What a wonderful Christmas message whatsup... "Merry Christmas, you stupid atheists, you're going to burn in Hell." So much like the understanding and forgiving Jesus you supposedly emulate.

Golly but I'd like to spend Christmas at your house.... NOT.

Whatsup... you're a shining example of what's wrong with the Christian paradigm. Thank you for such a message on what is supposed to be your holiest of days.

Any God that has the attitudes that you present here isn't worth my time, much less my respect.

whatsupyall, I'm pretty sure I'm going to meet you in hell if it exists. It seems you are against everything Jesus was supposed to embody. You are not forgiving, you are extremely judgemental and you look down on atheists as if they were inferior, lying sacks of crap. I would say good luck with your afterlife, but I forgot, you don't believe in luck, or chance, or probability. And good job of destroying the meaning of Christianity's most important holiday of the year, you're my hero. Not.
Man, what sort of total **** loser would choose heaven over hell?
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just to assert, despite the evidence you can put in the face of an atheists, there will always be an atheists in this world....Not all believe in facts and truth...some only believe in what they want to believe....


But to say anything against this would be stooping down to the level of the content of this post.
So I won't.

Merry Christmas, and I think I would like to spend Christmas with you, it could be interesting. I think people are less likely to be abusive to others in face to face meetings than on a message board.

just to assert, despite the evidence
I’m pleased that you have recognized that you are only making assertions about evidence rather than presenting the evidence itself.

there will always be an atheists in this world
Only so far as there is unsubstantiated theism.

....Not all believe in facts and truth...some only believe in what they want to believe....
This is the mark of the theist, that’s why theism can only be believed based on faith. If theism had any facts or truths then faith would be unnecessary.

Hell exist for a reason....And the bible is the word of God and the truth, and it did mention "They have ears but cant hear, have eyes but cant see.."
When truth is apparent then propaganda is never needed. It is always the mark of a desperate and lost argument when one side must resort to attacking, not the argument, but the people themselves. The bible does this consistently.

You dont think the bible is lying do you?
Well yes of course it is. Almost pure imaginative fantasy.
*Originally posted by Cris
Well yes of course it is. Almost pure imaginative fantasy.

Doesn't your nose bleed?

... the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood: so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife.
(Proverbs 30:33, KJV).

Even atheists generally admit the truth of the following...

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God....
(Psalms 14:1, KJV).

Because to claim categorically that there is no God, one would have to claim all knowledge AND that that knowledge doesn't include God.

As a side issue, one would also have to explain how the concept of God came to exist in the first place.
Only in my heart, Tony, only in my heart. I can rationally accept the possibility that God exists, however much my heart denies this.
The writer of that Psalm would label me as such. If to not believe in something that I've never seen evidence for, and which has never done me a bit of good, is foolish, than I proudly declare myself a fool.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
(Genesis 1:1, KJV).

My dear Xev, have you never seen the sky or the earth?
Originally posted by Adam
I have asked many times in many threads... Please show me the evidence. Forget your feeble sophistry, just bring on the evidence.

I agree.
*Originally posted by Xev
Earth and sky are the same thing, and yes, I've seen both.

There's your evidence.

There are some who claim that isn't evidence, but then the onus is on them to either redefine evidence, or explain how the existence of the entire universe isn't evidence of something.

One merely has to come up with some written evidence that predates Gen 1:1 to advance a counter-argument.

The claim that finding something written in a science textbook somehow invalidates Gen. 1:1 just doesn't wash.
Contrary to what most science texts claim, their contents are pure speculation and conjecture, i.e. theories.

---Abstract reasoning; speculation,
An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.

---A doctrine, or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice; hypothesis; speculation.---

*Earth and sky are the same thing, and yes, I've seen both. *

There's your evidence.
This is evidence only of the existence of the earth and sky.
Natural physical laws.

And before you ask "how did they get here?"... They have always been here. Just because you need to identify a beginning point does not mean one was necessary.
There are some who claim that isn't evidence, but then the onus is on them to either redefine evidence, or explain how the existence of the entire universe isn't evidence of something.

Evidence of what? Of God? Why should the existence of the universe be evidence of God?
*Originally posted by Adam
Natural physical laws.

What natural physical law leads to the existence of a universe where one didn't exist before?

*And before you ask "how did they get here?"... They have always been here. Just because you need to identify a beginning point does not mean one was necessary. *

Oh, a beginning is plenty necessary.
Even scientists are aware of the existence of a concept called "infinity" and another one called "entropy."

If the universe had always been here, then entropy increasing over an infinity of time would have already turned the universe into a homogeneous lump at a uniform temperature.

However, it sounds like you would like to redefine entropy, to mean something other than what it means.