Religious Tolerance: I was wondering....

It seems like India with all the different beliefs would by chance maybe have something? Would Muslims and Hindu be open to such an idea? A Mosque combined with a Temple?

Could be pretty popular?

Muslims hate the following things which are commonplace in Hindu temples: statues, singing, women and men mixing. Probably other things.
This could be a problem.

Hindu/Sikh,Buddhist, et cetera
I think the objections here would come from the minority Indian faiths who would be scared of the erosion of their claim to have traditions separate from the large multiplicity covered by the term "Hindu". somewhat of an Identity issue.

In fact some missionaries have tried to blend these elements as a way of assisting the conversion of Hindus to Christianity. This is obviously the opposite of what you were suggesting and natural suspicion of Christian motives would I think stop anything approaching what you suggest from developing.

Also there would be caste issues, but I mention them last because I don't think they would have as much impact as the other issues.
Are there Churches that contain within them small Mosques (or at least places specifically for Muslims to worship Allah)? What about Mosques - have you ever seen one with a place for Jews (kinds like a mini-Synagogues, or even just a small room)? Have you ever seen a Church or Mosque or Synagogues with small areas set aside for the worshiping of people that are not monotheist?

I mean, these religions all SAY they are tolerant of other people's belief - then why not provide these areas? Either you truly are tolerant or you are not. You should not be fussed in any way at all with someone praying to Shiva while you pray to YWHA all in the same room.

Anyone ever see something like what I am talking about?
Nor have I heard of men's urinals being placed in female toilets or child day care centre's being located in CEO forum rooms ...... not that I am really pushing for a radically homogenized society as a means to establish tolerance (namely because it dissolves variety, which, funnily enough, seems to serve a very practical need in everyday life)

Nor have I heard of men's urinals being placed in female toilets or child day care centre's being located in CEO forum rooms ...... not that I am really pushing for a radically homogenized society as a means to establish tolerance (namely because it dissolves variety, which, funnily enough, seems to serve a very practical need in everyday life)

Don't worry LG..... There's always an airport for you guys.
Nor have I heard of men's urinals being placed in female toilets or
Gee LG, I've heard Blacks now want to sit with Whites... oh my, what is the world coming to? If we don't stomp this out next thing you know they'll be marrying an homogenizing the races!!

Gee LG, I've heard Blacks now want to sit with Whites... oh my, what is the world coming to? If we don't stomp this out next thing you know they'll be marrying an homogenizing the races!!

I guess its only when we start to see mens urinals in the ladies toilets and ceo forum rooms being doubled up as child care facilities that its time to worry about a radical element of homogeneity that threatens to render life completely impractical ......

First time I saw this:

Rich New York socialite CEO meets whacked out religious street corner cookie peddler for platonic love fest. I'll believe in Krishna before I believe that one.

Megan is hot, the proud owner of a really nice set. Like a good Hare Krishna, I could have mental sex with her all night long, 365 nights a year.