Religious Tolerance: I was wondering....


Valued Senior Member
Are there Churches that contain within them small Mosques (or at least places specifically for Muslims to worship Allah)? What about Mosques - have you ever seen one with a place for Jews (kinds like a mini-Synagogues, or even just a small room)? Have you ever seen a Church or Mosque or Synagogues with small areas set aside for the worshiping of people that are not monotheist?

I mean, these religions all SAY they are tolerant of other people's belief - then why not provide these areas? Either you truly are tolerant or you are not. You should not be fussed in any way at all with someone praying to Shiva while you pray to YWHA all in the same room.

Anyone ever see something like what I am talking about?
Its a good idea. Although I don't recall any temple/mosques together, many of our dargas [graves of Muslim saints] in India are visited by all people.

We also have some dual religion saints like Kabir and Sai Baba, who were Muslims/followed Islam but are Hindu saints.

e.g. Haji Ali

perhaps a govt mandate. kinda like handicap access laws in public spaces

in order to satisfy the criteria for a tax exempt status, the place of worship has to be accessible to people of all faiths and the respective ritual trappings be incorporated into the structure

what do you know....

This is yet another try to unify the people of different religions under one roof. Now in Russia, in Kazan city, the capital of Republic of Tatarstan, member of Russian Federation. It was build by a Russian architect and healer who according to his words once had a dream of Christ telling him to build this one.
It unifies 16 different religions: different branches of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and some more.

there is also this......."all denominations welcome"
not quite what the op had in mind but similar in spirit i think
i used to be a neighbor to one of these....

Unitarian Universalism (UUism) is a theologically liberal religion characterized by its support for a "free and responsible search for truth and meaning." Unitarian Universalists do not share a creed; rather, they are unified by their shared search for spiritual growth. Unitarian Universalists draw on many different theological sources and have a wide range of beliefs and practices.

Both Unitarianism and Universalism trace their origins to Christian Protestantism and thus Unitarian Universalism has its historical roots in the Christian faith. But by the time they decided to combine their efforts at the continental level, the theological significance of these terms had expanded beyond the traditional Christian understanding. Today’s UUs appreciate and value aspects of other religions ranging from Judaism to Buddhism. Although Unitarian Universalist congregations and fellowships tend to retain some Christian traditions, such as Sunday worship with a sermon and the singing of hymns, they do not necessarily identify themselves as Christians, nor do they necessarily subscribe to Christian beliefs. The extent to which the elements of any particular faith tradition are incorporated into one's personal spiritual practices is a matter of personal choice in keeping with Unitarian Universalism's creedless, non-dogmatic approach to spirituality and faith development.

michael you more see this sort of thing at instutions like universites, hospitals, army bases and scout jambees where you might only have one minster who has to minster to a whole variaty of different organisations. Otherwise where would the point be? i mean the scouts and guides are closly alined but they have there own buildings. You going to try to run a good friday service in a catholic church at the same time as a jewish passover? that would make no sense
generic prayers..

We worship you, o god or gods,
Whoever you may be.
We realise that you operate
We thank you for the birds and bees,
For creatures live or dead.
But if you actually don't exist,
Then ignore what we've just said.

From arrogance, pompousness, and from thinking ourselves more important than we are, may some saving sense of humor liberate us.
For allowing ourselves to ridicule the faith of others, may we be forgiven.
From making war and calling it peace, special privilege and calling it justice, indifference and calling it tolerance, pollution and calling it progress, may we be cured.
For telling ourselves and others that evil is inevitable while good is impossible, may we stand corrected.
God of our mixed up, tragic, aspiring, doubting, and insurgent lives, help us to be as good as in our hearts we have always wanted to be.
generic prayers..

We worship you, o god or gods,
Whoever you may be.
We realise that you operate
We thank you for the birds and bees,
For creatures live or dead.
But if you actually don't exist,
Then ignore what we've just said.

From arrogance, pompousness, and from thinking ourselves more important than we are, may some saving sense of humor liberate us.
For allowing ourselves to ridicule the faith of others, may we be forgiven.
From making war and calling it peace, special privilege and calling it justice, indifference and calling it tolerance, pollution and calling it progress, may we be cured.
For telling ourselves and others that evil is inevitable while good is impossible, may we stand corrected.
God of our mixed up, tragic, aspiring, doubting, and insurgent lives, help us to be as good as in our hearts we have always wanted to be.

I love it! where is this written?
From a belief aspect it would be sacrilegious to pray to or worship a different God.
generic prayers..

We worship you, o god or gods,
Whoever you may be.
We realise that you operate
We thank you for the birds and bees,
For creatures live or dead.
But if you actually don't exist,
Then ignore what we've just said.

From arrogance, pompousness, and from thinking ourselves more important than we are, may some saving sense of humor liberate us.
For allowing ourselves to ridicule the faith of others, may we be forgiven.
From making war and calling it peace, special privilege and calling it justice, indifference and calling it tolerance, pollution and calling it progress, may we be cured.
For telling ourselves and others that evil is inevitable while good is impossible, may we stand corrected.
God of our mixed up, tragic, aspiring, doubting, and insurgent lives, help us to be as good as in our hearts we have always wanted to be.

Very nice. Reminds me of my "Darwinist Get-Well Card".
Its a good idea. Although I don't recall any temple/mosques together, many of our dargas [graves of Muslim saints] in India are visited by all people.
It seems like India with all the different beliefs would by chance maybe have something? Would Muslims and Hindu be open to such an idea? A Mosque combined with a Temple?

Could be pretty popular?
鎮守社 pronounced ちんじゅしゃ are Shinto shrines built within Buddhist temples and are dedicated to the deity of the local area.



It's also common for large Shinto Shrines to build Buddhist prayer areas (I suppose back when they had visiting monks?).

The thing about Shinto and Buddhism in Japan is they both occupy different roles in the life of a typical Japanese. Shinto perform weddings and blessings at birth for example. Only a die-hard "religious" Buddhist would have a Buddhist wedding. Buddhist perform funeral rites.

Anyway, that's something I found interesting.
It seems like India with all the different beliefs would by chance maybe have something? Would Muslims and Hindu be open to such an idea? A Mosque combined with a Temple?

Could be pretty popular?

Doubt it, for all our tolerance, we are segregated in our cultural outlook
Doubt it, for all our tolerance, we are segregated in our cultural outlook
OK, but what about Hindu Temples hosting Buddhist Temples? I mean, they are both "Indian". Or vica versa: Buddhist Temples hosting Hindu Shrines/Temples?

Sure there is something like this somewhere in India?

that is still just some time sharing crap
the topic has got a bit more depth to it now...


City Councils May Sponsor Generic Prayer, Appeals Court Rules.

Texas lawmakers wrangle over content of legislative prayers.

ok look at it like a buiness, would you let your compeaditors share your buildings?:p

Actually i used to go to a duel purpose church when i was little, it was also the hall for the primary school i went to (a catholic primary school). The only exclusive church buildings were the residence for the priest (ie his house) and the chappel off the hall (used for very small services, to house the tabanacal and could be opened up into the main church during normal services)
It is just human that every religious group tries to promote its won religion . Every religion sees itself as the only truth and therefore it is illogical to promote or mix other religions . How can someone worshipping one God will glorify a religion that teaches multiple Gods ?. It is neither practical nor hopeful unless religion becomes a discotheque where all people dance together with no distinction to beliefs .....:shrug: .