Religious Tolerance?


Registered Senior Member
Just wondering what people's views are on tolerating religions that don't tolerate them.

I just have to ask this because I can't believe how tolerant people are of the Islamic faith.

Take for example:

Iran recently voted to begin making nuclear weapons. The vote was successful, to vote yes the representitives stood up and said together "Death to America, death to Israel."

Iran has recently been testing missiles launched from container ships, these missiles are designed to carry nuclear bombs.

When these nuclear missiles are launched and exploded at high altitude they create an EMP knocking out all electronics.

It is actually possible for Iran to get a container ship up into international waters next to America and launch one of these missiles into high altitude. It has been shown that the resulting EMP would effect 70% of America. This would throw America into total kaos. It has been predicted such an event would throw America back to the 19th century. Imagine America with no law enforcement, nothing but total anarchy. It would result in unimaginable amounts of death and destruction.

And it's all very possible.

Now why tolerate a religion which encourages its followers to kill you?
I lack tolerance for religions period. Nor do I think I should be expected to, particularly since the dominant religious superstition in my own nation thinks it needs to interject itself into government, science, politics, and every facet of public and secular life. The Christian superstition is not tolerant of me, so I'm not required to be tolerant of it.

Moreover, I feel its my duty and responsibility to criticize it and even ridicule religion (not the individuals, necessarily -though I make exception for nutjobs like Ted Haggard, Jerry Falwell, and Oral Roberts). From my perspective, belief in religious superstition is akin to belief that Elvis is still alive or that space aliens are abducting poor, defenseless rednecks in the woods just to probe them anally.

I could care less if that religion is Christianity or Islam -either one is about as bad as the other and I think that the only reason that Christianity isn't perceived to be as violent as Islam in the United States is that secular government and laws still have enough hold on religious zealotry and fanaticism that extremists remain in the minority and their extreme views as a minority opinion.

However, this is precisely the reason why I feel its important to counter religious superstition with reason, freethought and inquiry as well as very forthright criticism: to keep that extremist minority in the minority. The Fred Phelps, Pat Robertsons, and Tancredos of Christianity should not be permitted to gain an upper hand on secular government or public policy lest the United States become an actual theocracy instead of the defacto and laughed-at-by-the-rest-of-the-Western-world theocratic-leaning nation that it is.
Iran recently voted to begin making nuclear weapons. The vote was successful, to vote yes the representitives stood up and said together "Death to America, death to Israel."

Were they speaking English?

If not, they said "Margbar Amrika, Margbar Israel" or some such in Farsi.

Quite similar to the Murdabad used in India/Pakistan/Bangladesh

or the Al mout li used in Arabic speaking countries.

A very common slogan for anything from politicians to university presidents and not intended to be taken literally.

The rest of your post is paranoia, Iranians are not stupid to start a war they cannot finish.
Iran recently voted to begin making nuclear weapons. The vote was successful, to vote yes the representitives stood up and said together "Death to America, death to Israel."

What vote are you talking about? A popular vote? Can you post a reference?
Just wondering what people's views are on tolerating religions that don't tolerate them.

I just have to ask this because I can't believe how tolerant people are of the Islamic faith.

Take for example:

Iran recently voted to begin making nuclear weapons. The vote was successful, to vote yes the representitives stood up and said together "Death to America, death to Israel."

Iran has recently been testing missiles launched from container ships, these missiles are designed to carry nuclear bombs.

When these nuclear missiles are launched and exploded at high altitude they create an EMP knocking out all electronics.

It is actually possible for Iran to get a container ship up into international waters next to America and launch one of these missiles into high altitude. It has been shown that the resulting EMP would effect 70% of America. This would throw America into total kaos. It has been predicted such an event would throw America back to the 19th century. Imagine America with no law enforcement, nothing but total anarchy. It would result in unimaginable amounts of death and destruction.

And it's all very possible.

Now why tolerate a religion which encourages its followers to kill you?

its not clear how nuclear armament is intrinsically islamic
In fact you can even find criticism of iranian politics by muslims
seems you are talking more about political tolerance
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Were they speaking English?

If not, they said "Margbar Amrika, Margbar Israel" or some such in Farsi.

Quite similar to the Murdabad used in India/Pakistan/Bangladesh

or the Al mout li used in Arabic speaking countries.

A very common slogan for anything from politicians to university presidents and not intended to be taken literally.

The rest of your post is paranoia, Iranians are not stupid to start a war they cannot finish.

