Remember Pearl Harbor.

80th anniversary. Do people remember?
90 year old + people ?

caught with their pants down
a massively successful battle
which started a war that was un-winnable

however in the years after
both sides have become allies & critical trade partners
who now help define the construct of modern civility
It's not an anniversary that I mark on my calendar, nor was I around. I have been to the Pearl Harbor Memorial, I've read a book by a reporter that was there on that day and I rented and flew a small airplane around Oahu and got a sense of the terrain that they followed.

So, it is an event that sticks in my mind but I rarely know when the anniversary is.
Do people remember?
No. It's like the Alamo: people hear a slogan, are taught a date; understand the reference. It doesn't mean anything to them personally, and very, very few have taken the trouble to learn the why's and wherefore's, antecedents and sequelae of the event. It's just another one of those national monuments.
the response by fire bombing tokyo was a bit risky
launching bombers from carriers
brilliant idea

had the Japanese command not been divided
(Pearl Harbor attack)

A the attack would not have happened
B They would have launched an invasion directly afterward which would have been quite full on
it had a lot of luck go their way

the response to pearl habour was

On the night of 9/10 March 1945, the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) conducted a devastating firebombing raid on Tokyo, the Japanese capital city. This attack was code-named Operation Meetinghouse by the USAAF and is known as the Great Tokyo Air Raid in Japan.[1] Bombs dropped from 279 Boeing B-29 Superfortress heavy bombers burned out much of eastern Tokyo. More than 90,000 and possibly over 100,000 Japanese people were intentionally killed, mostly civilians, and one million were left homeless, making it the most destructive single air attack in human history. The Japanese air and civil defenses proved largely inadequate; 14 American aircraft and 96 airmen were lost.

devastating response
made its point
changed the coarse of supply issue
& bent the japanese will enough to start to undermine the support for their own troops
but they had limited contact to front line troops from home

nuclear bombing of japan ...
the next step
it got them to surrender
so its a win for both sides of those who survived

why the usa carried this civilian targeting into Vietnam & Korea i dont know
seems archaic & was clearly counter productive
usa was is own worst enemy by targeting civilians in Vietnam & Korean wars

i hope commemorations like pearl harbour are used to remind the modern civilized human why war is the most undesirable outcome of situations
all hat litigious nonsense is not helpful
trying to sue governments for damages
but that reality & morality still exists today & is constantly validated
modern society needs to move on to he next evolutionary step

but global rise in nationalism &
middle eastern/south american/african/south east asian

financial & political & religious refugees in the millions
bringing disease & crime & drugs & terrorism over borders
giving more strength & validation to increase nationalism

  • how many of those refugees support equal rights for women girls & LGBTQ+ ?
  • less than 5% ?
makes things considerably more difficult

look at Canada & their native Indian internment camps for children where they committed genocide
consciously purposefully & 100% aware
with an intended goal
& the canadians seem to be divided on a response
as if genocide is perfectly ok
but real & how modern people think

Soo in summery

i think all of these war commemorations are equally important
be it Hiroshima day
tea wars
WW2 battles
etc etc
the over riding goal is that good must prevail over all outcomes
& we must learn from it & adapt & become better than before
& to not forget those who have sacrificed EVERYTHING to make that happen
regardless of which side their ancestors were on

all should be respected
all should learn from these

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Yup, I remember ... I wasn't there, but I remember. Since, we've had several varying nationalities post up here in the states, many of whom have become long standing business owners and "pillars" of many of our communities, and as we inch forward and backwards as a nation, the rest of the world around us still functions complete with wars, war zones, civil uprisings, insurgencies/government takeovers, and we as Americans are still in the crosshairs of dissent by more than just a few of our neighbors.

So yeah, I remember and to be honest, I don't want to forget. It's less about Japan and moreso the possibility of it happening again with "boots on the ground" before hand fears. For me anyway. In the meantime, the first and second of our bill of rights are, or at least seem to be under attack.

Math was never my strong suit, but ... Connecting dots is still a fairly basic skill.