Religious Tolerance?

I hope you realize just how limited the power of presidency is in Iran.

Of course it is limited, the guy is a puppet of the clerics. It's the radical clerics that are the power in iran and they control him. They are the ones who want to bring on the final confrontation with the infidels to provoke allah's intervention. Same with some of the so called "christians" who seek to accelerate the end times.

The fruit of their work will be terror upon their own people, But they are prepared to sacrifice a nation to bring about their delusions. What vanity to think you can force God to do this or do that like He is some kind of trained dog.

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Of course it is limited, the guy is a puppet of the clerics. It's the radical clerics that are the power in iran and they control him. They are the ones who want to bring on the final confrontation with the infidels to provoke allah's intervention. Same with some of the so called "christians" who seek to accelerate the end times.

The fruit of their work will be terror upon their own people, But they are prepared to sacrifice a nation to bring about their delusions. What vanity to think you can force God to do this or do that like He is some kind of trained dog.

Preaching Deleted

Cool. I was just wondering how some nobody on Sciforums would know the deepest, darkest secrets of the powerful Iranian clerics.

Do you eavesdrop on their meetings or something?
Of course Iran would be totally annihilated if it started such a war, But Iran is ruled by a man who believes he is on a special mission from allah therefore he believes that once a war is started that intervention by allah on the side of his true followers who are prepared to engage in jihad irrespective of the odds against them will bring about global victory for islam and the destruction of the infidels once and for all.

Of course allah is not the God of Abraham and will not be intervening. But the iranian leader does not believe this.

Of course he doesn't. He can't be persuaded to attend an Alpha course.

I saw an interview recently with the former iranian president who commented in the interview about the current situation. He said both iran and the usa had leaders who had risen above the earth, that they both believed they where on a mission from God. You should have seen the look of fear in his eyes when he said this. He said this made the current situation very dangerous. He is right of course.

You obviously enjoyed seeing the look of fear in his eyes. Was it anything like the look in frightened children's eyes when they are told about eternal damnation. What a relief it must be when they are told they can escape this fate if they do what the man holding the Bible tells them to.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Amen to that. There is a danger that we will forget how to recognize witches before we burn them for the good of their souls. Phelps will be able to add lots of faggots to get a good fire going.
Cool. I was just wondering how some nobody on Sciforums would know the deepest, darkest secrets of the powerful Iranian clerics.

Do you eavesdrop on their meetings or something?

No, we just listen to what he says:

IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Wednesday on Al-Adha Eid Day in Saudi Arabia philosophy of Haj can be defined merely through considering Islam's aim at establishment of a global government.

President Ahmadinejad who had attended the gathering of Iranian Haj pilgrims at the Supreme Leader's Mecca Headquarter focused in his address over the significance of major Haj rituals, the philosophy behind them, and their ultimate objectives.

He said, "If we would delete the ultimate objective of establishing a global system from the Haj rituals, the remainder would be deeds devoid of a soul."

Which he said just today. It isn't as if he is hiding his agenda.
No, we just listen to what he says:

Which he said just today. It isn't as if he is hiding his agenda.

And there was I thinking Christians wanted to run the world. Am I wrong or are they hiding their agenda ?
Iran recently voted to begin making nuclear weapons. The vote was successful, to vote yes the representitives stood up and said together "Death to America, death to Israel."
Is there a reference for this quote?

Secondly, I think of religous tolerance as having gained the insight as to be able to stand up and say: You know what? I might actually be wrong in my beleif and you might actually be right correct in yours, or, maybe we're both wrong.

Without having at least reached this lowest rung on the intellectual ladder - well, anything else is just bullshit,


PS: I'm not sure if you are talking about religous tolerance or the USA tolerating Iran making and testing weapons? If the USA is in the business of making WMD it's sort of difficult to point a finger at Iran and say shame on you.
"Iran recently voted to begin making nuclear weapons."

Nowhere in the article does it state the above. So you agree this statement is bullshit? You ARE paranoid, and you ARE ignorant.

Israel is as much a threat to Middle East stability as is Iran, and of course the BIGGEST threat is way over yonder, accross the Atlantic.

Don`t be so naive dude.
If the USA is in the business of making WMD it's sort of difficult to point a finger at Iran and say shame on you.

Well said.

American hypocracy at its finest.

Ironic indeed in that America is by far the #1 Arms dealer on the planet.

peace on earth....... is bad for business.
Of course Iran would be totally annihilated if it started such a war, But Iran is ruled by a man who believes he is on a special mission from allah therefore he believes that once a war is started that intervention by allah on the side of his true followers who are prepared to engage in jihad irrespective of the odds against them will bring about global victory for islam and the destruction of the infidels once and for all.

Of course allah is not the God of Abraham and will not be intervening. But the iranian leader does not believe this.

Of course he doesn't. He can't be persuaded to attend an Alpha course.

What does the Alpha course have to do with anything?

I saw an interview recently with the former iranian president who commented in the interview about the current situation. He said both iran and the usa had leaders who had risen above the earth, that they both believed they where on a mission from God. You should have seen the look of fear in his eyes when he said this. He said this made the current situation very dangerous. He is right of course.

You obviously enjoyed seeing the look of fear in his eyes.

Well no actually. I did not feel joy or sorrow or any strong emotion of any kind. I just nodded my head and thanked God for the confirmation.

Was it anything like the look in frightened children's eyes when they are told about eternal damnation. What a relief it must be when they are told they can escape this fate if they do what the man holding the Bible tells them to.

Well yes actually, but it was not a sustained look of fear, it was the same kind of fear but he quickly grabbed control of himself and returned to the normal plastic face that politicians around the world work hard to perfect.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Amen to that. There is a danger that we will forget how to recognize witches before we burn them for the good of their souls. Phelps will be able to add lots of faggots to get a good fire going.

What does you comment have to do with my call to Praise The Ancient Of Days?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No, we just listen to what he says:

Which he said just today. It isn't as if he is hiding his agenda.

And there was I thinking Christians wanted to run the world. Am I wrong or are they hiding their agenda ?

No Christians do not want to run the World. You are indeed wrong. Our agenda is to give the message of Jesus untill Jesus comes and runs the world. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days