Of course Iran would be totally annihilated if it started such a war, But Iran is ruled by a man who believes he is on a special mission from allah therefore he believes that once a war is started that intervention by allah on the side of his true followers who are prepared to engage in jihad irrespective of the odds against them will bring about global victory for islam and the destruction of the infidels once and for all.

Of course allah is not the God of Abraham and will not be intervening. But the iranian leader does not believe this.

I saw an interview recently with the former iranian president who commented in the interview about the current situation. He said both iran and the usa had leaders who had risen above the earth, that they both believed they where on a mission from God. You should have seen the look of fear in his eyes when he said this. He said this made the current situation very dangerous. He is right of course.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well unless he is personally carrying the missile on his back and rowing out on his own, he is unlikely to do anything.
Of course Iran would be totally annihilated if it started such a war, But Iran is ruled by a man who believes he is on a special mission from allah therefore he believes that once a war is started that intervention by allah on the side of his true followers who are prepared to engage in jihad irrespective of the odds against them will bring about global victory for islam and the destruction of the infidels once and for all.
From what I've read, I'd say most analysts of the Middle East do not agree with you. They see Ahmadinejad as less of a fool than Bush. Admittedly that's a textbook example of damning with faint praise, but the point is that he is not a crackpot Islamic fundamentalist who has lost touch with the mortal world. He does not intend to be remembered by history as the man who brought about the annihilation of a nation with a 2500-year history, by pushing the Big Red Button while wearing a shirt saying "Kill 'Em All and Let Allah Sort 'Em Out." Religiously he's not much of an ayatollah, and politically he's not much of a despot.

Sure he might be able to deliver a few nuclear warheads to a few American cities a la "24," but that's just going to make us mad rather than knocking us out, and he's got no follow-up when all of NATO, fed up with the Muslim riots in France, the Muslim takeover of Amsterdam and the grandchildren of the Ottomans trick-or-treating at their back door, starts pulverizing his country. And as the only important Shiite nation on the planet, the other billion Sunni Muslims are going to think twice about springing to his aid.
Its funny that this discussion can take place without ANY evidence whatsoever that Iran has nuclear ambitions.

"Iran recently voted to begin making nuclear weapons."

Where does little chestnut come from? Quote the source please.
Of course Iran would be totally annihilated if it started such a war, But Iran is ruled by a man who believes he is on a special mission from allah therefore he believes that once a war is started that intervention by allah on the side of his true followers who are prepared to engage in jihad irrespective of the odds against them will bring about global victory for islam and the destruction of the infidels once and for all.

Of course allah is not the God of Abraham and will not be intervening. But the iranian leader does not believe this.

I saw an interview recently with the former iranian president who commented in the interview about the current situation. He said both iran and the usa had leaders who had risen above the earth, that they both believed they where on a mission from God. You should have seen the look of fear in his eyes when he said this. He said this made the current situation very dangerous. He is right of course.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I hope you realize just how limited the power of presidency is in Iran.
I hope you realize just how limited the power of presidency is in Iran.

I suppose one could say he is the sock puppet of the Ayatollah. But between the two of them they are in full control of Iran.

Given that he believes in the return of the Mahdi, the scenario where he creates war to cause the Mahdi to return seems like a plausible theory.

Alternatively he could be looking to control the entire Middle East leading to Shi'a domination.
I suppose one could say he is the sock puppet of the Ayatollah. But between the two of them they are in full control of Iran.

Given that he believes in the return of the Mahdi, the scenario where he creates war to cause the Mahdi to return seems like a plausible theory.

Alternatively he could be looking to control the entire Middle East leading to Shi'a domination.

Or maybe people pull these absurd theories about him out of their rear ends.
Its funny that this discussion can take place without ANY evidence whatsoever that Iran has nuclear ambitions.

"Iran recently voted to begin making nuclear weapons."

Where does little chestnut come from? Quote the source please.

"The hard-line Iranian Parliament unanimously approved a bill on Sunday supporting the resumption of uranium enrichment. The vote comes as talks with European countries over Iran's nuclear activities have so far failed to produce an agreement.

The measure was supported by all 247 lawmakers who were present in the 290-member body, with some chanting "Death to America" and "God is great." The session was carried live on the national radio."

This was only a few years ago. The article continues to say that Iran plans to use its nuclear capabilities in a peaceful way for energy. If you believe that after they were chanting "Death to America" then you are a fool.

The problem with Islam is it teaches that you can't lose. They believe if they die while trying to destroy America then they die for Allah and they go to heaven to be rewarded greatly. Muslim extremists don't care if they die. That's why there are suicide bombers because it doesn't matter to them, as long as they die while trying to kill you they are happy.

