Remdial Education: Jack and the Mendelian Beanstalk

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it is my thread.
No, actually, it's not 'your' thread by an plausible definition.
You do not own the server the forum is housed in.
You are not the person the domain name is registered under.
You are not a moderator, super moderator, or adminstrator.
You did not make the opening post.

so, did you support your position yet in the light of the experiments?
I don't see a contradiction.

You claimed TOE explains it all. Are you retreating?
Quote me making this statement explicitly.
In 1988, John Cairns at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford, England, and a group of other scientists renewed the Lamarckian controversy (which by then had been a dead debate for many years).[18] The group took a mutated strain of E. coli that was unable to consume the sugar lactose and placed it in an environment where lactose was the only food source. They observed over time that mutations occurred within the colony at a rate that suggested the bacteria were overcoming their handicap by altering their own genes. Cairns, among others, dubbed the process adaptive mutation.

What I find particularly amusing about you making this comment is the very next paragraph:

If bacteria that had overcome their own inability to consume lactose passed on this "learned" trait to future generations, it could be argued as a form of Lamarckism; though Cairns later chose to distance himself from such a position

Adaptive Mutation in Escherichia coli
Rebuttal: Adaptive Mutation in Escherichia coli (Foster)

So I really don't know where you're coming from, or what you're driving at with this.

You're going to have to actually make some sort of statement rather than beating around the bushes.
OK, I do not want to talk anymore.

Good! Thread locked as a result of your pseudoscience and wilful ignorance.

Jack_ has had an ample chance to demonstrate his woo-woo ignorance; no more can be achieved by letting him continue with his evasion tactics. If this were to remain open for any longer I would be compelled to send it to the Pseudoscience forum. That would be a shame, however, as there’s some useful input from various other posters that nicely demonstrate his crackpotism and wilful ignorance. So I’ll leave it here as a reference.
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