I think people underestimate the threat these Muslim extremists pose to America. A nuke exploded on the ground, sure it'll destroy a lot, but a nuke exploded in high altitude will cause an EMP that will wipe out 70% of America's electronics. How do you suppose America will wipe Iran out when they can't even use the car or the telephone? This is a huge threat. Which is why some predict that if the threat gets any worse there will be a pre-emptive strike on Iran by either America or Israel. Because if Iran wipes out America's defence then Israel won't stand a chance. So if America doesn't do something about Iran, chances are Israel will.

Am I Paranoid? No, just not ignorant. I'm not saying this will happen, I'm just saying it is very possible. And given that Iran is already testing missiles fired off of container ships which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons, I don't think it is a huge leap in imagination to think that they will start pointing them at America. Especially after they chanted "Death to America" while voting for uranium enrichment.
Just wondering what people's views are on tolerating religions that don't tolerate them.

I just have to ask this because I can't believe how tolerant people are of the Islamic faith.

Take for example:

Iran recently voted to begin making nuclear weapons. The vote was successful, to vote yes the representitives stood up and said together "Death to America, death to Israel."

Iran has recently been testing missiles launched from container ships, these missiles are designed to carry nuclear bombs.

When these nuclear missiles are launched and exploded at high altitude they create an EMP knocking out all electronics.

It is actually possible for Iran to get a container ship up into international waters next to America and launch one of these missiles into high altitude. It has been shown that the resulting EMP would effect 70% of America. This would throw America into total kaos. It has been predicted such an event would throw America back to the 19th century. Imagine America with no law enforcement, nothing but total anarchy. It would result in unimaginable amounts of death and destruction.

And it's all very possible.

Now why tolerate a religion which encourages its followers to kill you?

Absolutely nothing to do with Islam or religion.

Your post is just an attempt... a weak and laughable attempt to cause panic and stir up hatred.

Iran is no threat to the US. The US is a threat to Iran and every other nation in the Middle-East.
Ghost_007 I'm so glad that you said Iran is no threat with absolutely no evidence or any basis at all for that claim. I know I'm going to sleep easier now thanks to you!

I just feel so embarrased about my claim being based on actual News articles etc... which is a really weak and laughable basis for a claim??? Haha what does the New York Times know anyway, they usually just print childrens fictional stories don't they?

And of course Islamic people don't let Islam affect their decisions to go to war, that is just another one of my weak and laughable claims isn't it!
Now why tolerate a religion which encourages its followers to kill you?

Become atheists! That way no religion bothers you at all because you

don't believe in religion. You also don't provide any proof that what your

saying is a fact.
Ghost_007 I'm so glad that you said Iran is no threat with absolutely no evidence or any basis at all for that claim. I know I'm going to sleep easier now thanks to you!

The Americans are after the Iranians, that much is clear. They are squeezing them politically, economically and militarily. The Americans are right next door to Iran at the moment and threats are still coming.

And what’s this about losing sleep? Why should any American, in America be losing sleep over what Iran might do? What the hell can Iran do to America? Now it would be understandable for an Iranian to be losing sleep, the nation vying for their blood is right next-door, armed to the teeth waiting for the green light.

I just feel so embarrased about my claim being based on actual News articles etc... which is a really weak and laughable basis for a claim??? Haha what does the New York Times know anyway, they usually just print childrens fictional stories don't they?

* Yawn *

And of course Islamic people don't let Islam affect their decisions to go to war, that is just another one of my weak and laughable claims isn't it!

Yes, actually it is.

I think its laughable how all this talk is about Iran going to war. The US has invaded Afghanistan, the US has illegally invaded Iraq and turned that country completely upside down. The US is now openly threatening Iran, like a wild dog on a leash, and you're talking about Iran going to war.
Yeah America's war against Iraq is such a success, America has successfully squashed all rebel forces and its nothing but peaceful sailing in Iraq from now on.

Tell that to the families of soldiers who are getting killed every week in Iraq. If you think Muslims are running scared of American forces you are so full of sh*t that your eyes are turning brown.

"If we use our enemies' map, it is difficult not to conclude that we are losing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan."

"State boundaries mean nothing. Of course, it is not going very well on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan either. But in this war, events in those places are in effect merely tactical. The strategic centers of gravity are in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Egypt. Al-Qaeda, I think, understands this. Washington does not. That fact alone suggests we have only seen the opening moves in what promises to be a very long war."
"According to the 2007 Failed States Index, produced by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace's Foreign Policy magazine and the Fund for Peace, Iraq has recently emerged as the world's second most unstable country,[2] after Sudan."